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Chapter 3: Fetch Data from Salesforce

In this chapter we will cover the create two server functions to fetch opportunity information from Salesforce, and add a decorator to our server functions so we can access them from our client code.


If you are using a Salesforce development environment, it will come preloaded with records for you to use.

Salesforce Opportunities

We'll be working with Salesforce Opportunities which you can find in your Salesforce environment by going to Marketing, then selecting Opportunities along the top ribbon.

We can pick one of the opportunities from the list to open it and see all off the detail. We'll be updating the Stage, Close Date, and Amount.

Creating our Server Functions

We will be using two Salesforce Objects: Opportunity and OpportunityStage, and we can use a SQL query to get the all of the stages then use Opportunity object to get specific opportunity information.

Salesforce Object Reference Documentation

Let's use sf.query along with our Salesforce connection to get a list of all the different Opportunity Stages. We'll use pandas to simplify some of the data wrangling:

import pandas as pd

def opportunity_stages():
    sf = salesforce_connect()
    df_oppStage = pd.DataFrame(sf.query("SELECT MasterLabel FROM OpportunityStage LIMIT 200")['records'])
    oppStages = df_oppStage['MasterLabel'].tolist()
    return oppStages

Then let's use sf.Object.get with an object ID to get the specific record we want to update. The opp_ID parameter will come from the Client side code later on

def get_opportunity(opp_ID):
    sf = salesforce_connect()
    opportunity = sf.Opportunity.get(opp_ID)
    return opportunity


In order for our users to interact with our sever functions we will need to call them using client functions. Server functions are not available to the client side by default, so we need to add a decorator @anvil.server.callable.

Now our functions look like this:

def opportunity_stages():
    sf = salesforce_connect()
    df_oppStage = pd.DataFrame(sf.query("SELECT MasterLabel FROM OpportunityStage LIMIT 200")['records'])
    oppStages = df_oppStage['MasterLabel'].tolist()
    return oppStages

def get_opportunity(opp_ID):
    sf = salesforce_connect()
    opportunity = sf.Opportunity.get(opp_ID)
    return opportunity

Update an Opportunity

Finally, we can wrap our server code with an update function. We take the opportunity ID along with a dictionary of opportunity attributes, StageName, CloseDate, and Amount, from the client side as parameters and remove any records that are None.

Then we'll submit the changes using sf.Object.update

def update_opportunity(opp_ID,change_dict):
    sf = salesforce_connect()
    sf_changes = {k:v for k,v in change_dict.items() if v is not None}
    if sf_changes:
      response = sf.Opportunity.update(opp_ID,sf_changes)

You server module should have this code now

import anvil.tables as tables
import anvil.tables.query as q
from anvil.tables import app_tables
import anvil.server
import anvil.secrets

from simple_salesforce import Salesforce
import pandas as pd

def salesforce_connect():
    username = anvil.secrets.get_secret('sf_username')
    password = anvil.secrets.get_secret('sf_password')
    security_token = anvil.secrets.get_secret('sf_token')
    sf = Salesforce(username= username , password= password , security_token= security_token)
    return sf

def opportunity_stages():
    sf = salesforce_connect()
    df_oppStage = pd.DataFrame(sf.query("SELECT MasterLabel FROM OpportunityStage LIMIT 200")['records'])
    oppStages = df_oppStage['MasterLabel'].tolist()
    return oppStages

def get_opportunity(opp_ID):
    sf = salesforce_connect()
    opportunity = sf.Opportunity.get(opp_ID)
    return opportunity

def update_opportunity(opp_ID,change_dict):
    sf = salesforce_connect()
    sf_changes = {k:v for k,v in change_dict.items() if v is not None}
    if sf_changes:
      response = sf.Opportunity.update(opp_ID,sf_changes)