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File metadata and controls

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Workflow definition

Workflow definition: *.dig files

A digdag workflow is defined in a file named with .dig suffix. Name of the file is name of the workflow.

For example, if you create hello_world workflow, you will create hello_world.dig file. Contents of the file looks like this:

timezone: UTC

  sh>: tasks/

  py>: tasks.MyWorkflow.step2
  param1: this is param1

  rb>: MyWorkflow.step3
  require: tasks/ruby_sample.rb

The timezone parameter is used to configure the time zone of the workflow and affects session timestamp variables and scheduling. The default time zone is UTC. Some examples of other valid time zones are America/Los_Angeles, Europe/Berlin, Asia/Tokyo, etc.

"+" is a task

Key names starting with + sign is a task. Tasks run from the top to bottom in order. A task can be nested as a child of another task. In above example, +step2 runs after +step1 as a child of +main task.


A task with type>: command or _type: NAME parameter executes an action. You can choose various kinds of operators such as running shell scripts, Python methods, sending email, etc. See Operators page for the list of built-in operators.


Setting foo>: bar parameter is equivalent to setting _type: foo and _command: bar parameters. That is a syntax sugar of setting 2 parameters in 1 line.

Using ${variables}

Workflow can embed variables using ${...} syntax. You can use built-in variables or define your own variables.

Here is the list of built-in variables:

Name Description Example
timezone Timezone of this workflow America/Los_Angeles
session_uuid Unique UUID of this session 414a8b9e-b365-4394-916a-f0ed9987bd2b
session_id Integer ID of this session 2381
session_time Time of this session with time zone 2016-01-30T00:00:00-08:00
session_date Date part of session_time 2016-01-30
session_date_compact Date part of session_time (compact) 20160130
session_local_time Local time format of session_time 2016-01-30 00:00:00
session_tz_offset Time zone offset part of session_time -0800
session_unixtime Seconds since the epoch time 1454140800
workflow_name Name of this workflow my_workflow
task_name Parts of this task name separated with nest [parent_task,child_task3]

If schedule: option is set, last_session_time and next_session_time are also available as following:

Name Example (hourly schedule) Example (daily schedule)
last_session_time 2016-01-29T23:00:00-08:00 2016-01-29T00:00:00-08:00
last_session_date 2016-01-29 2016-01-29
last_session_date_compact 20160129 20160129
last_session_local_time 2016-01-29 23:00:00 2016-01-29 00:00:00
last_session_tz_offset -0800 -0800
last_session_unixtime 1454137200 1454054400
next_session_time 2016-01-30T01:00:00-08:00 2016-01-31T00:00:00-08:00
next_session_date 2016-01-30 2016-01-31
next_session_date_compact 20160130 20160131
next_session_local_time 2016-01-30 01:00:00 2016-01-31 00:00:00
next_session_tz_offset -0800 -0800
next_session_unixtime 1454144400 1454227200

last_session_time is the timestamp of the last schedule. If the schedule is hourly, it's the last hour. If the schedule is daily, it's yesterday. It doesn't matter whether the last schedule actually ran or not. It's simply set to the last timestamp calculated from the current session time.

Calculating variables

You can use basic JavaScript scripts in ${...} syntax to calculate variables.

A common use case is formatting timestamp in different format. Digdag bundles Moment.js for time calculation.

timezone: America/Los_Angeles

  # "2016-09-24 00:00:00 -0700"
  echo>: ${moment(session_time).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z")}

  # "2016-09-24 07:00:00"
  echo>: ${moment(session_time).utc().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")}

  # "September 24, 2016 12:00 AM"
  echo>: ${moment(session_time).add(1, 'days').format("LLL")}

  # "2016-09-24 05:24:49 -0700"
  echo>: ${moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z")}

Defining variables

You can define variables in 3 ways:

  • Using _export parameter in YAML
  • Setting variable programmably using API
  • Starting a session with variables

Using _export: parameter

In a YAML file, _export: directive defines variables. This is useful to load static configurations such as host name of a database.

If a task has _export directive, the task and its children can use the variables because it defines variables in a scope. With following example, all tasks can use foo=1 but only +step1 (and +analyze) can use bar=2.

  foo: 1

  py>: tasks.MyWorkflow.prepare

    bar: 2

    py>: tasks.MyWorkflow.analyze_step1

  py>: tasks.MyWorkflow.dump

Using API

You can set variables programmably using language API. For exampe, Python API provides digdag.env.export and

import digdag

class MyWorkflow(object):
  def prepare(self):{"my_param": 2})

  def analyze(self, my_var):
    print("my_var should be 2: %d" % my_var) stores variables so that all folling tasks (including tasks which are not children of the task) can use them.

digdag.env.export(dict) is same with "_export" directive in YAML file. It defines variables for their children.

See language API documents for details:

Starting a session with variables

You can set variables when you start a new workflow session. To set variables, use -p KEY=VALUE multiple times:

$ digdag run -p my_var1=foo -p my_var2=abc

!include another file

You can divide a YAML file into small files to organize complex workflow. !include directive is used to gather those files:

    !include : 'config/mysql.dig'
    !include : 'config/hive.dig'

!include : 'tasks/foo.dig'

Parallel execution

If _parallel: true parameter is set to a group, child tasks in the group run in parallel (grandchildren are not affected):

  # +data1, +data2, and +data3 run in parallel.
  _parallel: true

    sh>: tasks/

    sh>: tasks/

    sh>: tasks/

    sh>: tasks/

If _background: true parameter is set to a task or group, the task or group run in parallel with previous tasks. Next task wait for the completion of the background task or group.

    sh>: tasks/

  # +data1 and +data2 run in parallel.
    _background: true
    sh>: tasks/

  # +data3 runs after +data1 and +data2.
    sh>: tasks/

    sh>: tasks/

Sending error notification

If an operator configuration is set at _error: parameter, the operator runs when the workflow fails.

# this task runs when a workflow fails.
  sh>: tasks/

    sh>: tasks/

To send mails, you can use mail> operator.