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File metadata and controls

31 lines (28 loc) · 2.11 KB


NOTE: Changes here are relative to the previously Microsoft-internal codebase this package came from.

  • BREAKING: Namespace changed from Microsoft.Bing.Logging to Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.Logging to be in step with the Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing package.
  • BREAKING: AllowEtwLogging settings to forcefully disable use of ETW logs now controlled through LogManager.Configuration object (variable on LogManager has been removed).
  • BREAKING: The min/max/default FileBufferSizeMB values on LogManager are now named [foo]LogBufferSizeMB instead to reflect their potential use in non-file logs.
  • BREAKING: Several functions were obsoleted with preferable replacements, particularly in terms of using the manager to create/find/close loggers and manipulate configuration.
    • Basically creating a logger is now done using the new LogConfiguration type which can be used to specify all relevant details of a log.
    • These will go away in a future release.
  • Configuration is now backed by public types which are the preferred mechanisms for setting configuration outside of files.
  • Configuration strings may now be (preferably!) provided as JSON. Future configuration options will only be supported via JSON configuration.
  • Configuring a negative rotation interval is no longer an error and simply indicates "use the default."
  • Some public members in public types converted to properties for potential future use.
  • MemoryLogger can now be directly instantiated without use of the LogManager.
  • EventSourceSubscriptions can now be created with names of EventSource types. This is primarily useful in conjunction with LogConfiguration objects which manage the addition of late-bound subscriptions to underlying logs. It is an error to use the SubscribeToEvents methods on loggers to add unresolved subscriptions (subscriptions can be verified using the IsResolved member).
  • Log retention polices have been added (see configuration documentation for usage restrictions)
  • Hostname and "milliseconds from midnight" formats must not have format specifiers.