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File metadata and controls

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FIL Backend Model Configuration

Like all Triton backends, models deployed via the FIL backend make use of a specially laid-out "model repository" directory containing at least one serialized model and a config.pbtxt configuration file:

├─ example/
│  ├─ 1/
│  │  ├─ model.json
│  ├─ 2/
│  │  ├─ model.json
│  ├─ config.pbtxt

Documentation for general Triton configuration options is available in the main Triton docs, but here, we will review options specific to the FIL backend. For a more succinct overview, refer to the FAQ notebook, which includes guides for configuration under specific deployment scenarios.

Structure of configuration file

A typical config.pbtxt file might look something like this:

backend: "fil"
max_batch_size: 32768
input [
    name: "input__0"
    data_type: TYPE_FP32
    dims: [ 32 ]
output [
    name: "output__0"
    data_type: TYPE_FP32
    dims: [ 1 ]
instance_group [{ kind: KIND_AUTO }]
parameters [
    key: "model_type"
    value: { string_value: "xgboost_json" }
    key: "output_class"
    value: { string_value: "true" }

dynamic_batching {}

Note that (as suggested by the file extension), this is a Protobuf text file and should be formatted accordingly.

Specifying the backend

If you wish to use the FIL backend, you must indicate this in the configuration file with the top-level backend: "fil" option. For information on models supported by the FIL backend, see Model Support or the FAQ notebook.

Maximum Batch Size

Because of the relatively quick execution speed of most tree models and the inherent parallelism of FIL, typically the only limitation on the maximum batch size is the size of Triton's CUDA memory pool set at launch. Nevertheless, you must specify some maximum batch size here, so setting it to whatever (large) value is consistent with your memory usage needs alongside other models should work fine:

max_batch_size: 1048576

Inputs and Outputs

Input and output tensors for a model are described using three entries: name, data_type, and dims. The name for the input tensor should always be "input__0", and the name for the primary output tensor should always be "output__0".

The FIL backend currently exclusively uses 32-bit precision. 64-bit model parameters are rounded to 32-bit values, although optional support for 64-bit execution should be added in the near future. At present, however, both inputs and outputs should always use TYPE_FP32 for their data_type.

The dimensions of the I/O tensors do not include the batch dimension and are model-dependent. The input tensor's single dimension should just be the number of features (columns) in a single input sample (row).

The output tensor's dimensions depend on whether the predict_proba option (described below) is used or not. If it is not used, the return value for each sample is just the index of the output class. In this case, the single output dimension is just 1. Otherwise, a probability will be returned for every class in the model and the single output dimension should be the number of classes. Binary models are considered to have a single class for data transfer efficiency.

Below, we see an example I/O specification for a model with 32 input features and 3 output classes with the predict_proba flag enabled:

input [
    name: "input__0"
    data_type: TYPE_FP32
    dims: [ 32 ]
output [
    name: "output__0"
    data_type: TYPE_FP32
    dims: [ 3 ]

Specifying CPU/GPU execution

Triton loads multiple copies or "instances" of its models to help take maximum advantage of available hardware. You may control details of this via the top-level instance_group option.

The simplest use of this option is simply:

instance_group [{ kind: KIND_AUTO }]

This will load one instance on each available NVIDIA GPU. If no compatible NVIDIA GPU is found, a single instance will instead be loaded on the CPU. KIND_GPU and KIND_CPU are used in place of KIND_AUTO if you wish to explicitly specify GPU or CPU execution.

You may also specify count in addition to kind if you wish to load additional model instances. See the main Triton docs for more information.

Dynamic Batching

One of the most useful features of the Triton server is its ability to batch multiple requests and evaluate them together. To enable this feature, include the following top-level option:

dynamic_batching {}

Except for cases where latency is critical down to the level of microseconds, we strongly recommend enabling dynamic batching for all deployments.

FIL-Specific Options

All other options covered here are specific to FIL and will go in the parameters section of the configuration. Triton's backend-specific parameters are represented as string values and converted when read.

Model Type

The FIL backend accepts models in a number of serialization formats, including XGBoost JSON and binary formats, LightGBM's text format, and Treelite's checkpoint format. For more information, see Model Support.

The model_type option is used to indicate which of these serialization formats your model uses: xgboost for XGBoost binary, xgboost_json for XGBoost JSON, lightgbm for LightGBM, or treelite_checkpoint for Treelite:

parameters [
    key: "model_type"
    value: { string_value: "xgboost_json" }

Model Filenames

For each model type, Triton expects a particular default filename:

  • xgboost.model for XGBoost Binary
  • xgboost.json for XGBoost JSON
  • model.txt for LightGBM
  • for Treelite It is recommended that you use these filenames, but custom filenames can be specified using Triton's usual configuration options.

Classification vs. Regression (output_class)

Set output_class to true if your model is a classification model or false if your model is a regressor:

parameters [
    key: "output_class"
    value: { string_value: "true" }

Classification confidence scores (predict_proba)

For classifiers, if you wish to return a confidence score for each class rather than simply a class ID, set predict_proba to true

parameters [
    key: "predict_proba"
    value: { string_value: "true" }

Allow unknown fields in XGBoost JSON model (xgboost_allow_unknown_field)

For XGBoost JSON models, ignore unknown fields instead of throwing a validation error. This flag is ignored for other kinds of models.

parameters [
    key: "xgboost_allow_unknown_field"
    value: { string_value: "true" }

Decision Threshold

For binary classifiers, it is sometimes helpful to set a specific confidence threshold for positive decisions. This can be set via the threshold parameter. If unset, an implicit threshold of 0.5 is used for binary classifiers.

parameters [
    key: "threshold"
    value: { string_value: "0.3" }

Performance parameters

The FIL backend includes several parameters that can be tuned to optimize latency and throughput for your model. These parameters will not affect model output, but experimenting with them can significantly improve model performance for your specific use case.


As of release 22.11, this flag only affects CPU deployments. Setting it to true can significantly improve both latency and throughput. In the future, the current experimental optimizations will become default, and new performance optimizations will be trialed using this flag. Even these experimental optimizations are thoroughly tested before release, but they offer less of a stability guarantee than the default execution mode.

parameters [
    key: "use_experimental_optimizations"
    value: { string_value: "true" }

threads_per_tree (GPU only)

This parameter applies only to GPU deployments and determines the number of consecutive CUDA threads used to evaluate a single tree. While correctly tuning this value offers significant performance improvements, it is very difficult to determine the optimal value a priori.

In general, servers under higher load or those receiving larger batches from clients will benefit from a higher value. On the other hand, more powerful GPUs typically see optimal performance with a somewhat lower value.

To find the optimal value for your deployment, test under realistic traffic and experiment with powers of 2 from 1 to 32.

parameters [
    key: "threads_per_tree"
    value: { string_value: "4" }

storage_type (GPU only)

This parameter determines how trees are represented in device memory. Choosing DENSE will consume more memory but may sometimes offer performance benefits. Choosing SPARSE will consume less memory and may perform as well as or better than DENSE for some models. Choosing AUTO will apply a heuristic that defaults to DENSE unless it is obvious that doing so will consume significantly more memory.

SPARSE8 is an experimental format which offers an even smaller memory footprint than SPARSE and may offer better throughput/latency in some cases. You should thoroughly test your model's output with SPARSE8 if you choose to use it.

parameters [
    key: "storage_type"
    value: { string_value: "SPARSE" }

algo (GPU only)

This parameter determines how nodes within a tree are organized in memory as well as how they are accessed during inference. NAIVE uses a breadth-first layout and is the only value which should be used with the SPARSE or SPARSE8 storage types. TREE_REORG rearranges trees to improve memory coalescing. BATCH_TREE_REORG is similar to TREE_REORG but performs inference on several rows at once within a thread block. ALGO_AUTO will default to NAIVE for sparse storage and BATCH_TREE_REORG for dense storage.

Different settings for this parameter may produce modest performance benefits depending on the details of the model.

parameters [
    key: "algo"
    value: { string_value: "NAIVE" }

blocks_per_sm (GPU only)

This experimental option attempts to launch the indicated number of blocks per streaming multiprocessor if set to a value greater than 0. This will fail if your hardware cannot support the number of threads associated with this value. Tweaking this number can sometimes result in small performance benefits.

parameters [
    key: "blocks_per_sm"
    value: { string_value: "2" }

transfer_threshold (GPU only)

For extremely lightweight models operating on a deployment with very light traffic and small batch sizes, the overhead of moving data to the GPU sometimes outweighs the faster inference. As traffic increases, however, you will want to take advantage of available NVIDIA GPUs to provide optimal throughput/latency. To facilitate this, the transfer_threshold can be set to some integer value indicating the number of rows beyond which data should be transferred to the GPU. If this setting is beneficial at all, it typically takes on a small value (~1-5 for typical hardware configurations). Most models are unlikely to benefit from setting this to any value other than 0, however.

parameters [
    key: "transfer_threshold"
    value: { string_value: "2" }