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jruby maven plugin

the plugin is modeled after jruby-gradle and uses the old jruby maven plugins under the hood but it needs jruby-1.7.19 or newer (including jruby- serie).

even if the plugin depends on the old jruby-maven-plugins it has a different version.

general command line switches

to see the java/jruby command the plugin is using (for example with the verify goal)

mvn verify -Djruby.verbose

to quickly pick another jruby version use

mvn verify -Djruby.version=1.7.20

to display some help

mvn jruby9:help -Ddetail

jruby exec

it installs all the declared gems from the dependencies section as well the plugin dependencies. all jars are loaded with JRuby via require which loads them into the JRubyClassLoader.

the complete pom for the samples below is in src/it/jrubyExecExample/pom.xml

the gem-artifacts are coming from the torquebox rubygems proxy



to use these gems within the depenencies of the plugin you need


the jar and gem artifacts for the JRuby application can be declared in the main dependencies section


these artifacts can have different scope BUT the exec goal will use ALL scopes.

the plugin declaration

           <script>p 'hello world'</script>
         <id>test file</id>

now the plugin uses rspec and needs rpsec gems installed via


the main dependencies section does use leafy-rack and to see some of its logging you need a slf4j logger for the tests


same config using the ruby DSL

ruby DSL for maven


extension 'org.torquebox.mojo:mavengem-wagon:0.2.0'
repository :id => :mavengems, :url => 'mavengem:'
plugin_repository :id => :mavengems, :url => 'mavengem:'

jar 'org.slf4j', 'slf4j-api', '1.7.6'
gem 'leafy-rack', '0.4.0'
gem 'minitest', '5.7.0', :scope => :test

plugin 'org.torquebox.mojo', 'jruby9-exec-maven-plugin' do
  execute_goal :exec, :id => 'simple', :phase => :validate,
    :jrubyVersion => '', :script => "p 'hello world'"
  execute_goal :exec, :id => 'rspec', :phase => :test,
    :command => :rspec
  execute_goal :exec, :id => 'test file', :phase => :test,
    :file => 'test.rb'

  gem 'rspec', '3.3.0'
  jar 'org.slf4j', 'slf4j-simple', '1.7.6'