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File metadata and controls

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@ServerSettings let you to configure quickly your server via decorator. This decorator take your configuration and merge it with the default server configuration.

The default configuration is as follow:

  "rootDir": "path/to/root/project",
  "env": "development",
  "port": 8080,
  "debug": false,
  "httpsPort": 8000,
  "uploadDir": "${rootDir}/uploads",
  "mount": {
    "/rest": "${rootDir}/controllers/**/*.ts" // support ts with ts-node then fallback to js
  "componentsScan": [
  "routers": {
    "mergeParams": false,
    "strict": false,
    "caseSensitive": false

You can customize your configuration as follow:

// server.ts
import {ServerLoader, ServerSettings} from "@tsed/common";
import Path = require("path");

   rootDir: Path.resolve(__dirname), //optional. By default it's equal to process.cwd()
   mount: {
     "/rest": "${rootDir}/controllers/current/**/*.js",
     "/rest/v1": [
        "${rootDir}/controllers/v1/groups/**/*.ts", // support ts entry
        "!${rootDir}/controllers/v1/groups/old/*.ts", // support ts entry
        MyController // support manual import
export class Server extends ServerLoader {


// app.ts
import * as Server from "./server";
new Server.start();

Ts.ED support ts-node. Ts extension will be replaced by a Js extension if ts-node isn't the runtime.


  • rootDir <string>: The root directory where you build run project. By default, it's equal to `process.cwd().
  • env <Env>: The environment profile. By default the environment profile is equals to NODE_ENV.
  • port <string | number>: Port number for the HTTP.Server.
  • httpsPort <string | number>: Port number for the HTTPs.Server.
  • httpsOptions <Https.ServerOptions)>:
    • key <string> | <string[]> | <Buffer> | <Object[]>: The private key of the server in PEM format. To support multiple keys using different algorithms an array can be provided either as a plain array of key strings or an array of objects in the format {pem: key, passphrase: passphrase}. This option is required for ciphers that make use of private keys.
    • passphrase <string> A string containing the passphrase for the private key or pfx.
    • cert <string> | <string[]> | <Buffer> | <Buffer[]>: A string, Buffer, array of strings, or array of Buffers containing the certificate key of the server in PEM format. (Required)
    • ca <string> | <string[]> | <Buffer> | <Buffer[]>: A string, Buffer, array of strings, or array of Buffers of trusted certificates in PEM format. If this is omitted several well known "root" CAs (like VeriSign) will be used. These are used to authorize connections.
  • uploadDir <string&gt: The temporary directory to upload the documents. See more on Upload file with Multer.
  • mount <IServerMountDirectories>: Mount all controllers under a directories to an endpoint.
  • componentsScan <string[]>: List of directories to scan Services, Middlewares or Converters.
  • exclude <string[]>: List of glob patterns. Exclude all files which matching with this list when ServerLoader scan all components with the mount or scanComponents options.
  • statics <IServerMountDirectories>: Object to mount all directories under to his endpoints. See more on Serve Static.
  • swagger <Object>: Object configure swagger. See more on Swagger.
  • debug <boolean>: Enable debug mode. By default debug is false.
  • routers <object>: Global configuration for the Express.Router. See express documentation.
  • validationModelStrict <boolean>: Use a strict validation when a model is used by the converter. When a property is unknown, it throw a BadRequest (see Converters). By default true.
  • logger <ILoggerSettings>: Logger configuration.
  • controllerScope <request|singleton>: Configure the default scope of the controllers. Default: singleton. See Scope.
  • acceptMimes <string[]>: Configure the mimes accepted by default by the server.
  • errors <IErrorsSettings>: Errors configuration (see Throw Http exceptions).

HTTP & HTTPs server

Change address

It's possible to change the HTTP and HTTPS server address as follows:

   httpPort: "",
   httpsPort: "",
export class Server extends ServerLoader {


Random port

Random port assignement can be enable with the value "0". The port assignment will be delegate to the OS.

   httpPort: "",
   httpsPort: "",
export class Server extends ServerLoader {



   httpPort: 0,
   httpsPort: 0,
export class Server extends ServerLoader {


Disable HTTP

   httpPort: false,
export class Server extends ServerLoader {


Disable HTTPS

   httpsPort: false,
export class Server extends ServerLoader {


HTTPs configuration

You see the example projet HTTPs


Default logger

Default logger use by Ts.ED is ts-log-debug.


Some options is provided:

  • logger.debug (or debug): Enable debug mode. By default debug is false.
  • logger.logRequest: Log all incoming request. By default is true and print the configured logger.requestFields.
  • logger.requestFields: Fields displayed when a request is logged. Possible values: reqId, method, url, headers, body, query,params, duration.
  • logger.reqIdBuilder: A function called for each incoming request to create a request id.
  • logger.jsonIndentation: The number of space characters to use as white space in JSON output. Default is 2 (0 in production).
  • logger.disableRoutesSummary: Disable routes table displayed in the logger. By default debug is false.
  • logger.format: Specify log format. Example: %[%d{[yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss,SSS}] %p%] %m. See ts-log-debug configuration.
  • logger.ignoreUrlPatterns (String or RegExp): List of pattern to ignore logged request according to the request.url.

It's recommended to disable logRequest in production. Logger have a cost on the performance.

Request logger

For each Express.Request, a logger will be attached and can be used like here:{customData: "test"}) // parameter is optional
request.log.debug({customData: "test"})
request.log.warn({customData: "test"})
request.log.error({customData: "test"})
request.log.trace({customData: "test"})

A call with once of this method will generate a log according to the logger.requestFields configuration:

[2017-09-01 11:12:46.994] [INFO ] [TSED] - {
  "status": 200,
  "reqId": 1,
  "method": "GET",
  "url": "/api-doc/swagger.json",
  "duration": 92,
  "headers": {
    "host": "",
    "connection": "keep-alive",
    "upgrade-insecure-requests": "1",
    "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.101 Safari/537.36",
    "accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8",
    "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
    "accept-language": "fr-FR,fr;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4"
  "body": {},
  "query": {},
  "customData": "test"

You can configure this output from configuration:

   logger: {
       requestFields: ["reqId", "method", "url", "headers", "body", "query","params", "duration"]
export class Server extends ServerLoader {


or you can override the middleware with @OverrideMiddleware.


export class CustomLogIncomingRequestMiddleware extends LogIncomingRequestMiddleware {
    public use(@Req() request: any, @Res() response: any) {
        // you can set a custom ID with another lib = require('uuid').v4()
        return super.use(request, response); // required 
    protected requestToObject(request) {
        return {
           method: request.method,
           url: request.originalUrl || request.url,
           duration: new Date().getTime() - request.tsedReqStart.getTime(),
           headers: request.headers,
           body: request.body,
           query: request.query,
           params: request.params

Shutdown logger

Shutdown return a Promise that will be resolved when ts-log-debug has closed all appenders and finished writing log events. Use this when your program exits to make sure all your logs are written to files, sockets are closed, etc.

import {$log} from "ts-log-debug";

  .then(() => {

Get configuration

The configuration can be reused throughout your application in different ways.

From service (DI)

import {ServerSettingsService} from "@tsed/common";
@Service() // or Controller or Middleware
export class MyService {
    constructor(serverSettingsService: ServerSettingsService) {

From decorators

Decorators @Constant and @Value can be used in all classes including:

@Constant and @Value accept an expression as parameters to inspect the configuration object and return the value.

import {Env} from "@tsed/core";
import {Constant, Value} from "@tsed/common";

export class MyClass {
    env: Env;
    swaggerPath: string;

    $onInit() {

Constant return an Object.freeze() value.

Note: The values for the decorated properties aren't available on constructor. Use $onInit() hook to use the value.