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Firebase X customauth Demo

Firebase Prerequisite

  • Create a firebase project and configure a web app from Firebase Console.

  • Enable the Auth providers you would like to offer your users in the firebase console, under Auth > Sign-in methods.

  • Copy public/sample-config.js to public/config.js:

cp public/sample-config.js public/config.js

Then copy and paste the Web snippet code found in the firebase console (either by clicking "Add Firebase to your web app" button in your Project overview, or clicking the "Web setup" button in the Auth page) in the config.js file.

  • Google OAuth provider note: You will need to ensure that the OAuth 2.0 Client ID you are using includes the Authorized redirect URI for your firebase handler https://<firebase-project-id> Navigate to<firbase-project-id>, click on the relevant client id in the "OAuth 2.0 Client IDs" list, add https://<firebase-project-id> to the "Authorized redirect URIs", and click Save.

CustomAuth Prerequisites

  • Create a custom verifier from torus developer dashboard with following configuration:

    • Make sure to add a following JWT validation fields in custom verifier window (here is a related, helpful Firebase doc):-

      • aud: firebase project id.
      • iss:<firebase-project-id>
    • Use sub as JWT Verifier ID field in custom verifier window.

    • Use as JWK Endpoint in custom verifier window

  • Replace TORUS_DIRECT_SDK_VERIFIER_NAME const in public/app.js file with your Verifier identifier

How it works

  • In app.js file, when user is succesfully logged in, it fetches user's idToken and uid inside firebase sdk's onAuthStateChanged callback and passes it to getTorusKey function of customauth for constructing user's private key.
  firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(async function(user) {

  if (user) {
     // fetch the id token of loggedIn user
     const idToken = await firebase.auth().currentUser.getIdToken(/* forceRefresh */ true);

     // Send token to torus nodes for constructing privateKey
     const { privateKey, publicAddress } = await torusdirectsdk.getTorusKey(
       { verifier_id: firebase.auth().currentUser.uid },
     handleSignedInUser(user, privateKey, publicAddress)
  } else {



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