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Releases: trufflesuite/ganache

v2.3.2-beta.5 - Regression Fixes 🐛

12 Dec 22:39
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Release Highlights

  • Make sure we maintain backward compatibility with older database schemas. #257

v2.3.2-beta.4 - Regression Fixes 🐛

12 Dec 21:58
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Release Highlights

This is a fix for regressions found in v2.3.0. This release also fixes a block hash bug.

Asynchronous request processing, enabled in 2.3.0, has been put back to disabled while we continue to work on the underlying issue.

Fixes the following regressions:

Bug fixes:

  • Upgrades ethereumjs-block to latest, fixing a bug causing incorrect block hash calculations (#237) PR: #238

v2.3.0 – New Features, Performance Improvements, & Bug Fixes – Spicy Maple Bacon 🥓

15 Nov 21:51
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v2.3.0 Spicy Maple Bacon 🥓

Hot out of the oven with a new minor version release! It's been a while since the last ganache-core release, but we haven't been idle. This time around we've made things spicy (with some performance improvements) and sweetened the recipe (by adding a new feature) – and we've also sprinkled in plenty of bug fixes!

Release Highlights

This release is mostly bug fixes, but there are some huge performance improvements as well, most importantly we've finally re-enabled async request processing! Thank you everyone who contributed to the research, commits, conversations, and PRs behind the fix for the race condition bug we've been working on since 2017.

You shouldn't have any issues when upgrading from a v2.*.* to v2.3.0, but if you do please let us know by filing an issue.


New Features:

  • Add a new option for HTTP Server keepAliveTimeout 48028c7


  • Enable async request processing: 312902f
  • Optimize sortbyPriceAndNonce: 398125f
  • Default to using native dependencies where possible, falling back to JS implementations where native isn’t available. 22e3af6

Bug Fixes:

  • Don’t assume that every transaction with data is a contract call f52e1ab
  • eth_getCompilers now returns empty array instead of ["solidity"] a3638a5
  • Add v, r, and s parameters in getTransaction 5dc6510
  • Return RPC quantity encoded hex strings for logIndex and transactionIndex in logs: abb0a7e
  • Return properly encoded RPC hex strings for transactions: 24eb4bc
  • Fix handling of 0x0, 0x, 0x00, and null in JSON RPC responses: 3efcab4, and 9a4cb88
  • Fix multi-transactions per block gas-usage & cumulative gas-usage 72efbd7
  • Fix Merkle Patricia Tree race condition and forked debugging: af98663
  • Add to and from fields to transaction receipts: 4d3c606
  • Update statemanager to handle requests with block numbers higher than latest: c02be96
  • Fix hash collision issue and update ethereumjs-tx: 7f837ab
  • Fix issue where interval mining wouldn’t stop after the provider/server was closed: 0c3979d


More steady releases to come in the future so keep on filing issues and submitting PRs!

💖 The Truffle Team

v2.2.1 - Hot Fix 🔥

16 Aug 23:22
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Release Highlights

Hotfix for a breaking change introduced in v2.2.1 in the new eth_estimateGas implementation.

Release Highlights from v2.2.0:

  • Added evm_setTime method to enable setting the time.
  • eth_estimateGas now returns more accurate estimate when a transaction has a gas refund.
  • evm_mine now accepts a timestamp parameter.
  • Includes revert reason string in result error message, when applicable.
  • Add user-agent to CORS "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" response to an fix issue in Firefox.
  • Fixes issue where transactions without a gasPrice may default to a gasPrice of 0x1 instead of the ganache provider/server's default/specified gasPrice.
  • Changes the default gasPrice from 0x4A817C800 (20 gwei) to a more reasonable value of 0x77359400 (2 gwei).
  • Add experimental eth_signTypedData method. This implementation will likely change in future versions.

v2.2.0 - New Features & Bug Fixes 🕒

16 Aug 23:22
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Release Highlights

  • Added evm_setTime method to enable setting the time.
  • eth_estimateGas now returns more accurate estimate when a transaction has a gas refund.
  • evm_mine now accepts a timestamp parameter.
  • Includes revert reason string in result error message, when applicable.
  • Add user-agent to CORS "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" response to an fix issue in Firefox.
  • Fixes issue where transactions without a gasPrice may default to a gasPrice of 0x1 instead of the ganache provider/server's default/specified gasPrice.
  • Changes the default gasPrice from 0x4A817C800 (20 gwei) to a more reasonable value of 0x77359400 (2 gwei).
  • Add experimental eth_signTypedData method. This implementation will likely change in future versions.

v2.1.6 - Bug Fixes 🐛

01 Aug 21:15
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Release Highlights

  • Pins ethereumjs-wallet to v0.6.0, to work around a problem with this dependency which broke HD Wallet support.
  • Switches project to use npm-shrinkwrap.json instead of package-lock.json so that projects which depend on ganache-core are getting the same dependency versions we test against.
  • Fixes a bug wherein the provider engine wasn't being stopped when the ganache-core was provider was stopped, which makes ganache-core more useful in contexts where it might need to be spun up multiple times in a single process.

v2.1.5 - Bug Fixes 🐛

10 Jul 15:15
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Release Highlights

  • Pins ethereumjs-tx to v1.3.4, to work around a problem with this dependency which broke eth_sendRawTransaction. See ethereumjs/ethereumjs-tx#113 for more info.

Note that upgrading to this release is only necessary if you're having issues with eth_sendRawTransaction in a project which depends on ganache-core.

v2.1.4 - Bug Fixes 🐛

06 Jul 17:48
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Release highlights

  • Fixes bug causing value sent to a contract created on a forked chain to not persist.
  • Adds boolean allowUnlimitedContractSize option, which allows a contract to be created regardless of size limits.
  • Fixes bug causing incorrect balances on accounts from the parent chain when using the forking feature.
  • Fixes filter.address to work with a single value or an array, in compliance with the JSON RPC wiki.
  • Fixes send method in Provider to throw when no callback is specified.

v2.1.3 - Bug Fixes 🐛

27 Jun 20:28
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Release highlights

  • Completes fix from previous release for less strict checks on filter/subscription IDs and on addresses specified in log filters/subscriptions to allow for mixed case hex encoding.
  • Removes vulnerability caused by transitive dependency on hoek

v2.1.1 - Bug Fixes 🐛

12 Jun 16:43
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Release highlights

  • Minimum required version of node is now 8.9.0
    • Allows us to use the async/await keywords or dependencies which use these keywords
  • Makes it possible to fetch revert or require reason strings when vmErrorsOnRpcResponse is false
  • Correctly restores time deltas on snapshot/revert
  • Preserves transaction signatures sent along with eth_sendRawTransaction
  • Makes it possible to disable storage/memory/stack output in debug_traceTransaction (useful for code coverage tooling)
  • Fixes JSON encoding of log & receipt types, respecting the data/quantity format types specified in the RPC wiki.
  • Less strict checks on filter/subscription IDs and on addresses specified in log filters/subscriptions to allow for mixed case hex encoding.
  • Renamed blocktime to blockTime to follow ganache-cli changes.
  • Fixes Server.listen so that it now passes the SateManager in its callback.
  • Returns more helpful error message when eth_getTransactionCount is called with a bad block number.