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152 lines (122 loc) · 6.75 KB


Exit IP mismatch even though VPN connects

  • ProtonVPN separates entry IP from exit IP using internal routing. Script should take care of that by adding IPs of servers in the same pool to list of allowed IP addresses.

  • However, ProtonVPN API is inconsistent. Sometimes, Node's ExitIP is NOT listed at all! Sigh! in case that happens, disable IP checks with --check-interval 0 or set IPCHECK_INTERVAL environment variable to 0. Only ProtonVPN can fix this as it happens on server side!

    [ERROR] Retry (3/3) after 8 seconds
    [ERROR] Your current IP address - 92.119.179.XX is not in the list for Server NL-FREE#27
    [ERROR] Your current IP address - 92.119.179.XX must belong to set (
    [ERROR] Failed to verify connection!

tmpfs or /tmp issues with containers

Please use tmpfs mounts for /tmp

  • For docker use --mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp
  • For docker-compose see docker-compse-volumes.
  • For Kubernetes pods, use emptyDir with emptyDir.medium field to Memory See emptyDir for more info.

DNS leak protection and Kubernetes

On Kubernetes using ProtonVPN DNS WILL break resolving .cluster domains. You can use external-dns and use public DNS zones for your hosted services or use DoH or DoT on kubernetes nodes and use SKIP_DNS_CONFIG or --skip-dns-config.

My public IP is not same as EndpointIP

Your public IP might be different than Endpoint as shown by wg show command. This is due to ProtonVPN's internal routing which happens on server side.

Container is not accessible from LAN or Services within LAN are not accessible within the container

User namespaces and file permissions

User namespaces can cause file permission issues. If you have problem accessing mounted secret files or sharing network stack, disable user namespaces for the container.

Systemd watchdog keeps killing the service

  • Check if its IP mismatch error
  • Try switching servers
  • If you keep encountering this issue, you can disable IP checks with by setting IPCHECK_INTERVAL to 0 or --check-interval 0.

Cannot update DNS, /etc/resolv.conf is not writable

  • Try to run as root and ensure /etc/resolv.conf is writable.

Transport endpoint is not connected errors when using systemd

  • Turn off DynamicUser and RemoveIPC from you unit configuration and reload systemd.

Systemd unit failed with some error

  • Disable systemd unit protonwire.service for debugging.
  • Run transient unit via systemd-run
    sudo systemd-run \
        --pty \
        --same-dir \
        --wait \
        --collect \
        --unit=protonwire-run.service \
        --service-type=notify \
        --property="Description=ProtonVPN Wireguard Client" \
        --property="Documentation=man:protonwire(1)" \
        --property="Documentation=" \
        --property="SupplementaryGroups=systemd-network" \
        --property="NotifyAccess=all" \
        --property="User=protonwire" \
        --property="Group=protonwire" \
        --property="SupplementaryGroups=systemd-network" \
        --property="Environment=HOME=/var/lib/protonwire" \
        --property="Environment=LANG=C.UTF-8" \
        --property="EnvironmentFile=-/etc/defaults/protonwire" \
        --property="EnvironmentFile=-/etc/protonwire/*.env" \
        --property="AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_ADMIN" \
        --property="CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_ADMIN" \
        --property="SystemCallFilter=@system-service" \
        --property="SystemCallArchitectures=native" \
        --property="ProtectProc=invisible" \
        --property="ProtectHostname=true" \
        --property="PrivateTmp=yes" \
        --property="ProtectControlGroups=true" \
        --property="ProtectKernelModules=true" \
        --property="ProtectKernelTunables=true" \
        --property="ProtectKernelLogs=true" \
        --property="KeyringMode=private" \
        --property="RestrictNamespaces=true" \
        --property="LockPersonality=true" \
        --property="MemoryDenyWriteExecute=true" \
        --property="RestrictSUIDSGID=true" \
        --property="PrivateTmp=yes" \
        --property="ProtectSystem=full" \
        --property="StateDirectory=protonwire" \
        --property="CacheDirectory=protonwire" \
        --property="RuntimeDirectory=protonwire" \
        --property="RuntimeDirectoryPreserve=restart" \
        --property="IPAccounting=true" \
        --property="CPUAccounting=true" \
        --property="BlockIOAccounting=true" \
        --property="MemoryAccounting=true" \
        --property="TasksAccounting=true" \
        --property="WatchdogSec=20" \
        --property="TimeoutAbortSec=30" \
        --property="TimeoutStopSec=30" \
        --property="TimeoutStartSec=180" \
        protonwire connect --debug <server-name>

Manually Disabling Kill-Switch for version 7.0.3 and lower (route table 51822)

ip -4 route flush table 51822
ip -4 rule | grep 51822 | cut -f 1 -d ':' | xargs ip rule del priority
ip -6 route flush table 51822
ip -6 rule | grep 51822 | cut -f 1 -d ':' | xargs ip rule del priority

Manually Disconnecting from VPN

Please use protonwire disconnect optionally with (--kill-switch flag) as it handles things properly. If not possible, try the following.

  • Restore the DNS if using systemd-resolved via,
    resolvectl revert protonwire0
  • If using version 7.1.1 and lower and NOT using systemd-resolved (like in containers), restore the DNS using the following commands.
    resolvconf -f -d protonwire0.wg
  • If running version 7.2.0 and and later and NOT using systemd-resolved (like in containers) restore the DNS using following commands.
    cat /etc/resolv.conf.protonwire > /etc/resolv.conf && rm /etc/resolv.conf.protonwire
resolvectl revert protonwire0   # only if using systemd-resolved
resolvconf -f -d protonwire0.wg # only if not using systemd-resolved
ip -4 rule del not fwmark 51821 table 51821
ip -6 rule del not fwmark 51821 table 51821
ip -4 route flush table 51821
ip -6 route flush table 51821
ip link del protonwire0