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Chapter 14: Hashing

  • Worst case = O(n)
  • Average case = O(1)
  • Hashing = mapping keys to memory locations
    • This is typically achieved by converting the key to a number and taking the remainder of the table size
    • Hashing is mixing and recombining the value in some way such that it creates as unique a value as possible
    • Universal hashing
      • h(k) = [ ( ak + b ) mod p ] mod m
      • m is table size
      • a and b are random integers [0, p)
      • p is prime number > universe of k ==> large prime
  • Hash Table
    • A generalized array whose indexes can be selected based on a hash of the value stored in that index
    • Direct addressing = Direct access table = using an array’s index as the key
      • Applicable when we can afford to allocate an array with one position for every possible key
    • Hashing allows us to map keys to values
      • Useful when the number of possible keys is large compared to the actual number of keys
    • When table is full, double table size, like array
    • When number of elements shrinks to size/4, shrink table to size/2 ==> avoids repeated O(n) operations when adding/removing around the doubling/halving number of elements
  • Hash Functions
    • Used to transform the key into the index
    • Ideally should map each possible key to a unique slot index, but difficult to achieve in practice
    • An efficient hash function should be designed so that it distributes the index values of inserted objects uniformly across the table
    • Must be calculated quickly, minimize collisions, and efficiently resolve collisions
  • Collision = when to records are stored in the same location
  • Collision Resolution Techniques
    • Chaining = the value at each index is a linked list, which allows collisions to be resolved by having several elements in a single index
    • Open Addressing
      • in notes below, m indicates the table size
      • If a collision occurs, the value is stored at a different index
      • Insert - If initial hash index is filled, probe for a new index until empty or DeleteMe index is found, then insert value in table
      • Search - If value at hash index is not desired key, probe for a new index until desired key or None is found
      • Delete - If value at hash index is not desired key, probe for a new index until desired key is found, then delete the value at the table and replace with a DeleteMe flag, which indicates that it is empty at present
      • Linear probing = stored at the next open index
        • h(k, i) = (h'(k) + i) % m
        • may result in poor distribution throughout the table (cluster)
      • Quadratic probing = stored in a subsequent index, progressing in a quadratic manner
        • h(k, i) = (h'(k) + c1i + c2i^2) % m
        • may result in a better distribution throughout the table as keys get spread out
      • Double hashing = use a primary hash function for initial index, then combine with a second hash function for the probing sequence
        • h(k, i) = (h1(k) + i*h2(k)) % m
        • h2(k) and m must be relatively prime ==> this can be achieved by making m a power of 2 and making h2 always return an odd number
      • Expected number of probes = 1 / (1 - load factor)
  • Load factor = ( # elements in hash table ) / ( size of hash table)
    • If average number of elements in an index > load factor, rehash elements with a bigger hash table size
  • Bloom Filter
    • Probabilistic data structure which was designed to check whether an element is present in a set with memory and time efficiency
    • Tells us that element is either NOT in set or MAY BE in set
    • Initialize an array of all zeros
    • When an element is added, use k hash functions to hash the element itself
    • Set the array index to 1 for each of the k indexes yielded by the hash functions
    • If an element is queried and the indexes yielded by the hash functions are not all 1, then the element DEFINITELY HAS NOT been added
    • If they ARE all, then it is likely that it has been added but they all may have had collisions

Rabin-Karp Algorithm

  • Implements rolling hash ADT with O(1) operations
    • r maintains an internal string x
      • Treat x as multi digit number u in base a (a = size of alphabet — ASCII)
        • This can be done because the string x is an array of its characters, which can be represented as an array of ASCII integers
        • For example, for a = 10, x = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] = 1*10^4 + 2*10^3 + 3*10^2 + 4*10^1 + 5*10^0
        • This is the number that will then be used as input to the hash function
      • This is advantageous because when rolling, only two O(1) operations must be performed: append new element to end & remove first element
        • To achieve this:
          • Add element to end: multiply x[ i+1 : ] by a and add the new element
          • Remove element from front: x_i - a ^ (L-1) * x[i]
          • Generalized: h(x_i+1) = a * ( h(x_i) - a ^ ( L-1 ) * x[i] ) + x[ i + L ] mod m, where L is the length of s
    • r.append(char) = add char to end of x
    • r.append(char) = delete first char from x (assuming it is char)
    • r() = hash value of x = h(x)
# looking for substring s in corpus t

# initialize rolling hash for s = rs
for c in s:

# initialize rolling hash for t = rt
for c in t[:len(s)]:

# check equality
if rs() == rt():
  # substring of t MAY match s
  # check whether s == t[ i-len(s)+1 : i+1 ]
  if s == t[ i-len(s)+1 : i+1 ]:
    return True

# rs and rt not initially equal
# roll through and look for equality
for i in range(len(s), len(t)):
  if rs() == rt():
    # substring of t MAY match s
    # check whether s == t[ i-len(s)+1 : i+1 ]
    if s == t[ i-len(s)+1 : i+1 ]:
      return True
      # happens with probability <= 1/s