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Simplified interfaces for Azure Storage Services (Tables, Queues, Blob)


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Simplified interfaces for Azure Storage (Tables, Queues, Blob)

This is an opinionated interface using Promises. You can use ES7-style await syntax, or the underlying Promise interface directly.


npm install --save azure-storage-simple

Module Interface - Storage

The module exposes a method that will return a Storage interface.

// Use Defaults
var storage = require('azure-storage-simple')(/*no arguments, uses defaults*/); //no await

// Pass Options - the example below actually uses the default values from the environment
var account = process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT;
var key = process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY;

var storage = require('azure-storage-simple')(account || cs, key || null);

Underlying services

Because this module exposes only a simplified interface, the azure services interfaces are available.

NOTE: Will use underlying storage object's authentication credentials, no need to pass them in.

//you will be able to access the underlying azure-storage module
var azure = require('azure-storage-simple/azure-storage'); //returns underlying azure-storage module

//the methods below will return services using the credentials for the storage object
var tableService = storage.createTableService();
var queueService = storage.createQueueService();
var blobService = storage.createBlobService();

For details on how to use these services see:

Azure Queues

A dramatically simplified interface for using Azure Storage Queues.

var q = service.queue('myQueueName');

//child methods will call createQueueIfNotExist under the covers (once)

await queue.add(value);

var message = await; //gets a message

// message is wrapped with:
//    .value - parsed value  
//    other properties are buried in the prototype chain
var value2 = message.value; //unwrap the value

// got message/value - 30 seconds to resolve it

await q.done(message); //marke as complete / resolve / remove from queue

Azure Tables

A simplified interface will be used to access table storage. You won't need to wrap your objects, but you will need to specify the partitionKey and rowKey for read and write.

Note: write will do an insertOrMerge, so if you intend to remove field values, set them to null.

var tbl = storage.table('myTableName');

// child methods call createTableIfNotExist under the covers (once)

var value = {
  'someString': 'value',
  'someNumber': 1234,
  'someDate': new Date(),
  'someObject': {}, //will be JSON.stringified
  'someArray': [], //will be JSON.stringified
  'falseVal': false,
  'trueVal': true

await tbl.write('partitionKey','rowKey',value);

var record = await'partitionKey','rowKey');

// record is wrapped with parsed values
//   original values are buried in the prototype chain
var value2 = result.value; // should deep equal value

var records = tbl.query() //records starts off as the query object/wrapper
    // .select('someString','someNumber') // fields to return (optional)
	.where('PartitionKey eq ?', 'partitionKey') // where clause (req)
    // .top(5) //limit results, must be under 1000

//there is a next method on query, and records that have more
while ( {
  // get the next set of results 
  // if there are more results, will have a .next() function
  records = await;

    .forEach((record /*wrapped*/)=>{
      //do something with unwrapped value
      //can access original response with record.__proto__

//delete an entry from table storage
await tbl.delete('partitionKey','rowKey');

Blob Storage

Allows for simple read-write access to block blobs.

// blob(containerName, containerOptions)
// child methods will call createContainerIfNotExists one time.
var blob = storage.blob('my-container', {publicAccessLevel : 'blob'});

// ### write(path,[options],data) ###

// text/plain, charset=UTF-8
var result = await blob.write('some/path/file.txt', 'this is a string');

// application/json
var result = await blob.write('some/path/file.json', {foo:'bar'});

// application/octet-stream (default)
var result = await blob.write('some/path/file.bin', someBuffer);

// options for createBlockBlobFromStream
var result = await blob.write(
    contentType: 'image/png'
    //,contentEncoding: 'gzip' // specify encoding if you 'gzip' or 'deflate' your content

// ### read(path,[options]) => Buffer ###
var myBuffer = await'some/path/file.txt');
var myText = myBuffer.toString(); //decode from utf8 / default
var myBuffer = await'some/path/file.json');
var myObj = JSON.parse(myBuffer.toString()); //decode stored json above..

// ### delete(path,[options])
await blob.delete('some/path/file.ext');


Simplified interfaces for Azure Storage Services (Tables, Queues, Blob)







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