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trustlines-watch helps monitoring the trustlines cluster. It watches a running parity or geth client via the JSONRPC interface and pushes information to a riemann instance.


trustlines watch requires python 3.6 or up. It also needs the postgresql development files. On a debian based system these can be installed with

apt install libpq-dev

Please run the following command in a python 3 virtualenv:

pip install . -c constraints.txt

This will install a 'tl-watch' executable.


tl-watch etherscan

Watches etherscan for the current blockNumber. Run tl-watch etherscan --help for available command line options.

tl-watch jsonrpc

Watches a parity or geth client via the JSONRPC interface. Run tl-watch jsonrpc --help for available command line options.

tl-watch relay

Watches a trustlines relay server via the REST API. Run tl-watch relay --help for available command line options.

tl-watch psql

Queries a postgres database. Run tl-watch psql --help for available command line options. The sql query to run is given via the command line option --sqlquery. It must return at least the service and metric fields.

Here's an example that would monitor the synchronization state of ethindex:

tl-watch psql --sqlquery "select 'sync.' || syncid || '.last_block' service, last_block_number metric from sync"

tl-watch get-website-hash

Calculates the hash of the relevant sources from a specific URL (--url). This is meant to be used in combination with tl-watch website to get the initial origin hash value. Relevant are sources which can change the content of the website. Therefore the hash gets calculated over the basic HTML and the first parity JS scripts. Stylesheets are not relevant for the content. External JavaScript can't be ensured to not change and must not affect the content on its own. Run tl-watch get-website-hash --help for available command line options.

tl-watch website

Watches for changed code of a website. It continuously calculates the hash of the relevant sources to ensure they haven't changed in comparison to an initially provided origin hash. That origin hash can be calculated with tl-watch get-website-hash. Run tl-watch website --help for available command line options.

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