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AWS Lambda Router

AWS Lambda Router is a super lightweight router (2.30 KiB) with middleware support and ZERO dependencies for AWS Lambda.

I worked a lot with Express.js in the past and really enjoyed their middleware approach.

This is a port of @tsndr/cloudflare-worker-router.



Simple Example

import Router from '@tsndr/aws-lambda-router'

// Initialize router
const router = new Router()

// Enabling buildin CORS support

// Register global middleware
router.use(({ req, res, next }) => {
  res.headers.set('X-Global-Middlewares', 'true')

// Simple get
router.get('/user', ({ req, res }) => {
  res.body = {
    data: {
      id: 1,
      name: 'John Doe'

// Post route with url parameter'/user/:id', ({ req, res }) => {

  const userId =
  // Do stuff...
  if (errorDoingStuff) {
    res.status = 400
    res.body = {
      error: 'User did stupid stuff!'
  res.status = 204

// Delete route using a middleware
router.delete('/user/:id', ({ req, res, next }) => {

  if (!apiTokenIsCorrect) {
    res.status = 401
  await next()
}, ({ req, res }) => {

  const userId =
  // Do stuff...

// Listen AWS API Gateway Event
export const handler = (event, context) => {
  return router.handle(event, context)


router.debug([state = true])

Enable or disable debug mode. Which will return the error.stack in case of an exception instead of and empty 500 response. Debug mode is disabled by default.


State is a boolean which determines if debug mode should be enabled or not (default: true)


Register a global middleware handler.


Handler is a function which will be called for every request.


Object containing env, req, res, next


If enabled will overwrite other OPTIONS requests.

config (object, optional)

Key Type Default Value
allowOrigin string *
allowMethods string *
allowHeaders string *
maxAge integer 86400
optionsSuccessStatus integer 204

router.any(url, [...handlers])

router.connect(url, [...handlers])

router.delete(url, [...handlers])

router.get(url, [...handlers])

router.head(url, [...handlers])

router.options(url, [...handlers])

router.patch(url, [...handlers]), [...handlers])

router.put(url, [...handlers])

router.trace(url, [...handlers])

url (string)

The URL starting with a /. Supports the use of dynamic parameters, prefixed with a : (i.e. /user/:userId/edit) which will be available through the req-Object (i.e. req.params.userId).

handlers (function, optional)

An unlimited number of functions getting req and res passed into them.


Key Type Description
env object Environment
req req-Object Request Object
res res-Object Response Object
next next-Handler Next Handler


Key Type Description
body object / string Only available if method is POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE. Contains either the received body string or a parsed object if valid JSON was sent.
headers object Request Headers Object
method string HTTP request method
params object Object containing all parameters defined in the url string
query object Object containing all query parameters


Key Type Description
body object / string Either set an object (will be converted to JSON) or a string
headers object Response Headers Object
status integer Return status code (default: 204)
webSocket WebSocket Upgraded websocket connection


npm i -D @tsndr/aws-lambda-router

and replace your index.ts / index.js with one of the following scripts

TypeScript (src/index.ts)
import Router from '@tsndr/aws-lambda-router'

const router = new Router()

// TODO: add your routes here

export const handler: APIGatewayProxyHandlerV2<APIGatewayProxyEventV2> = (event, context) => {
    return router.handle(event, context)
JavaScript (src/index.js)
import Router from '@tsndr/aws-lambda-router'

const router = new Router()

// TODO: add your routes here

export const handler = (event, context) => {
  return router.handle(event, context)