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General GitHub Actions practices

Table of Contents

Have a single required status check for pull requests

This avoids needing to modify branch protection required status checks as individual jobs (and job matrix items) come and go.

      - aaa
      - bbb
      - ccc
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: always()
      - if: >
 != 'success' ||
          needs.bbb.result != 'success' ||
          needs.ccc.result != 'success'
        run: exit 1

If you have multiple workflows that run on pull requests, there are a couple of options:

  • If they have the same on triggers, they can be merged into a single workflow.
  • Otherwise turn them into reusable workflows, and call them from a single workflow.

Configure "cancel-in-progress" on pull request workflows

If the pull request build takes some time, and the author submits several revisions in a short period of time, this can end up consuming a lot of GitHub Actions runners.

If your pull request workflow only runs on pull_request:

  group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
  cancel-in-progress: true

If your pull request workflow is shared and also runs on CI (i.e. on merge to main or release branch):

  group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.sha }}
  cancel-in-progress: true

Prefer gh cli over third-party GitHub actions for simple tasks

For example, creating an issue or creating a pull request is just as easy using gh cli as using a third-party GitHub action.

This preference is because gh cli is generally more secure and has less breaking changes compared to third-party GitHub actions.

Use GitHub action cache to make builds faster and less flaky

This is very build tool specific so no specific tips here on how to implement.

Workflow file naming conventions

Not sure if it's worth sharing these last two sections across all of OpenTelemetry, but I think it's worth having this level of consistency across the Java repos.

Use .yml extension instead of .yaml.

  • .github/workflows/build.yml - primary build workflow (CI)
  • .github/workflows/build-pull-request.yml - pull request workflow (if build.yml isn't used also for pull requests)
  • .github/workflows/build-daily.yml - if you have a daily build in addition to normal CI builds
  • .github/workflows/reusable-*.yml - reusable workflows, unfortunately these cannot be located in subdirectories (yet?)
  • .github/workflows/backport.yml
  • .github/workflows/codeql-daily.yml

Workflow YAML style guide

Workflow names - Sentence case

Job names - kebab-case

Step names - Sentence case