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Change-Id: Ifd68d26f265ef88b3b3c0eb0afd93ea330f6470b
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LarsMichelsen committed Feb 25, 2019
1 parent dd145e7 commit 102000f
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 125 deletions.
255 changes: 130 additions & 125 deletions active_checks/check_form_submit
Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ from HTMLParser import HTMLParser

def usage():
USAGE: check_form_submit -I <HOSTADDRESS> [-u <URI>] [-p <PORT>] [-s] [-H <VHOST>]
USAGE: check_form_submit -I <HOSTADDRESS> [-u <URI>] [-p <PORT>] [-s]
[-f <FORMNAME>] [-q <QUERYPARAMS>] [-e <REGEX>] [-t <TIMEOUT> ]
[-n <WARN>,<CRIT>]
Expand All @@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ OPTIONS:
-u URI The URL string to query, "/" by default
-p PORT TCP Port to communicate with
-s Encrypt the connection using SSL
-H VHOST Virtual Host specification to ask for
-f FORMNAME Name of the form to fill, must match with the
contents of the "name" attribute
-q QUERYPARAMS Keys/Values of form fields to be popuplated
Expand All @@ -98,10 +97,7 @@ class HostResult(Exception):

def new_state(rc, s):
if multiple:
raise HostResult((rc, s))
bail_out(rc, s)
raise HostResult((rc, s))

def bail_out(rc, s):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,7 +196,7 @@ class FormParser(HTMLParser):
# One form found and no form_name given, use that one
# Loop all forms for the given form_name, use the matching one
# otherwise raise an exception
def parse_form(content):
def parse_form(content, form_name):
parser = FormParser()
forms = parser.forms
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,131 +234,140 @@ def update_form_vars(form_elem, params):
return v

short_options = 'I:u:p:H:f:q:e:t:n:sd'
long_options = ["help"]

opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_options, long_options)
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % err)

hosts = []
multiple = False
uri = '/'
port = 80
ssl = False
vhost = None
form_name = None
params = {}
expect_regex = None
opt_debug = False
timeout = 10 # seconds
num_warn = None
num_crit = None

for o, a in opts:
if o in ['-h', '--help']:

def main():
global opt_debug
short_options = 'I:u:p:H:f:q:e:t:n:sd'
long_options = ["help"]

opts = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_options, long_options)[0]
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % err)

hosts = []
multiple = False
uri = '/'
port = 80
ssl = False
form_name = None
params = {}
expect_regex = None
timeout = 10 # seconds
num_warn = None
num_crit = None

for o, a in opts:
if o in ['-h', '--help']:
elif o == '-I':
elif o == '-u':
uri = a
elif o == '-p':
port = int(a)
elif o == '-s':
ssl = True
elif o == '-f':
form_name = a
elif o == '-q':
params = dict([parts.split('=', 1) for parts in a.split('&')])
elif o == '-e':
expect_regex = a
elif o == '-t':
timeout = int(a)
elif o == '-n':
if ',' in a:
num_warn, num_crit = map(int, a.split(',', 1))
num_warn = int(a)
elif o == '-d':
opt_debug = True

if not hosts:
sys.stderr.write('Please provide the host to query via -I <HOSTADDRESS>.\n')
elif o == '-I':
elif o == '-u':
uri = a
elif o == '-p':
port = int(a)
elif o == '-s':
ssl = True
elif o == '-H':
vhost = a
elif o == '-f':
form_name = a
elif o == '-q':
params = dict([parts.split('=', 1) for parts in a.split('&')])
elif o == '-e':
expect_regex = a
elif o == '-t':
timeout = int(a)
elif o == '-n':
if ',' in a:
num_warn, num_crit = map(int, a.split(',', 1))
num_warn = int(a)
elif o == '-d':
opt_debug = True

if not hosts:
sys.stderr.write('Please provide the host to query via -I <HOSTADDRESS>.\n')

if len(hosts) > 1:
multiple = True

client = init_http()

states = {}
for host in hosts:
base_url = get_base_url(ssl, host, port)
# Perform first HTTP request to fetch the page containing the form(s)
code, real_url, body = open_url(client, base_url + uri, timeout=timeout)

form = parse_form(body)

# Get all fields and prefilled values from that form
# Put the values of the given query params in these forms
form_vars = update_form_vars(form, params)

# Issue a HTTP request with those parameters
# Extract the form target and method
method = form['attrs'].get('method', 'GET').upper()
target = form['attrs'].get('action', real_url)
if target[0] == '/':
# target is given as absolute path, relative to hostname
target = base_url + target
elif target[0] != '':
# relative URL
target = '%s/%s' % ('/'.join(real_url.rstrip('/').split('/')[:-1]), target)

code, real_url, content = open_url(client, target, method, form_vars, timeout=timeout)

# If a expect_regex is given, check wether or not it is present in the response
if expect_regex is not None:
matches =, content)
if matches is not None:
new_state(0, 'Found expected regex "%s" in form response' % expect_regex)

if len(hosts) > 1:
multiple = True

client = init_http()

states = {}
for host in hosts:
base_url = get_base_url(ssl, host, port)
# Perform first HTTP request to fetch the page containing the form(s)
_code, real_url, body = open_url(client, base_url + uri, timeout=timeout)

form = parse_form(body, form_name)

# Get all fields and prefilled values from that form
# Put the values of the given query params in these forms
form_vars = update_form_vars(form, params)

# Issue a HTTP request with those parameters
# Extract the form target and method
method = form['attrs'].get('method', 'GET').upper()
target = form['attrs'].get('action', real_url)
if target[0] == '/':
# target is given as absolute path, relative to hostname
target = base_url + target
elif target[0] != '':
# relative URL
target = '%s/%s' % ('/'.join(real_url.rstrip('/').split('/')[:-1]), target)

_code, real_url, content = open_url(
client, target, method, form_vars, timeout=timeout)

# If a expect_regex is given, check wether or not it is present in the response
if expect_regex is not None:
matches =, content)
if matches is not None:
new_state(0, 'Found expected regex "%s" in form response' % expect_regex)
2, 'Expected regex "%s" could not be found in form response' %
2, 'Expected regex "%s" could not be found in form response' % expect_regex)
new_state(0, 'Form has been submitted')
except HostResult, e:
states[host] = e.result
new_state(0, 'Form has been submitted')
except HostResult, e:
if not multiple:
states[host] = e.result

if multiple:
failed = [pair for pair in states.items() if pair[1][0] != 0]
success = [pair for pair in states.items() if pair[1][0] == 0]
max_state = max([state for state, output in states.values()])
if multiple:
failed = [pair for pair in states.items() if pair[1][0] != 0]
success = [pair for pair in states.items() if pair[1][0] == 0]
max_state = max([state for state, _output in states.values()])

sum_state = 0
if num_warn is None and num_crit is None:
# use the worst state as summary state
sum_state = max_state
sum_state = 0
if num_warn is None and num_crit is None:
# use the worst state as summary state
sum_state = max_state

elif num_crit is not None and len(success) <= num_crit:
sum_state = 2
elif num_crit is not None and len(success) <= num_crit:
sum_state = 2

elif num_warn is not None and len(success) <= num_warn:
sum_state = 1
elif num_warn is not None and len(success) <= num_warn:
sum_state = 1

txt = '%d succeeded, %d failed' % (len(success), len(failed))
if failed:
txt += ' (%s)' % ', '.join(['%s: %s' % (n, msg[1]) for n, msg in failed])
bail_out(sum_state, txt)
txt = '%d succeeded, %d failed' % (len(success), len(failed))
if failed:
txt += ' (%s)' % ', '.join(['%s: %s' % (n, msg[1]) for n, msg in failed])
bail_out(sum_state, txt)

except Exception, e:
if opt_debug:
bail_out(3, 'Exception occured: %s\n' % e)
except Exception, e:
if opt_debug:
bail_out(3, 'Exception occured: %s\n' % e)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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