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390 lines (297 loc) Β· 8.68 KB

File metadata and controls

390 lines (297 loc) Β· 8.68 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Remember we are in pre v1 stage.

[0.2.5] - 2022-11-20

Patch Changes

  • Fixed an error that prevent user from using a React.ReactNode as a nested values of State.

[0.2.4] - 2022-11-20

Patch Changes

  • Fixed an error that require user to provide 3 generics instead of 1 to createStore.

[0.2.3] - 2022-11-10

Patch Changes

  • Better NPM discoverability.

[0.2.2] - 2022-11-09

Patch Changes

  • Refactor Subscribe ts type.

[0.2.1] - 2022-11-09


No code changes, but refactored "where" documentation and changelog lives. Updated also documentation.


  • refactored code for apps/app-next.
  • add with-zustand example as comparison inapps/app-compare-zustand.

[0.2.0] - 2022-11-08

Minor Changes

  • derivedStateResolver is now optional.
  • actionsCreator is now optional.

Dev Changes

  • add tests (ts-node, ava)
  • add check arguments for createStore

[0.1.1] - 2022-11-08

Patch Changes

  • Refactor subscription code to support concurrent mode
    • Migrate useEffect to useSyncExternalStore

Dev Changes

  • Added npm scripts for test, lint, check

[0.1.0] - 2022-11-06

Remember we are in pre v1 stage.

Major changes

  • Change createStore API - actionsCreator params
    • Removed set and set2 as separated function, and merged into a unique set, that shares the two behavior
    • Changed order of params in createStore.actionsCreater
const store = createStore(
  // initial state,
  // derived state resolver,
  // actions creator
-  (get,set,set2) => ({
-    dec: () => {
-      const prev = get();
-      set({ count: prev.count - 1 });
-    },
-    inc: () => set2(prev => ({ ...prev, count: prev.count + 1 }));
-  })
+  (set, get) => ({
+    dec: () => {
+      const prev = get();
+      set({ count: prev.count + 1 });
+    },
+    inc: () => set(prev => ({ ...prev, count: prev.count + 1 }));
+  })

[0.0.1] - 2022-11-06

Remember we are in pre v1 stage.

Initial Release.


1. Create the Store

Create the store.
You can create as many store as you want.
A common pattern is one file -> one store.
Every time you import from that file you get "that" store.
This is the reason of the name of the library 😎 !.

import { createStore } from '@tresorama/react-file-state';

const counterStore = createStore(
  // initial state
    count: 0
  // derived state resolver
  (state) => ({
    isEmpty: state.count === 0
  // actions creator
  (get, set, set2) => ({
    inc: () => set2(prev => ({ ...prev, count: prev.count + 1 })),
    dec: () => {
      const prev = get();
      set({ ...prev, count: prev.count - 1 });

export { counterStore };

2. Use it! - Vanilla JS

import {counterStore} from '..';

console.log(counterStore.getWithDerived()); // { count: 0, isEmpty: true };
console.log(counterStore.getWithDerived()); // { count: 1, isEmpty: false }

2. Use it! - React

import {counterStore} from '..';

const CounterInHeader = () => {
  const [count, actions] = store.useStore( s => s.count );
  return (
      <p>Counter: {count}</p>
      <button onClick={}>Increment</button>
      <button onClick={actions.dec}>Decrement</button>
const CounterInFooter = () => {
  const [isEmpty, actions] = store.useStore( s => s.isEmpty );
  return (
      <p> Is Empty: {state.isEmpty}</p>
      <button onClick={}>Increment</button>
      <button onClick={actions.dec}>Decrement</button>



type CreateStore = <
  S extends State,
  D extends DerivedState
  A extends Actions,
  initialState: S,
  derivedStateResolver: (state: S) => D,
  actionsCreator: (
    get: () => S,
    set: (newState: S) => void
    set2: (prevState: S) => S
  ) => A
) => Store;

const store = createStore (

// Example
const counterStore = createStore(
  // initialState
    count: 0
  // derivedStateResolver
  (state) => ({
    isEmpty: state.count === 0
  // actionsCreator
  (get, set, set2) => ({
    inc: () => set2(prev => ({ ...prev, count: prev.count + 1 })),
    dec: () => {
      const prev = get();
      set({ ...prev, count: prev.count - 1 });
    fetchStep: async () => {
      const step = await fetch(....);
      set2(prev => ({ ...prev, step }));



Initial state of your store.

import {JsonObject, JsonArray, JsonPrimitive} from 'type-fest';

type Data = JsonObject | JsonArray | JsonPrimitive;
type State = { [k: string]: Data; };
type InitialState = State;

derivedStateResolver A function that take your "state" as input and return a derived object.

import {JsonObject, JsonArray, JsonPrimitive} from 'type-fest';

type Data = JsonObject | JsonArray | JsonPrimitive;
type DerivedState = { [k: string]: Data; };
type DerivedStateResolver = (state: State) => DerivedState

actionsCreator A function that receive get, set, set2 as input return an object containing all your store actions. An actions is a function (or async function) that internally can call get, set or set2 for update the state.

type Actions = { 
  [k: string]: (...args: any[]) => void;
type ActionsCreator = (
  get: () => State,
  set: (newState:State) => void
  set2: (prevState:State) => State
) => Actions


Your store.


type Store = {
  get: () => State,
  getDerived: () => DerivedState,
  getWithDerived: () => State & DerivedState,
  set: (newState: State) => void,
  actions: Actions,
  subscribe: () => () => void

  /* React Hook */
  useStore:  (
    selector: <T>(stateWithDerived: State & DerivedState) => T;
  ) => [T, Actions]

store = {
  // for Vanilla JS
  get(),            // get "state" portion only    => { count }
  getDerived(),     // get "derived" portion only  => { isEmpty }
  getWithDerived(), // get "derived" and "state"   => { count, isEmpty }
  set(),            // update state
  actions,          // actions
  subscribe(),      // pub-sub listeners, returns unsubscribe function
  // for React
  useStore()        // see below


React only feature

A react hook linked to the store. It requires a selector as input and returns (similar to useState from react) an array containing the "selector" output as first item and sotre actions as second item.

const counterStore = createStore(
  {count: 0, step:1, name: 'Likes on post' },
  // omitted - derived state resolver
  (get,set,set2) => ({
    inc: () => ...

type Selector = <T>(stateWithDerived: State & DerivedState) => T;

const MyComp = () => {
  const [count, actions] = store.useStore( 
    s => s.count  // πŸ‘ˆ selector function
  return (
      <p>Counter: {count}</p>
      <button onClick={}>Increment</button>

Store.useStore - Selector

React only feature

To avoid unnecessary re-render you "select" only what parts of the state you use on that component.
This ensure that updates on other parts of the state will not re-render this component.
In case you don't select nothing, you will receive whole state, and re-renderer on every state change.

Selector function is internally memoized.
You don't need to do it.
For now is not possible to change the selector function once it's set.

const counterStore = createStore(
  {count: 0, step:1, name: 'Likes on post' },
  // omitted - derived state resolver
  // omitted - actions creator

type Selector = <T>(stateWithDerived: State & DerivedState) => T;

// Extract only "count" and re-render only on "count" updates
const MyComp = () => {
  const [count, actions] = store.useStore( 
    s => s.count  // πŸ‘ˆ selector function

// Extract only "step" and re-render only on "step" updates
const MyComp = () => {
  const [step, actions] = store.useStore( s => s.step );

// Extract "name" and "count" and re-render when "name" or "count" updates
const MyComp = () => {
  const [ {name, count}, actions] = store.useStore( ({name, count}}) => ({ name, count}) );

// Extract whole state and re-render on his updates
const MyComp = () => {
  const [ state, actions] = store.useStore( );
  // or (equivalent)
  const [ state, actions] = store.useStore( s => s ); 