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Chapter 9: Graph Algorithms

  • A graph is a pair (V, E), where V is a set of vertices and E is a collection of pairs of vertices called edges
  • Directed edge ==> ordered pair of vertices
    • (u, v) - origin vertex u, destination vertex v
  • Undirected edge ==> unordered pair of vertices
  • Directed graph is a graph in which all edges are directed
  • Undirected graph is a graph in which all edges are undirected
  • Adjacent vertices are connected by an edge, which is incident on both vertices
  • Graph with no cycles is a tree (acyclic connected graph)
  • Two edges are parallel if they connect the same pair of vertices
  • Degree of a vertex is the number of edges incident on it
  • Subgraph is a subset of a graph’s edges that form a graph
  • *Path in a graph is a sequence of adjacent vertices
  • Simple path is a path with no repeated vertices
  • Cycle is a path in which the first and last vertices are the same
  • A vertex is connected to another if there is a path that contains both of them
  • A graph is connected if there is a path from every vertex to every other vertex
  • Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a directed graph with no cycles
  • Weighted graphs have weights assigned to each edge
  • Complete graph has all edges present
  • Sparse graph has relatively few edges (fewer than V log V)
  • |V| is the number of vertices
  • |E| is the number of edges (ranges from 0 to V * ( V + 1 ) / 2 )

Graph Representation

  • Store vertices as an array of vertices
  • Adjacency Matrix
    • Matrix of boolean values or weights to show whether two vertices are connected by an edge
    • Adj[u,v] = weight ==> u and v are connected by an edge
    • In a directed graph, Adj[u,v] = weight ==> there is an edge from u to v
    • An undirected graph only needs half of the matrix and all self edges are set to Weight
    • O(V^2) space and time to initialize
  • Adjacency List
    • Array Adj of vertices, where each element is a pointer to a linked list that contains the neighbors of that element
    • For OOP, you can use v.neighbors = Adj[v]
    • Linked list for each node that lists the different nodes that can be visited from the current node
    • V total linked lists
    • Order of adding edges is important because it will affect the order in which all processes process edges
    • Can be inefficient for deletes because the vertex must be deleted from the vertices list AND from all adjacency lists
    • O(E+V) space
  • Implicit representation
    • Use Adj(u) as a function to get the adjacency list for vertex u
    • Use v.neighbors() as a method to get the adjacency list for vertex v
    • No need to get or generate entire graph
    • Just keep getting neighbors until you find desired state
    • Good for representing graphs with many many states

9.5 Graph Traversals/Searches

  • Start from source (similar to root of Tree)
  • Depth First Search (DFS)
  • Breadth First Search (BFS)

Depth First Search (DFS)

  • Similar to preorder tree traversal
  • Edge types
    • Tree edge = visit new vertex
    • Forward edge = from ancestor to descendent in the forest of trees along DFS visit path (does not exist in undirected graphs)
    • Backward edge = from descendent to ancestor in the forest of trees along DFS visit path
    • Cross edge = between a tree or subtrees that are not ancestor related (does not exist in undirected graphs)
  • For most problems, boolean classification (unvisited/visited) is sufficient, but some require three colors
  • Use a stack to keep track of previously visited indexes
  • General DFS concept
    • Start at vertex u in the graph
    • Mark vertices as visited when visited (as part of their data structure)
    • Consider the edges from u to all other vertices
    • If the edge leads to an already visited vertex, then backtrack to u
    • If it leads to an unvisited vertex, go to that vertex and that becomes current vertex (previous current is pushed to stack)
    • Repeat until reaching a dead end at u
    • Backtrack if u current vertex is unable to make progress (pop from stack)
    • Process terminates when backtracking leads back to the start vertex
  • DFS traversal forms a tree (no back edges) = called DFS tree
  • O(V+E) time complexity with adjacency lists
  • O(V^2) for adjacency matrix

DFS Part 2 (OCW lecture notes)

  • DFS Forest consists of DFS trees and the tree edges in those trees
    • DFS trees consist of edges included in the DFS
    • DFS tree edges are the set of edges from parent u to vertex v, where the parent is not nil
  • Directed graph is acyclic if it has no back edges
  • Recursively explore graph, backtracking as necessary
  • Be careful to not repeat vertices
  • Vertices are either
    • White - undiscovered
    • Gray - discovered and may have undiscovered adjacent vertices
    • Black - finished
  • Vertices have two timestamps (or ticks/counters)
    • v.d = discovery time (or tick)
    • v.f = finish time (or tick), when DFS finishes v’s adjacency list and blackens v
  • Parenthesis Theorem
    • In a DFS, for any two vertices u and v, exactly one of the following conditions holds
      • [u.d, u.f] and [v.d, v.f] are entirely disjoint and neither u nor v is a descendant of the other in the depth-first forest
      • [u.d, u.f] is contained entirely within [v.d, v.f] and u is a descendant of v in a depth-first tree
      • [v.d, v.f] is contained entirely within [u.d, u.f] and v is a descendant of u in a depth-first tree
  • White-path theorem
    • In a depth-first forest, vertex v is a descendent of vertex u IIF at the time u.d that DFS discovers u, there is a path from u to v consisting entirely of white vertices
parent = {s:None}
DFS-Visit(Adj, s):
  for v in Adj[s]:
    if v not in parent:
      parent[v] = s
      DFS-Visit(Adj, v)

# DFS visits and tracks all vertices in the graph
# V is the set of vertices in the graph
DFS(V, Adj):
  parent = {}
  for s in V:
    if s not in parent:
      parent[s] = None
      DFS-Visit(Adj, s)
  • G has a cycle <==> DFS has a back edge
  • Used for topological sort
    • Run DFS
    • Output reverse of finishing times/sequences of vertices
    • This works because there are no back edges (because graph is acyclic)

Breadth First Search (BFS)

  • Used to find shortest paths
  • Similar to level order tree traversal
  • Vertices are either
    • White - undiscovered
    • Gray - discovered and may have undiscovered adjacent vertices
    • Black - discovered and has all adjacent vertices discovered
  • Construct breadth first tree starting at root s
    • Whenever a white vertex is discovered, it is added to the tree along with the edge
  • Uses queue to store vertices at subsequent levels
  • General BFS Concept
    • Starts at a given vertex, which is level 0
    • Mark vertices as visited when visited (as part of their data structure)
    • Enqueue all vertices 1 level away
    • Visit all vertices at level 1 (1 step away from start point)
    • Then visit all vertices at level 2
    • Repeat until all levels of the graph are completed
  • O(V+E) time complexity with adjacency lists
  • O(V^2) for adjacency matrix
# python BFS
BFS(s, Adj):
  level = {s:0}
  parent = {s:None}
  i = 1
  frontier = [s] # everything reachable in i-1 moves
  while frontier:
    next = [] # everything reachable in i moves
    for u in frontier:
      for v in Adj[u]:
        if v not in level:
          level[v] = i
          parent[v] = u
    frontier = next
    i += 1
  • parent points back to s (source) and form shortest path back to s from any given vertex


  • DFS is more memory efficient (does not require storage of child pointers on each level)
  • Usage depends on whether it is important to get to the bottom of the tree or whether the desired data is near the top of the tree
  • BFS is better for shortest paths

9.6 Topological Sort

  • Topological sort is an ordering of vertices in a DAG in which each node comes before all nodes to which it has outgoing edges
    • An example is course prerequisites in a major
  • If all pairs of consecutive vertices in the sorted order are connected by edges, then they form a directed Hamiltonian path, and the sort order is unique
  • Otherwise, if the Hamiltonian path does not exist, the DAG can have 2+ topological sort orderings
  • General Topological Sort Algorithm
    • Calculate indegree for all vertices (number of vertices leading into it) and store locally for each vertex
    • Enqueue all vertices of indegree 0
    • While queue is not empty
      • Dequeue vertex v as next vertex in sort order
      • Decrement all indegrees of edges adjacent to v
      • Enqueue a vertex as soon as its indegree falls to 0
  • O(V+E) time complexity with adjacency lists

9.7 Shortest Path Algorithms

  • GOAL: ∂(u, v) = { min( weighted_path from u to v if there exists any such path ), INF otherwise }
  • Maintain two data structures
    • d(v) = current total path weight to v from source
    • ∏(v) = predecessor on current best path to v from source
  • General structure, assuming no negative cycles
    • Initialize for all u in V:
      • d[v] = INF
      • ∏[u] = nil
      • d[s] = 0
    • Repeat until all E have d[v] <= d[u] + w(u,v)
      • select edge (u,v) … somehow
      • if d[v] > d[u] + w(u,v)
        • d[v] = d[u] + w(u,v)
        • ∏[v] = u
  • Utilizes the notion of relaxation = testing an edge to see if we can improve the current shortest path estimate
    • Relax an edge when it is used to update the distance to a vertex
    • Parent is then updated
    • Shortest path algorithms only differ in how many times they relax edges and the order in which they relax edges
    • Dijkstra relaxes each edge only one time
    • Bellman-Ford relaxes each edge
  • Optimal substructure = subpaths of a shortest path are shortest paths
  • Triangle inequality
    • ∂(s, v) <= ∂(s, u) + w(u, v)

Further Shortest Path Notes

  • Unweighted graph, weighted graph, weighted graph with negative edges
  • Unweighted shortest path
    • BFS
    • Newly discovered vertices have a distance of their parents distance plus one
    • Set their parent to their parents node

Weighted DAG Shortest Path (non-negative edges)

  • Topological sort the DAG
    • Path from u to v implies that u is before v in ordering
  • One pass over vertices in topologically sorted order
    • Relax each edge that leaves each vertex
  • O(V+E)

Dijkstra (non-negative, weighted graph)

  • Complexity
    • Theta(V^2 + E) with array for queue
    • Theta(V log V + E log V) for min heap
      • O(log V) for extract min (and update heap)
      • O(log V) for decrease key operation
    • Theta(v log V + E) for Fibonacci heap
      • O(log V) for extract min (and update heap)
      • O(1) for decrease key operation
  • Generalization of breadth first search
  • BFS cannot guarantee that the vertex at the front of the queue is the closest to the source vertex in terms of weighted distance
  • Uses greedy algorithm: always picks the next closest vertex to the source
  • Uses a priority queue to store on visited vertices by distance from source (instead of a regular queue in regular BFS)
    • As new vertices are discovered they are added to the priority queue
  • Does not work on graphs with negative edges
  • Distance for each vertex is stored as the total weighted distance from the source
  • A distance can be updated if a new shorter distance is found
    • The element is updated in the priority queue with this new distance
  • Disadvantages are doing a blind search which wastes resources and not being able to handle negative edges
Dijkstra(G, w, s):
  Initialize(G, s)
  S = Ø                       // set of vertices whose shortest path from s has been found
  Q = G.V                   // set of vertices whose shortest path from s remains yet to be found
                                  // priority queue, prioritized by v.d = total distance from s thus far
  while Q != Ø:
    u = extract-min(Q)
    S = S U {u}            // add u to S
    for v in Adj(u):
      Relax(u, v, w)

Initialize(G, s):
  for v in G:
    v.π = nil
    v.d = INF
  s.d = 0

Relax(u, v, w):
  if v.d > u.d + w(u,v):
    v.d = u.d + w(u,v)
    v.π = u


  • Bellman-Ford Intuition
    • With each pass from 1 up to V-1, you're establishing ∂ for the nodes each level further away from s
    • Thus, each pass creates progressively more optimal subpaths until they cannot be optimized further
    • After V-1 passes, all ∂ will have been found
  • Nodes unreachable due to negative weight cycles will have ∂(s, v) = undef
  • Nodes unreachable otherwise will have ∂(s, v) = INF
  • Initialize regular queue with s
  • Initialize hash table to indicate which vertices are in the queue
  • At each iteration, dequeue v
  • Find all vertices w adjacent to v such that: dist[v] + weight(v,w) < old dist[w]
  • Then update old distance and path for w and enqueue if not already there
  • Repeat until queue is empty
  • O(E*V) with adjacency lists
  • Disadvantage is that it does not work if there are negative-cost cycles
Bellman-Ford(G, w, s):
  Initialize(G, s)
  for i=1 to size(V)-1:
    for each edge (u, v):
      Relax(u, v, w)

  // check for negative weight cycle
  for each edge (u, v):
    if v.d > u.d + w(u, v):
      Report negative weight cycle exists

### Bidirectional Search
* Source s, Target t
* Run Dijkstra, alternating forwards from s and backwards from t, when they meet the algorithm will be complete
* Maintain priority queues for Q_forward, Q_backward
* When an element has been extracted from both, the frontiers will have met and the search can be terminated
* **∂(s, t) = min(d_forward[x] + d_backward[x])**
  * x may or may not be the same vertex that terminates the search

### 9.8 Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) Algorithms
* Spanning Tree = subgraph (that is a tree) that contains all vertices in a graph AND has minimum total weight
* Prim’s Algorithm
  * Almost exact same as Dijkstra
  * Relax function is all that differs:
PrimRelax(u, v, w):
  if v.d > w(u, v):
    v.d = w(u, v)
* Kruskal’s Algorithm