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A theme is based on Naereen's fancyindex theme(light), equiped with canvas-nest.js@1.0.1 developed by hustcc.

how to config the theme

  1. Edit styles.css if you want to change your site's style, like set background-image or change the color of the site.

  2. Edit Script tags in footer.html so you can choose which js file would be load when the site is opened or set its property.

    Delete tag Script appointed to loadmd.js if you needn't description on the header and footer of page.

    Delete tag Script appointed to canvas-nest.js if you don't like this canvas; To change to another canvas, just put the new js file into the same directory and edit the Script tag in footer.html.

how to enable the theme in Nginx Directory.

It's very simple to enable this theme following the steps below.

  1. Download the theme to the diretory you want to share.
    cd $(file directory)
    git clone
  2. Edit your nginx server. For example, if the configure file locates on /etc/nginx/conf.d, named files.conf.
    sudo nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/files.conf
    Your config file might be
    # /etc/nginx/conf.d/files.conf old
        listen 8889;
        client_max_body_size 4G;
        charset utf-8;
        location /{
            autoindex on;
            autoindex_exact_size off;
            root /home/nginx-dev/files/;
        access_log /var/log/nginx/files.log;
    Replace autoindex with fancyindex and add hearder.html and footer.html like this.
    # /etc/nginx/conf.d/files.conf new
        listen 8889;
        client_max_body_size 4G;
        charset utf-8;
        location /{
            fancyindex on;
            fancyindex_exact_size off;
            fancyindex_header "/Nginx-Fancyindex-Theme-WhiteSmoke/header.html";
            fancyindex_footer "/Nginx-Fancyindex-Theme-WhiteSmoke/footer.html";
            fancyindex_ignore "Nginx-Fancyindex-Theme*";
            alias /home/nginx-dev/files/;
        access_log /var/log/nginx/files.log;