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This project uses Gradle as build-system. It is a good idea to become familiar with Gradle, and the Gradle Userguide is a very good reference.

There are two ways of using Gradle to build the project. You can either install it on your computer, ot you can use the wrapper script 'gradlew' that can be found in the root of the source directory.

For the rest of this document we assume you are using the wrapper.

User Guide

After cloning the repository you will have to take a few additional steps to get everything up and running.

  • Create a MySQL database with the needed tables:

    % mysqladmin create sdm_warehouse
    % mysql -u _USERNAME_ sdm_warehouse < db/schema.sql

    If you want to call your database something else you can configure it in the files found in the subprojects. Just make sure not to push personal setting to the shared repository.

  • Check that everything is working:

    % ./gradlew test

    This will run all the tests in all the sub-projects. The tests include some integration tests and can take some time to complete.

    You can also run each tests in each sub-project individually, e.g.

    % ./gradlew importer:test

    will run all the tests in the importer project.

    Apart from running tests you can also check the health of the project by calling the 'check' task:

    % ./gradlew check

    This will do code coverage and check the coding convention defined in the 'config/checkstyle.xml' file.

  • Generate an eclipse project:

    % ./gradlew eclipse

    This will generate 1 eclipse project for each of the sub-projects (found in the subprojects directory) and an additional project for the root.

    You will have to manually import the projects into eclipse using the Import dialog. You will only need to do this step once.

    NB. If you use Idea's IDE you can generate a project for that too, but this is currently not configured. Please contribute if you set it up. ;)

  • Running the application:

    You can run the application directly from command line:

    % ./gradlew importer:jettyRun

    The downside to this is that it will only run one sub-project at a time.

    You can also use the eclipse to deploy the application to J2EE application server. This is recommended because you can control the server directly from the IDE and deploy several WAR (one for each sub-project).

    If you use eclipse, I recommend not using the 'Preview' server type since you will not get any console output.

    There are two projects you can run. The importer, and the replication service.

  • Access the administration GUI:

    The administration GUI is a browser based GUI for administering user rights and access restrictions. You can find it on:


    and the importer status page on:


    Of course you will have to substitute the host and port in the URL to fit your setup.

  • Configure SAML authentication:

    If you will be using the admin GUI in the for the replication service you will have to configure the SAML-filter. The SAML-filter will display a configuration screen the first time you try to access the admin GUI. You will have to configure it to fit your particular Identity Provider (IdP).

    Also you might have to configure the CPR-lookup URL, in the '' file, so it points to the correct endpoint. You will need a special VOCES with to access the service. By default the certificate in 'src/resources/testvoces.p12' will be used and is whitelisted with the test RID2CPR service.

DB Schema

If you alter the database schema there are three things you must do:

  1. Alter schema.sql to reflect the newest version of the schema.
  2. Alter the diagram.mwb file using MySQL Workbench to reflect the changes, and produce a new version of the diagram.pdf using the tool.
  3. Create a migration from the previous version of the schema to the new one and place the migration file in the 'db/migrations' directory.

Build Customization

Take a look in '', 'build.gradle', 'settings.gradle' and in the config-directory to customize the build to fit your project.

There are very few things that actually need to be changed in the build configuration – at least to start out with. But there are though a couple of properties you need to change in ''.

First off, you will have to change the name of the projectName and nextReleaseVersion properties. These properties are defined in file. The properties are described in greater detail in the file itself.

Coding standards and formatting is checked using Checkstyle. You can edit them to fit your project in config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml.

Dependency Management

It is a good idea to keep a list of dependencies you use in several sub-projects in the config/libraries.groovy file. That way you can keep versions consistent. There is of course nothing that is stopping your from declaring dependencies on an ad-hoc basis in your sub-projects. But this can quickly get out of hand for larger projects.

Releases & Snapshots

When you apply the deployment-plugin you get a few extra tasks to help you share your artifacts.

It is important to have a well-defined and consistent way of sharing jar files and other artifacts. Maven repos are the de-facto standard for artifact sharing and by using it you get a high degree of interoperability between build systems.

When using the deployment-plugin it is important to manage your build version. The property version should always update it when you have made a release to the repository. It is defined in the '' file.

You will only be able to release an artifact of a given version once. If you try to redeploy a release artifact, the deployment will fail (as it should). If you have made a mistake in a release, the only thing you can do is to confess you messed up and make a new release with a version bump.

Deploy a release artifact:

gradle deployRelease

While releases are fine when you are actually finished with an iteration or some other milestone, it is not always convenient to use release artifacts during active development. Therefore when you want to share your diamonds in the rough, you can use Snapshot versions. Snapshots of a given version can be deployed with any number of times. For people familiar with Ivy, snapshots can be used as a 'latest integration' dependencies.

Deploy a snapshot artifact:

gradle deploySnapshot

When making a release it is important to make sure that you don't depend on any snapshot artifacts. Since snapshots change over time, future snapshot versions will potentially break your release (which is bad).

So make sure you have no '-SNAPSHOT' dependencies when you call deployRelease or at the very least, as few of them as possible.

Git Tips

It is a good idea to check your code before you push anything to other central repositories. While you don't necessarily want to run tests and check code for every commit you do locally.

You can setup a git command alias to check your code before you push anything.

git config alias.publish '! ./gradlew check && git push "$@"'

This will allow you to e.g. write:

git publish origin master

as an alternative to git push. Please note that since you will be running tests and other code checks this will usually take considerably longer than a normal push.

To prevent git from telling you about config files that you do not want to commit, issue the following command:

git update-index --assume-unchanged subprojects/importer/src/main/resources/ subprojects/replication/src/main/resources/