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A Scala expression parser.


Creating an Evaluator

The AbstractEvaluator class is designed to simplify the process of parsing a string. The subclass must simply override the tokenizer method. This can be further simplified with the AbstractTokenizer class, if applicable.

For example, let's make a BooleanEvaluator object. It's purpose will be to evaluate a string as a Boolean, and should contain the operators & (and), | (or), ^ (xor), and ! (not). It must also be able to handle parentheses. So, !true & !false should return the boolean value false.

//First, we define the tokens we use:
import net.totietje.evaluator.Token._
import net.totietje.evaluator.Associativity

object BooleanToken {
  //0 is the precedence. This does not matter much here, but may in more complicated examples.
  object And extends Operator[Boolean](0, Associativity.Left) {
    override def apply(left: Boolean, right: Boolean): Boolean = left & right
  object Or extends Operator[Boolean](1, Associativity.Left) {
    override def apply(left: Boolean, right: Boolean): Boolean = left | right
  object Xor extends Operator[Boolean](2, Associativity.Left) {
    override def apply(left: Boolean, right: Boolean): Boolean = left ^ right
  //This function accepts 1 parameter
  object Not extends Function[Boolean](1) {
    //args will have length 1 
    override def apply(args: Seq[Boolean]): Boolean = !args.head
  object True extends Value[Boolean] {
    override def apply(): Boolean = true
  object False extends Value[Boolean] {
    override def apply(): Boolean = false

//Then, in another file, we can use these tokens:
import BooleanToken._
import net.totietje.evaluator.Token._
import net.totietje.evaluator.{EvaluationException, AbstractTokenizer, Token}

object BooleanTokenizer extends AbstractTokenizer[Boolean] {
  override protected def parseAfterValueChar(op: Char): Option[Token[Boolean]] = op match {
    case '&' => Some(And)
    case '|' => Some(Or)
    case ')' => Some(CloseParen()) //CloseParen case class provided by Token
    case _   => None

  override protected def parseOtherChar(char: Char): Option[Token[Boolean]] = char match {
    case '!' => Some(Not)  
    case '(' => Some(OpenParen()) //OpenParen case class provided by Token
    case _   => None
  override protected def parseWord(word: String): Token[Boolean] = word.toLowerCase match {
    case "true" => True
    case "false" => False
    case _ => throw EvaluationException(s"Unrecognised word $word")

//Finally, we can create our BooleanEvaluator:
import net.totietje.evaluator.AbstractEvaluator

object BooleanEvaluator extends AbstractEvaluator[Boolean] {
  def tokenizer = BooleanTokenizer

Now, we can use our BooleanEvaluator:

val example1 = BooleanEvaluator.evaluate("(true | false) & !false") //true, as expected


As an example (though mainly because this is why I wanted to make this project), the net.totietje.complex package is included containing the ComplexEvaluator object. This parses a maths expression, such as a + b * i, and converts it into a ComplexFunction, which takes a map of variables as its input and produces a complex number as its output.

Example usage:

import net.totietje.complex._

val function = ComplexEvaluator.evaluate("i * sin(pi * x)")
for (realPart <- -5 to 5; imaginaryPart <- -5 to 5) {
  val input = Complex(realPart, imaginaryPart)
  val output = function("x" -> input)
  println(s"When x is $input, function is $output")



Scala 2.10, 2.11 or 2.12 required. If the scala version used is not 2.12, replace 2.12 with the version you are using below.

Replace VERSION with the version shown above.


dependencies += "net.totietje" %% "evaluator" % "VERSION"

resolvers += Resolver.jcenterRepo


dependencies {
    compile 'net.totietje:evaluator_2.12:VERSION'

repositories {





<dependency org='net.totietje' name='evaluator_2.12' rev='VERSION'>
  <artifact name='evaluator_2.12' ext='pom' />

  <bintray />


Docs can be found here.