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File metadata and controls

246 lines (221 loc) · 7.86 KB

Configuring Experiments

Creating project environment config

The training script allows to specify multiple yml config files, which will be concatenated during execution. This is done to separate experiment configs from environment configs. To start running experiments, create your own config file with a number of environment settings, similar to those configs/env_*.yml. The settings are as follows:

  # str: Path where CIFAR-10 will be downloaded upon the first run
  cifar10: /cluster/scratch/obukhova/torchvision
  # str: Path where CIFAR-100 will be downloaded upon the first run
  cifar100: /cluster/scratch/obukhova/torchvision
  # str: Path where MNIST will be downloaded upon the first run
  mnist: /cluster/scratch/obukhova/torchvision
  # str: Path where Pascal VOC and Semantic Boundaries Dataset will be downloaded 
  # upon the first run
  voc_sbd: /cluster/scratch/obukhova/VOC_SBD
# str: Path for local logs, each stored a separate folder named after the config file
root_logs: /raid/obukhova/logs
# str: Path where pretrained tbasis model will be looked for
root_models: /cluster/scratch/obukhova/models
# str: Path for local W&B logs
root_wandb: /raid/obukhova/logs_wandb
# Boolean: Whether datasets should be downloaded before using (downloads only once,
# but may annoy with unpacking)
dataset_download: True
# List: Environment variables to make sure are set
# int: Interval for loss logging to tensorboard and W&B
num_log_loss_steps: 10
# int: Number of worker threads working in parallel to load training samples
workers: 4
# int: Number of worker threads working in parallel to load validation samples
workers_validation: 4
# str: Name of the project in W&B
wandb_project: tbasis

Classification Configuration Template

The following config template should be used with training script:

# imgcls: Experiment type
experiment: imgcls
# str: __FILENAMEBASE__ will be substituted with the file name, any other 
# string will be used as is
experiment_name: __FILENAMEBASE__
# str: __FILENAMEBASE__ will be substituted with the log dir name, any other 
# string will be used as is (root_logs will be prepended)
log_dir: __FILENAMEBASE__
# mnist | cifar10 | cifar100: Input dataset
dataset: cifar10
# int: Total number of training epochs
num_epochs_train_total: 1000
# int: Training batch size
batch_size: 128
# int: Validation batch size
batch_size_validation: 256

# lenet5 | resnet_cifar10: Base CNN template
model_name: resnet_cifar10
# str: Model specification
model_name_specific: resnet32
# Dict: Extra kwargs for the base model
model_name_specific_kwargs: {}

# Boolean: Whether to perform T-Basis compression
compressed: True
# opt_einsum | hierarchical: Meta program for tensor contraction
contraction_method: opt_einsum
# exp | linear: Activation function for rank adapter values
rank_adaptation: exp
# Boolean: Whether to use TT-Matrix format with Z-order of i/o factors
permute_and_group_factors: True
# List: Names of torch.nn.Module names (relative to the model root) not subject 
# to reparameterization

# int: Number of basis vectors in T-Basis
basis_size: 8
# int: Rank of TR-cores
basis_rank: 4
# int: Mode of TR-cores
basis_mode: 9
# Boolean: Whether to learn T-Basis parameters
basis_trainable_sts: True
# int: RNG reproducibility seed
basis_init_seed: 2020
# str | Null: A path to load pre-trained T-Basis
basis_pretrained_path: Null

# float: L2 regularization weight on decompressed weight matrices elements
decompressed_L2_regularizer_coef: 3e-4

# adam | sgd: Type of model optimizer
optimizer_model_name: sgd
# Dict: Extra kwargs for model optimizer (must at least have lr)
    lr: 0.1
    momentum: 0.9
    weight_decay: 0.0001

# adam | sgd: Type of basis and coefficients optimizer
optimizer_basis_name: adam
# Dict: Extra kwargs for model and coefficients optimizer (must at least have lr)
    lr: 0.01
    betas: [0.95, 0.9995]

# List: MultiStep LR scheduler milestones as fractions of training duration (example below: 50%, 75%)
    - 0.5
    - 0.75
# float: MultiStep LR scheduler decay factor
lr_scheduler_gamma: 0.1
# Boolean: Whether to perform LR warmup (gradually increase LR from 0 to init)
lr_warmup_sts: True
# int: Number of warmup steps
lr_warmup_steps: 2000

Semantic Segmentation Configuration Template

The following config template should be used with training script:

# semseg: Experiment type
experiment: semseg
# str: __FILENAMEBASE__ will be substituted with the file name, any other 
# string will be used as is
experiment_name: __FILENAMEBASE__
# str: __FILENAMEBASE__ will be substituted with the log dir name, any other 
# string will be used as is (root_logs will be prepended)
log_dir: __FILENAMEBASE__
# voc_sbd: Pascal VOC + Semantic Boundaries
dataset: voc_sbd
# int: Total number of training steps
num_training_steps: 360000
# int: Interval between validations
num_validation_steps: 5000
# int: Training batch size
batch_size: 16
# int: Validation batch size
batch_size_validation: 32

# deeplabv3p: Deeplab V3+
model_name: deeplabv3p
# str: Model encoder base network name
model_encoder_name: resnet34
# Boolean: Model encoder pretrained weights flag
model_encoder_pretrained: False

# int: Augmentation crop size
aug_input_crop_size: 384
# float: Augmentation min scale range
aug_geom_scale_min: 0.5
# float: Augmentation max scale range
aug_geom_scale_max: 2.0
# float: Augmentation max tilt angle
aug_geom_tilt_max_deg: 0
# float: Augmentation max bounding box corner displacement as a ratio of crop size
aug_geom_wiggle_max_ratio: 0
# Boolean: Augmentation reflection flag
aug_geom_reflect: True
# Boolean: Validation augmentation center cropping flag 
aug_geom_validation_center_crop_sts: True
# Boolean: Validation augmentation center cropping size
aug_geom_validation_center_crop_size: 512

# Boolean: Whether to perform T-Basis compression
compressed: True
# opt_einsum | hierarchical: Meta program for tensor contraction
contraction_method: hierarchical
# exp | linear: Activation function for rank adapter values
rank_adaptation: exp
# Boolean: Whether to use TT-Matrix format with Z-order of i/o factors
permute_and_group_factors: True
# List: Names of torch.nn.Module names (relative to the model root) not subject 
# to reparameterization

# int: Number of basis vectors in T-Basis
basis_size: 128
# int: Rank of TR-cores
basis_rank: 16
# int: Mode of TR-cores
basis_mode: 9
# Boolean: Whether to learn T-Basis parameters
basis_trainable_sts: True
# int: RNG reproducibility seed
basis_init_seed: 2020
# str | Null: A path to load pre-trained T-Basis
basis_pretrained_path: Null

# float: L2 regularization weight on decompressed weight matrices elements
decompressed_L2_regularizer_coef: 3e-4

# adam | sgd: Type of model optimizer
optimizer_model_name: sgd
# Dict: Extra kwargs for model optimizer (must at least have lr)
    lr: 0.007
    momentum: 0.9
    weight_decay: 0.0001

# adam | sgd: Type of basis and coefficients optimizer
optimizer_basis_name: sgd
# Dict: Extra kwargs for model and coefficients optimizer (must at least have lr)
    lr: 0.007
    momentum: 0.9
    weight_decay: 0.0001

# float: PolyLR power
lr_scheduler_power: 0.9
# Boolean: Whether to perform LR warmup (gradually increase LR from 0 to init)
lr_warmup_sts: True
# int: Number of warmup steps
lr_warmup_steps: 2000

# int: Number of images to visualize from each batch
visualize_num_samples_in_batch: 6
# List: Training ids to visualize upon every validation
    - 2100
    - 699
    - 5480
# List: Validation ids to visualize upon every validation
    - 0
    - 100
    - 734
    - 718
    - 389
# int: Width of visualization in tiled images
tensorboard_img_grid_width: 16