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Commentary of Gholk's Tridactylrc

Gold Holk edited this page Dec 24, 2023 · 12 revisions

I would share commentaris about my tridactylrc here, which may be helpfull. I really think some of they are interesting. Anyone's commentary or improvement are welcome too.

The masked rc is publicly hosted on a self-host gitlab server: . The personal information is removed (some bindurl and seturl commands), and so do the commit log. Contact me if you really want to read them.


The commentaries are link to the line number of the commit hash, since track the line numbers with evolution is hard.

Moreover, the commands (or configs) often require some other commands to work. Mostly I will not mention the required commands; you have to find them yourself or just source the whole rc.

uglify js

All javascript are uglify to one line (but not compressed), to read or modify them, just prettify it. (with uglifyjs -b, firefox's devtool or something else) I just work in this way.

version control about tridactylrc

Tridactyl sometimes mess up the persistent config store in browser, and it will be hard to maintain a clean rc file without the native messenger and the source command.

The mktridactylrc fix (alias mktp) command will output a sorted and tidy tridactylrc; copy it with composite mktridactylrc_fix | yank . It will skip the default binding and sort the rc, so the line number of rc will be stable and we can track it with git.

The source --clipboard command can source tridactylrc from clipboard. To use my rc, just copy the whole rc file and call the source --clipboard command. note it will not sanitise. To sanitise and source, use the source clipboard sanitise command.

Reuse js code

There is a useful jse command, which define many useful functions, and we can reuse them because tridactyl will recursive expand the command alias and append the argument strings.

For example, if we define:

command jse js let $ = q => document.querySelector(q);
command js_body jse let body = $('body');
command body_green js_body = 'green'

The command body_green will expand to:

# -> js_body = 'green'
# -> jse let body = $('body'); = 'green'
# -> js let $ = q => document.querySelector(q); let body = $('body'); = 'green'

useful js commands

jse, jsep and jse@ are commands define $ $all $ex $d $w run. jsep is same to js -p, and jse@ is same to js -d@ (you have to add the @ to close a delimiter command). $ $all is similar to querySelector and querySelectorAll, $ex async execute a ex command, $d is document and $w is window. run is use to execute a wrap async function, so you don't need to (async () => { /* async code here */ })(), just run(async () => { /* async */ }).

ex input node define the node to the <input> of the ex cmdline and all the jse function, and return the node in js context. use the node.value to access ex cmdline's content.

video with define the video to a video element in the page and all the jse function, and return the video in js context.

drop_with see UI to drop file.

hint_with see UI to select element TODO.

in js context

If you are already in js context and want to reuse the code, use the $ex function defined in jse and make sure the command's js codes will evaluate to the value you want. The $ex command not only execute the ex command but also return a promise which resolve to the command's return value.

If you define:

command body_exp js document.body

the await $ex('body_exp') or composite body_exp | js -p JS_ARG will evaluate to the document.body, but we will not be able to do body_exp body.appendChild(sth).

to reuse code in both js context and command expansion context, I define command like this:

command js_body js let body = document.body; body;

These statement still evaluate (the eval function in js) to body, and we also have a body variable, or just manually make the last statement be the value you want: await $ex('js_body let child = body.firstChild; child').

To get more than one value: let [$, $all] = await $ex('jse [$, $all]')

UI to drop file

use the drop with command to open cmdline and accept droping file on it one time. you have to set the onDrop callback on the drop with command. Eg:

drop_with onDrop = dropEvent => fillcmdline('# the file you drop is ' + dropEvent.dataTransfer.files[0].name)

will open the ex cmdline, wait you drop the file on it, and show the filename you drop.

To read the file content, you need the FileReader or ArrayBuffer api; see the source drop command.

source tridactylrc from droped file

the source drop command will wait you drop the rc file on cmdline and prepare a command to source it (you need to press enter after drop the file).

the rc will be prepand a sanitise tridactyllocal command so the config will be clean. to source without sanitise, remove the 'santise tridactyllocal\n' + in the cmdline.

save and resume the content in ex commandline

Press <C-s> in ex mode will save the content in command line, and next time you press : to open command line the save content will present.