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QtWidget Package Reference Manual

Package qtwidget provides convenient way to make drawings and capture user events. In particular, class QtLuaPainter gives the ability to draw simple graphics using well known postscript-like operators. Graphic output can be sent to an arbitrary widget, to a PS or PDF file, or to a printer. Class QtLuaListener gives the ability to listen to events on arbitrary widgets

For instance, the convenient function qtwidget.newwindow creates a main window and returns its descriptor.

require 'qtwidget'
w=qtwidget.newwindow(400,300,"Some QWidget")

Drawing is easily achieved using Postscript-like operators.

w:moveto(0,0); w:curveto(0,300,400,0,400,300); w:closepath()
w:setcolor("red"); w:fill(false)
w:setcolor("blue"); w:setlinewidth(5); w:stroke()

Text output is of course supported using show.

w:show("The Quick Brown Fox...")

Alpha-transparency works as well.


Finally you can capture Qt events using the qt.connect function on the predefined qt.QtLuaListener object,

    function(...) print("MousePress",...) end );

and you can erase everything with


High Level Interface

The following convenience functions provide simple ways to perform graphic display whose output is directed to a window on the screen, to an image in memory, to a PostScript file, to a PDF file, or to a printer. Each of these functions return a Lua table that defines a number of useful fields and methods. In particular, all the painting functions defined by class qt.QtLuaPainter can be called directly using the Lua method syntax on these tables.


Expression qtwidget.newwindow(w,h,title) creates a toplevel widget of class qt.QWidget and a qt.QtLuaPainter object operating on that widget.
Numerical arguments w and h specify the size of the widget. String argument title specifies a window title. The expression returns a Lua table that serves as a drawing port descriptor.


Function qtwidget.newimage creates an image in memory that can be the target of drawing operations. This function returns a Lua table that serves as a drawing port descriptor.

There are several ways to specify its arguments:


Creates an image of width w and height h. When the optional argument monoflag is true, a bitonal image is created. Otherwise the image can contain arbitrary RGBA colors.


Creates an image by loading the contents of file filename. The file format is defined by the optional string argument format or derived from the file name extension.


Creates an image by extracting the contents of the specified torch.Tensor. The valid tensor formats are described in the documentation for function qt.QImage.fromTensor. This only works when both packages torch and qttorch have been loaded.


Expression qtwidget.newps(w,h,filename) returns a Lua table that serves as a drawing port descriptor. Drawing operations will be output into the PostScript file filename. Arguments w and h represent the initial size of the coordinate system.

The output file contains incomplete data until you delete the painter object or call method close.


Expression qtwidget.newpdf(w,h,filename) returns a Lua table that serves as a drawing port descriptor. Drawing operations will be output into the PDF file filename. Arguments w and h represent the initial size of the coordinate system.

The output file contains invalid data until you delete the painter object or call method close.


Expression qtwidget.newsvg(w,h,filename) returns a Lua table that serves as a drawing port descriptor. The optional argument filename contains the name of the destination file for the SVG data. Arguments w and h represent the initial size of the coordinate system.

The output contains invalid data until you delete the painter object or call method close. When argument filename is not specified, the SVG data is written into an internal memory buffer accessible using expression desc.svg:data().


Expression qtwidget.newprint(w,h,printername) returns a Lua table that serves as a drawing port descriptor. Drawing operations will be output to printer printername. When argument printername is omitted, this function pops a print dialog that allows the user to choose a printer and specify its settings. Arguments w and h represent the initial size of the coordinate system.

Painting Functions.

All the painting functions defined by class qt.QtLuaPainter can be called directly using the Lua method syntax on the table returned by the functions qtwidget.newwindow, qtwidget.newimage, qtwidget.newps, qtwidget.newpdf, qtwidget.newsvg, and qtwidget.newprint.

These calls are simply forwarded to the underlying qt.QtLuaPainter object.

Other Functions and Fields.

The following fields and functions are defined on the descriptor tables returned by the functions qtwidget.newwindow, qtwidget.newimage, qtwidget.newps, qtwidget.newpdf, and qtwidget.newprint.


Field desc.port contains the qt.QtLuaPainter object that is used to perform the drawings.


Field desc.widget contains the qt.QWidget object that underlies drawing port descriptors created with qtwidget.newwindow.


Field desc.widget contains a qt.QtLuaListener object. that can be used to capture events on the widget created by qtwidget.newwindow.


Field desc.printer contains the qt.QtLuaPrinter object that underlies drawing port descriptors created with qtwidget.newps, qtwidget.newpdf, or qtwidget.newprint.


Field desc.svg contains the qt.QtLuaSvgGenerator object associated with drawing ports created with qtwidget.newsvg.


Field desc.width contains the width of the drawing surface.


Field desc.height contains the height of the drawing surface.


Function desc:close() closes the qt.QtLuaPainter. In the case of a drawing port descriptor returned by function qtwidget.newwindow, this function also closes the qt.QWidget and the windows disappears from the screen.


Function desc:resize(w,h) is only available for drawing port descriptor returned by function qtwidget.newwindow. It resizes the underlying widget.


Function desc:onResize(f) is only available for drawing port descriptor returned by function qtwidget.newwindow. It ensures that function f(w,h) gets called whenever the widget size changes. The function argument indicate the new widget size. Each call of desc:onResize replaces the previous callback function by f. Calling it with argument nil removes the current callback.


Expression desc:valid() returns false if the underlying drawing target is no longer valid, for instance because the window has been closed. Otherwise it returns true.



Class QtLuaListener emits signals when its parent receives event messages. This is convenient because the Lua program can define event handling functions using the signal connection function qt.connect.


Expression qt.QtLuaListener(qwidget) returns a new QtLuaListener object that relays the event messages received by widget qwidget. This object is a child of qwidget.

[QtLuaListener signal] sigClose()

Signal sigClose is emitted when the underlying widget receives a QCloseEvent.

[QtLuaListener signal] sigResize(int,int)

Signal sigResize is emitted whenever the underlying widget receives a QResizeEvent because it has changed size. The two arguments are the new widget size.

[QtLuaListener signal] sigKeyPress(QString,QByteArray,QByteArray)

Signal sigKeyPress is emitted whenever the underlying widget receives a QKeyEvent of type QEvent::KeyPress because a key was pressed on the keyboard. The first argument is a string representing the text associated with the key. The second argument is the key name. The third argument is a string containing the keyboard modifier names separated by a vertical bar.

[QtLuaListener signal] sigKeyRelease(QString,QByteArray,QByteArray)

Signal sigKeyRelease is emitted whenever the underlying widget receives a QKeyEvent of type QEvent::KeyRelease because a key was released on the keyboard. The first argument is a string representing the text associated with the key. The second argument is the key name. The third argument is a string containing the keyboard modifier names separated by a vertical bar.

[QtLuaListener signal] sigMousePress(int,int,QByteArray,QByteArray,QByteArray)

Signal sigMousePress is emitted whenever the underlying widget receives a QMouseEvent of type QEvent::MouseButtonPress because a mouse button was pressed. The first two arguments are the pixel coordinates of the mouse pointer when the button was clicked The third argument is a string containing the button name. The fourth argument is a string containing the keyboard modifier names separated by a vertical bar.
The fifth argument is a string containing the names of all depressed buttons separated by a vertical bar.

[QtLuaListener signal] sigMouseRelease(int,int,QByteArray,QByteArray,QByteArray)

Signal sigMouseRelease is emitted whenever the underlying widget receives a QMouseEvent of type QEvent::MouseButtonRelease because a mouse button was released. The first two arguments are the pixel coordinates of the mouse pointer when the button was released The third argument is a string containing the button name. The fourth argument is a string containing the keyboard modifier names separated by a vertical bar.
The fifth argument is a string containing the names of all depressed buttons separated by a vertical bar.

[QtLuaListener signal] sigMouseDoubleClick(int,int,QByteArray,QByteArray,QByteArray)

Signal sigMouseRelease is emitted whenever the underlying widget receives a QMouseEvent of type QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick because a mouse button was double-clicked. The first two arguments are the pixel coordinates of the mouse pointer when the button was clicked The third argument is a string containing the button name. The fourth argument is a string containing the keyboard modifier names separated by a vertical bar.
The fifth argument is a string containing the names of all depressed buttons separated by a vertical bar.

[QtLuaListener signal] sigMouseMove(int,int,QByteArray,QByteArray)

Signal sigMouseRelease is emitted whenever the underlying widget receives a QMouseEvent of type QEvent::MouseMove because the mouse was moved. Such events occur only when a mouse button is pressed down, unless the widget property mouseTracking has been set to true. The first two arguments are the pixel coordinates of the mouse pointer when the button was released The third argument is a string containing the keyboard modifier names separated by a vertical bar.
The fourth argument is a string containing the names of all depressed buttons separated by a vertical bar.

[QtLuaListener signal] sigEnter(bool)

Signal sigEnter is emitted whenever the underlying widget receives an event of type QEvent::Enter or QEvent::Leave. The boolean argument indicates whether the mouse pointer has just entered or left the widget area.

[QtLuaListener signal] sigFocus(bool)

Signal sigEnter is emitted whenever the underlying widget receives a QFocusEvent. The boolean argument indicates whether the widget has just gained or just lost the keyboard focus.

[QtLuaListener signal] sigShow(bool)

Signal sigEnter is emitted whenever the underlying widget receives a QShowEvent or a a QHideEvent. The boolean argument indicates whether the widget has just been shown or just been hidden.

[QtLuaListener signal] sigPaint()

Signal sigEnter is emitted whenever the underlying widget receives a QPaintEvent.


Painting in Qt is usually achieved using class QPainter. Since this class is neither a subclass of QObject nor a value class suitable for storing into a Qt variant, the QtLua class QtLuaPainter defines a Qt object that exposes the painting capabilities of Qt in a more flexible way.

Instances of class QtLuaPainter can target:

Class QtLuaPainter provides an automatic buffering capability when it targets a widget. Drawing functions paint onto an offline image. The class logic ensures that the widget is automatically refreshed or updated when appropriate.

Despite these differences, the Qt documentation for the Qt paint system contains lots of useful information. In particular, the documentation for class QPainter accurately describes how the painter settings affects drawing operations.


Function qt.QtLuaPainter constructs a new QtLuaPainter instance.


Constructs a painter instance that targets an offscreen image. The image is initialized with a copy of the qt.QImage passed as argument. Painting operations do not modify the image passed as argument. Instead a copy of the current image can be accessed using expression painter:image().

qt.QtLuaPainter(filename, [format])

Constructs a painter instance that targets an offscreen image initialized by reading the image file filename.
The file format is determined by the optional string format or by the file name extension. Use expression painter.image() to obtain a copy of the offscreen image.


Constructs a painter instance that targets an offscreen image of width w and height h. The image is bitonal when the optional boolean flag monoflag is true. Otherwise the image is a 32 bits RGBA image. Use expression painter.image() to obtain a copy of the offscreen image.


Constructs a painter instance that targets a device-dependent pixmap in memory. The pixmap is initialized with a copy of the qt.QPixmap passed as argument. Use expression painter:pixmap(). to obtain a copy of the target pixmap. Since Qt only supports painting a device-dependent QPixmap from the main thread, one must use qt.pcall to ensure that painting operations are performed from the main thread. Otherwise Qt prints a lot of warnings and behaves erratically.


Constructs a painter instance that targets the specified qt.QWidget. The resulting painter is a child of qwidget. The optional boolean argument buffered indicates whether drawing should be performed in a offscreen buffer or directly on the widget surface. The default is to create a buffered painter.

A buffered painter always draws onto an offscreen image and ensures that the widget surface is automatically refreshed or updated when needed. Since the painting functions target a qt.QImage, they can be called from any thread at any time.
This is the recommended mode of operation.

An unbuffered painter directly draws onto the widget surface. Unfortunately Qt4 only supports painting a widget from the paint event handler QObject::paintEvent. While this is happening in the main thread, the Lua interpreter might be unavailable for painting because the Lua thread is busy running another program. Unbuffered widget painters are therefore difficult to use for painting; they are mostly useful for grabbing the on-screen representation of a widget using function painter.image().


Constructs a painter instance that target the output device represented by the instance object of a suitable Qt object class. The class must implement an invokable method device() that returns a pointer of type =QPaintDevice*=.
The class can also define an invokable method printer() that returns a pointer of type QPrinter*= and a signal =closing(QObject*) that indicates that the object is being destroyed. Class qt.QtLuaPrinter does all this.

QtLuaPainter Properties


This property contains a string defining how arguments representing angles are interpreted in painter functions such as painter:rotate(angle). The acceptable values are the strings "Degrees" and "Radians". The default unit is the degree.


This property contains the qt.QBrush used to draw the spaces in stippled lines, the text background, and the zero color of bitonal images. The default background brush is an empty brush meaning that these pixels are not painted at all.


Property painter.brush contains a Qt variant of class qt.QBrush representing the painter settings that determine how function painter:fill fills shapes and how function painter:show draws text.


Property painter.clippath contient a Qt variant of class qt.QPainterPath representing the boundary of the current clipping region. Drawing operations only modify pixels located within the clip region. An empty path means that no clipping is performed.


The composition mode defines how new drawings are merged with previous drawings in the image. Composition modes are representing as a string containing the name of the composition mode without the prefix QPainter::. The default composition mode is "SourceOver".

Not all devices support complex alpha-blending composition modes. In particular printers often support only the default composition mode. When a composition mode is not supported, the Qt library prints a warning.


Expression painter.depth returns the color depth of the target surface for drawings. A depth of 1 indicates a bitonal surface.
A depth of 24 or 32 indicates a true color surface.


Property painter.font contient a Qt variant of class qt.QFont representing the font settings used for drawing text.


Expression painter.height returns the height of the drawing surface expressed in pixels. The returned value is not affected by the current transformation matrix. It corresponds to the default coordinate system set by painter:initmatrix.


Property painter.font contient a Qt variant of class qt.QTransform representing how coordinates passed to the path construction functions are transformed into device depending coordinates.


Property painter.path contient a Qt variant of class qt.QPainterPath representing the current path. A path is a mathematical boundary delimiting regions in the plane. The current path is used implicitely by functions painter:fill and painter:stroke. The current path is modified by a rich collection of path defining functions.


Property painter.pen contains a Qt variant of class qt.QPen representing the painter settings that determine how function painter:stroke draws shapes.


Property painter.point contient a Qt variant of class qt.QPointF representing the coordinates of the current point. These coordinates are used and updated implicitely by the majority of the path construction functions.


Rendering hints are flags controlling the quality of the drawing operations. They are represented by a string containing the concatenation of the names of the active rendering flags (without the prefix QPainter::) separated with a vertical bar "|" symbolizing a boolean or operator.


This property contains a string containing a CSS style sheet that is used when drawing rich text with function show.


Expression painter.width returns the width of the drawing surface expressed in pixels. The returned value is not affected by the current transformation matrix. It corresponds to the default coordinate system set by painter:initmatrix.

QtLuaPainter Functions

Class QtLuaPainter provides a broad array of painting functions that closely resemble the well-known PostScript operators. Additional functions provide capabilities that are unique to the Qt platform.


Expression painter:arc(x,y,r,angle1,angle2) appends an arc of a circle to the current path. The arc is centered at coordinates (x,y) with radius r and extends from angle angle1 to angle angle2 in the trigonometric direction.

If there is a current point, a line segment joins the current point to the first endpoint of the arc. The second endpoint becomes the new current point.

Angles can be expressed in degrees or radians according to the current angle unit. The default angle unit is the degree.

See also: PostScript operator arc.


Expression painter:arcn(x,y,r,angle1,angle2) appends an arc of a circle to the current path. The arc is centered at coordinates (x,y) with radius r and extends from angle angle1 to angle angle2 in the inverse trigonometric direction.

If there is a current point, a line segment joins the current point to the first endpoint of the arc. The second endpoint becomes the new current point.

Angles can be expressed in degrees or radians according to the current angle unit. The default angle unit is the degree.

See also: PostScript operator arcn.


Expression painter:arcto(x1,y1,x2,y2,r) appends an arc of a circle to the current path defined by the radius r and two tangent lines extending from the current point (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) and from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).

When the current point is set, a line segment joins the current point to the first endpoint of the arc. The second endpoint becomes the new current point.

See also: PostScript operators arct and arcto.


Expression painter:charpath(string) computes the path for the glyph outlines that would result if string string was displayed using painter:show(string). This path is appended to the current path and is therefore suitable for functions painter:stroke or painter:fill.

After calling this function, the current point is left unset.

See also: PostScript operators charpath.


Function painter:clip intersects the current clip region with the region described by the current path, that is the region that would be painted by qtpainter.fill. This intersection becomes the new clip region.

The optional boolean optnewpath specifies whether this function resets the current path using painter:newpath(). The default is to leave the current path unchanged. The interior of the current path is determined using the winding rule. See function painter:eoclip for an alternative.

This function cannot enlarge the clipping path. The recommended approach is to call painter:gsave() before reducing the clip region and painter:grestore() to restore the initial clip region.

See also: PostScript operator clip.


Expression painter:close() detaches the QtLuaPainter object from the underlying widget. After doing this, you cannot draw anything. Painters operating on a widget or a printer should be closed before the underlying widget or printer is destroyed.


Expression painter:closepath() closes the current subpath by appending a straight line segment connecting the current point to the subpath to its starting point. This function does nothing if the current subpath is already closed.

Using function painter:closepath is better than specifying the line segment using painter:lineto because it will ensure that the line segments are joined using the current pen capStyle and joinStyle attributes.

After calling this function, the current point is left unset.

See also: PostScript operator closepath.


Expression painter:concat(qtransform) replaces the current transformation matrix by the product of the current matrix by the QTransform object qtransform.

It is much easier to use functions painter:translate, painter:scale, or painter:rotate.

See also: PostScript operator concat.


Expression painter:currentangleunit() returns the current angle unit for angles in functions such as painter:rotate. Possible values are strings "Degrees" and "Radians". The default angle unit are degrees.


Expression painter:currentbackground() returns a qt.QBrush representing the current background brush used for displaying the backgrounds when painting dashed line, text, or bitonal images. The default is an empty brush.


Expression painter:currentbrush() returns a qt.QBrush representing the current brush used for filling path with painter:fill(). The default is an empty brush.


Expression painter:currentclip() returns a QPainterPath representing the current clip region.


Expression painter:currentcolor() returns four numbers representing the red, green, blue, and alpha components of the color of the current brush. This numbers range from zero to one.


Expression painter:currentdash() returns the dash pattern and the dash offset of the current pen.


Expression painter:currentfont() returns a QFont describing the current font for drawing text.


Expression painter:currentfontsize() returns the size in points of the current font.


Expression painter:currenthints() returns the current rendering hints controlling the quality of the drawings.


Expression painter:currentlinewidth() returns the line width associated with the current pen.


Expression painter:currentmatrix() returns a Qt variant of class qt.QTransform representing the current transformation matrix.


Expression painter:currentmode() returns a string representing the current composition mode.


Expression painter:currentpath() returns a Qt variant of class qt.QPainterPath representing the current path.


Expression painter:currentpath() returns a Qt variant of class qt.QPen representing the current pen.


Expression painter:currentpoint() returns two numbers representing the coordinates of the current point.


Expression painter:currentsize() returns two numbers representing the width and height of the drawing are expressed in pixels. The returned values are not affected by the current transformation matrix. They correspond to the default coordinate system sets by painter:initmatrix.


Expression painter:currentstylesheet() returns the the current style sheet used by function show for displaying rich text.


Expression painter:curveto(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) appends a section of a cubic Bezier curve to the current path. The curve starts on the current point and ends in point (x3,y3) using (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) as the Bezier control points. The endpoint (x3,y3) then becomes the new current point.

The behavior of this function is undefined when the current point is not set

See also: PostScript operator curveto.


Expression painter:device() returns a pointer to the Qt paint device underlying the painter. Since the Qt class QPaintDevice is neither a Qt variant not a Qt object, this pointer is represented by a Qt variant of type =QPaintDevice*=. This is not very useful in Lua.


Function painter:eoclip is similar to function painter:clip. However the interior of the current path is interpreted using the odd-even rule instead of the winding rule.


Function painter:eofill is similar to function painter:fill. However the interior of the current path is determined using the odd-even rule instead of the winding rule.

See also: PostScript operator eofill.


Function painter:fill fills the interior of the current path using the current brush.

The optional boolean optnewpath specifies whether this function resets the current path using painter:newpath(). The default is to reset the current path. The interior of the current path is determined using the winding rule. See function painter:eofill for an alternative.

See also: PostScript operator fill.


Functions painter:gbegin and painter:gend can be used to bracket code segments that perform drawings that are meaningful as a whole. The actual display is usually postponed until the last call to painter:gend. This is useful for implementing smooth transitions between successive drawings.


Functions painter:gbegin and painter:gend can be used to bracket code segments that perform drawings that are meaningful as a whole. The actual display is usually postponed until the last call to painter:gend. This is useful for implementing smooth transitions between successive drawings.

When the target device is a buffered widget, setting flag invalidate to true ensures that the whole widget will be refreshed. This is useful after drawing directly into the underlying QPainter object without using the QtLuaPainter functions.


Expression painter:grestore() restores the painter settings previously saved by a matching expression painter:gsave().

Functions painter:gsave and painter:restore should be used to bracket code segments that perform some rendering in order to ensure that the painter settings remain unchanged.


Expression painter:gsave() records the painter settings and pushes this information on top of a stack of painter settings. Subsequent calls to painter:grestore() can be used to restore the saved settings.

Functions painter:gsave and painter:restore should be used to bracket code segments that perform some rendering in order to ensure that the painter settings remain unchanged.


Expression painter:image() returns a Qt variant of class qt.QImage representing the drawing surface.

When the underlying surface is a widget without backing store, this function grabs the widget image from the display. When the painter operates on a device that cannot be represented as an image, for instance a printer, this function returns an empty image for which method tobool returns false.

Note that this function must be invoked without arguments. Otherwise see the documentation for painter:image(...).


Function painter:image paints a segment of image image at position (x,y) in the current coordinate systems with with w and height h. The source segment is defined by the rectangle of size (sw,sh) starting on point (sx,sy).

The default source width sw and height sh are the width and height of the source image. The default source origin (sx,sy) is the origin (0,0). The default target width w and height h are the source width sw and height sh.

Argument image can be a Qt variant of class qt.QImage or qt.QPixmap or a Qt object of class qt.QtLuaPainter. In the latter case, the function painter:image() without arguments is used to obtain the source surface.

Blit is of course affected by the current composition mode.

Note that this function must be invoked with arguments. Otherwise see the documentation for painter:image().

See also: PostScript operator image.


Expression painter:initclip() resets the current clip region to the empty path. This effectively means that clipping is disabled and therefore that all surface pixels can be affected by a subsequent drawing operation.

See also: PostScript operator initclip.


Expression painter:initgraphics() resets all painter settings to their default values. After calling this function:

See also: PostScript operator initgraphics.


Expression painter:initmatrix() resets the current transformation matrix to its default value. The coordinate system has then its origin in the upper left corner of the surface with X coordinates ordered from left to right and Y coordinates ordered from top to bottom. Coordinates are expressed in device pixels on most devices.

See also: PostScript operator initmatrix.


Expression painter:lineto(x,y) appends a line segment to the current path, starting from the current point and ending at coordinates (x,y). The segment end point then becomes the new current point.

The behavior of this function is undefined when the current point is not set

See also: PostScript operator lineto.


Expression painter:moveto(x,y) terminates the last subpath of the current path and moves the current point to coordinates (x,y).

See also: PostScript operator moveto.


Expression painter:newpath() terminates the last subpath. After calling this function, the current point is left unset.

See also: PostScript operator newpath.


Expression painter:object() returns the Qt object that represents the paint device if such an object exists. Typical return values are instance of class qt.QWidget or class qt.QtLuaPrinter.


Expression painter:painter() returns a pointer to the underlying Qt painter. Since the Qt class QPainter is neither a Qt variant not a Qt object, this pointer is represented by a Qt variant of type =QPainter*=.


Expression painter:pixmap() returns a Qt variant of class qt.QPixmap representing the drawing surface.

When the underlying surface is a widget without backing store, this function grabs the widget representation from the display. When the painter operates on a device that cannot be represented as a pixmap, for instance a printer, this function returns an empty pixmap for which method tobool returns false.


Expression painter:printer() returns a pointer to the underlying Qt printer. Since the Qt class QPrinter is neither a Qt variant not a Qt object, this pointer is represented by a Qt variant of type =QPrinter*=.


This is similar to calling function painter:curveto with the following arguments


where (x0,y0) are the coordinates of the previous current point.

The behavior of this function is undefined when the current point is not set.

See also: PostScript operator rcurveto.


Expression painter:rect() returns a Qt variant of class =qt.QRect representing the pixel coordinates of the drawing surface. This does not depend on the transformation matrix but corresponds to the default coordinate system set by painter:initmatrix().

The same information can be obtained more conveniently using function painter:currentsize() or properties painter.width and painter.height.


Expression painter:rectangle(x,y,w,h) appends a rectangle to the current path. The rectangle starts is defined by its origin (x,y), its width w and its height h.

After calling this function, the current point is left unset.


Expression painter:refresh() immediately repaints the displayed image, regardless of the nesting count of functions painter:gbegin() and painter:gend().


Expression painter:lineto(x,y) appends a line segment to the current path, starting from the current point (x0,y0) and ending at coordinates (x0+x,y0+y). The segment end point then becomes the new current point.

The behavior of this function is undefined when the current point is not set

See also: PostScript operator rlineto.


Expression painter:moveto(x,y) terminates the last subpath of the current path and moves the current point to coordinates (x0+x,y0+y) where (x0,y0) are the coordinates of the previous current point.

The behavior of this function is undefined when the current point is not set

See also: PostScript operator rmoveto.


Expression painter:rotate(angle) rotates the axes of the coordinate system by angle angle units in the trigonometric direction around the coordinate origin. The position of the coordinate origin and the size of the coordinate units are unaffected.

Argument angle can be expressed in degrees or radians according to the current angle unit. The default angle unit is the degree.

See also: PostScript operator rotate.


Expression scale(sx,sy) scales the units of the coordinate space by a factor of sx horizontally and sy vertically. The position of the coordinate origin and the orientation of the axes are unaffected.

See also: PostScript operator scale.


Expression painter:setangleunit(unit) sets the angle unit for functions such as painter:rotate that require an angle as argument.

Argument unit must be string "Degrees" for expressing angles in degrees, or "Radians" for expressing angles in radians. The default angle unit is the degree.


Expression painter:setbackground(brush) sets the current background brush. Argument brush must be a Qt variant of type qt.QBrush.


Expression painter:setbrush(brush) sets the current brush. Argument brush must be a Qt variant of type qt.QBrush.


Expression painter:setclip(qpainterpath) sets the current clipping region to be the interior of the specified path. Argument brush must be a Qt variant of type qt.QPainterPath.


Function painter:setcolor sets the color of both the current brush and current pen.

There are several ways to specify a color:


Argument qcolor is a Qt variant of class qt.QColor.


Argument string is a string representing a color name. All SVG color names are recognized.Color names can have also the format "#RGB", "#RRGGBB", "#RRRGGGBBB", or ="#RRRRGGGGBBBB" where letters R, G, or B represent hexadecimal digits for each of the color component.


Arguments r, g, b, and a are numbers in range [0,1] representing the intensities of the red, green, blue, and alpha channels. The default value for argument a is 1 for a fully opaque color.


Function painter:setdash changes the style of the current pen.

When this function is called without argument, or when argument sizes is nil, this function sets the current pen style to "SolidLine".

Otherwise argument sizes can be a single number or a table containing a list of numbers. The number or the list of numbers represent the length of successive dashes and blanks along the drawn curve, expressed in units of the line width.
When the size of the sequence is odd, the last blank is assumed to have the same size as the last dash. The optional argument offset is a length representing the starting position of the dash sequence.


Expression painter:setfont(qfont) sets the current font. Argument font must be a Qt variant of type qt.QFont.


Expression painter:setfontsize(size) changes the size of the current font. Argument size must be a positive number.


Expression painter:sethints(hints) sets the current rendering hints. Argument hints must be a string containing a concatenation of the names of the active rendering flags separated with a vertical bar "|".


Expression painter:setlinewidth(lw) changes the line width of the current pen. Argument lw must be a positive number.


Expression painter:setmatrix(qtransform) sets the current transformation matrix. Argument qtransform must be a Qt variant of type qt.QTransform.


Expression painter:setmode(compositionmode) sets the current composition mode for subsequent drawing operations. Argument compositionmode must be a string containing the name of a composition mode.


Expression painter:setpath(qpainterpath) sets the current path. Argument qpainterpath must be a Qt variant of type qt.QPainterPath.


Expression painter:setpattern(pattern,[x,y]) creates a textured pattern brush. This brush is used to set both the current brush and the brush of the current pen.

Argument p can be either a Qt variant of type qt.QImage or an object equipped with a method image returning a suitable image. Such objects include instances of qt.QtLuaPainter as well as the return values of functions qtwidget.newwindow or qtwidget.newimage

The optional arguments x and y specify the origin of the pattern in the source image.


Expression painter:setpen(qpen) sets the current pen. Argument qpen must be a Qt variant of type qt.QPen.


Expression painter:setpoint(x,y) sets the current point coordinates to (x,y). Arguments x and y must be valid numbers.


Expression painter:setstylesheet(s) sets the the current style sheet used by function show for displaying rich text.


Function painter:show draws string string using the current font.

When called with a single string argument string, this function draws the specified text starting from the current point. After displaying each glyph, the current point is adjusted with a displacement computed from the font's glyph-spacing information. The behavior of this function is undefined when the current point is not set.

When called with more arguments, this function draws the text string within the rectangle specified by the origin (x,y), the width w, and the heigth h. Argument textflags is then a string composed by concatenating a subset of the following keywords separated by a vertical bar "|" symbolizing a or operator: AlignLeft, AlignRight, AlignTop, AlignBottom, AlignHCenter, AlignVCenter, AlignCenter, AlignJustify. TextSingleLine, TextExpandTabs, TextShowMnemonic, TextWordWrap, RichText.

The flag RichText is directly implemented by the QtLuaPainter class. It indicates that the text contains rich text data using the subset of HTML supported by Qt and can be used in conjunction with alignment flags only. Display is affected by the current font, the current brush color, and the current style sheet. You can use the css style attribute in HTML tags to specify more complicated formats.

See also: PostScript operator show.


Expression painter:showpage() clears the current drawing and paints the background all white.

Things are a bit different when the painting device is a printer. Function painter:showpage ensures that the next drawing operation will first print the current page and initialize a new page. Successive calls of painter:showpage() do not print multiple pages unless some drawing operation is performed on each page.

See also: PostScript operator showpage.


Expression painter:size() returns a Qt variant of class qt.QSize representing the size in pixels of the drawing surface. This does not depend on the transformation matrix but corresponds to the default coordinate system set by painter:initmatrix().

The same information can be obtained more conveniently using function painter:currentsize() or properties painter.width and painter.height.


Function painter:stringrect returns a Qt variant of type qt.QRectF representing the bounding box of the text that would be displayed by calling function painter:show with the same arguments.


Fonction painter:stringwidth returns two numbers representing the total displacement (dx,dy) that would be applied to the current point by expression show(string).

See also: PostScript operator stringwidth.


Function painter:stroke draws the boundary of the current path using the current pen.

The optional boolean optnewpath specifies whether this function resets the current path using painter:newpath(). The default is to reset the current path.

See also: PostScript operator stroke.


Expression translate(dx,dy) translates the coordinate origin by dx units along the X axis and dy units along the Y axis. The the size of the coordinate units and the orientation of the axes are unaffected.

See also: PostScript operator translate.


Expression painter:widget() returns the Qt object of class qt.QWidget underlying the painter. When the painter is not associated with a widget, this expression returns nil.


Expression painter:write(f) saves the image associated with the painter into the file named f.
Argument f can be a file name or a Lua file descriptor.

The image data is obtained using function painter:image(). The image format is determined by the optional string argument format or deduced from the file name extension.


Printing in Qt is usually achieved using class QPrinter. Since this class is neither a subclass of QObject nor a value class suitable for storing into a Qt variant, the QtLua class QtLuaPrinter defines a Qt object that acts as a thin wrapper for class QPrinter.

Most usual printer settings are exposed by class qt.QtLuaPrinter as properties. Property printer.paperSize can be used to specify the size of the drawing in pixels. Printers can be selected using printer.printerName and PostScript and PDF files can be produced with properties printer.outputFileName and printer.outputFormat. Alternatively, function printer:setup() pops a print dialog that lets the user adjust these properties interactively.


Expression qt.QtLuaPrinter(mode) returns a new instance of class qt.QtLuaPrinter.

The optional argument mode is a string specifying the resolution of the initial coordinate system. The default value ScreenResolution replicates the screen resolution. Value HighResolution initializes the coordinate system with the resolution of the printer.

Most printer properties should be set before creating the qt.QtLuaPainter that will peform the drawings.


Expression printer:abort() aborts the current print run. Returns true if the print run was successfully aborted. Property printer.printerState will then be "Aborted". It is not always possible to abort a print job.


Boolean property printer.collateCopies specifies if collation is turned on when multiple copies is selected.


Boolean property printer.colorMode is true when one prints in color (the default) and false when one prints in gray scale.


Property printer.creator is a string containing the name of the application producing the printout. This information is passed to the print spooling system.


Property printer.creator is a string containing the name of the document being printed. This information is passed to the print spooling system


Boolean property printer.doubleSidedPrinting indicates whether double sided printing is requested.


Boolean property printer.fontEmbeddingEnabled indicates whether the output data should embed a font description. This is true by default.


Readonly numerical property printer.fromPage contains the index of the first page to print. Use function printer:setFromTo to change it.


Setting boolean property printer.fullPage to true enables support for painting over the entire page. Otherwise painting is restricted to the printable area reported by the device.


Setting boolean property printer.landscape to true sets the printout in landscape mode. Otherwise printing happens in portrait mode.


Expression printer:newPage() tells the printer to eject the current page and to continue printing on a new page. Returns true if this was successful.


Property printer.numCopies contains the number of copies to be printed. The default value is 1.

Qt handles the number of copies in a rather strange way: the value you obtain by reading property printer.numCopies is not the value you have set but reports the number of times you should draw the document in order to achieve the desired effect. On Windows, Mac OS X and X11 systems that support CUPS, reading property printer.numCopies always return 1 because these systems internally handle the number of copies.


Setting property printer.outputFileName to a nonempty string indicates that printing should be redirected to the specified file.


Property printer.outputFormat contains a string describing the output format for this file or printer. Recognized values are "PdfFormat", "PostScriptFormat", and "NativeFormat".


Read-only property painter.pageRect contains a qt.QRect describing the coordinates of the printable area of a page.

This rectangle is expressed in coordinates starting from the top-left corner of the page and with units specified according to =printer.resolution. This coordinate system is not related the the drawing coordinate system.


String property printer.pageSize contains the name of the paper format. The recognized names are "A4", "B5", "Letter", "Legal", "Executive", "A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A5", "A6", "A7", "A8", "A9", "B0", "B1", "B10", "B2", "B3", "B4", "B6", "B7", "B8", "B9", "C5E", "Comm10E", "DLE", "Folio", "Ledger", and "Tabloid".

When using Qt-4.4 or greater, this property can also contain the value "Custom" to indicate that the produced output must describe an image whose size matches exactly the specified paper size.
When using an earlier version of Qt, setting this property to "Custom" does nothing.


Read-only property painter.paperRect contains a qt.QRect describing the full size of the paper.

This rectangle is expressed in coordinates starting from the top-left corner of the page and with units specified according to printer.resolution. This coordinate system is not related the the drawing coordinate system.


Property printer.paperSize contains a qt.QSizeF describing the desired size of the drawable area.

When this property contains a valid size, that is a size with positive width and height, the painter initial coordinate system is adjusted to display the specified drawable area within the desired page size.

Furthermore, with Qt-4.4. or greater, when property printer.pageSize is equal to "Custom", property printer.paperSize also specifies the size of the image described by the output file.


Returns a pointer to the real QPrinter object which is a subclass of QPaintDevice.


Setting string property printer.printProgram overrides the name of the program used to submit the printout to the spooling system.


String property printer.printerName contains the name of the target printer. This value is initially set to the name of the default printer for your system.


Readonly string property printer.printerState returs a string describing the state of the printer. Possible values are Idle, Active, Aborted and Error. That does not work on all systems.


Numerical property printer.resolution contains the resolution of the printer. This is initially set by the mode argument of the constructor qt.QtLuaPrinter(mode). The resolution affects the coordinate systems for properties printer.paperRect and printer.pageRect. It only affects the drawing coordinate systems when property printer.papersize does not contain a valid size.


Function printer:setFromTo specifies the indices of the page range to print. If both frompage and topage are zero (the default), the whole document is printed.


Expression printer:setup() displays a dialog allowing the user to choose a printer and select various print settings. It returns true if the user presses the button "Print" and false if the user cancels.


Readonly numerical property printer.toPage contains the index of the last page to print. Use function printer:setFromTo to change it.