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Building and running

A. Soroka edited this page Aug 29, 2019 · 3 revisions


mvn clean install

to build with a build-provided Cassandra instance for testing. See Maven profiles for packaging options, including Docker images. Use

mvn -Dcassandra.skip -Dcassandra.contactAddress=$NODE -Dcassandra.nativeTransportPort=$PORT clean install

to use your supplied Cassandra cluster for testing, but be aware that you must first load an appropriate schema yourself into the Trellis keyspace if you do this. Please find an example in src/test/resources/load.cql.

You can launch the built application (found in webapp/target) via an invocation:

java $OPTS -jar webapp-$version-thorntail.jar webapp-$version.war

with OPTS set to whatever runtime properties for configuration you may require. A pair of thin and hollow JARs are also provided.

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