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LessCSS for ToscaWidgets 2

This module adds the ability to link LessCSS based stylesheets.

More Information on LessCSS: Less CSS.

Using TW2's LessCSS resource with TurboGears2

Lets use LessCSS to define a simple box with rounded corners.

Create a file in the public folder TG2 project called 'simple.less'. :: .rounded-corners (@radius: 5px) { border-radius: @radius; padding: @radius; -webkit-border-radius: @radius; -moz-border-radius: @radius; } .shaded-rounded-corners { .rounded-corners; background-color: #333; color: #eee; }

Now we need to tell ToscaWidgets2 to add it to all of your requested pages. In the top of your TG2 base-controller (projectname/lib/ add: :: from tg import url from tw2.lesscss import LessCSSLink

class SimpleLess(LessCSSLink):


Above the return in the __call__ function of BaseController add: :: LessTest.inject()

This will inject the less file on every call to the controller.

Now you can use the lesscss class in your templates! :: <div class="shaded-rounded-corners">Hello!</div>
