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Geohub docker image

Docker Cloud Build Status

The geohub image on Docker Hub

The docker image is meant for a Jupyter notebook-based workflows on spatial data. It is based on the jupyter/datascience-notebook:latest image, therefore includes libraries for data analysis from the Julia, Python, and R communities.

It provides a computational environment for runniing parameterized analysis and reporting.

Note: This image creates users and groups that are specific to our server. If you reuse the image, best if you modify the users to your needs.

Available languages:

  • Python
  • R
  • Julia
  • C++

See the Dockerfile for the installed packages additional to the base image.


docker pull tudelft3d/geohub:latest



For example:

docker run
    -v "$(pwd)":/tmp
    --name geohub_container
    -w /tmp
    --network host

On Godzilla.

You need to set the correct user and group to make sure that the permissions are set correctly on the output notebook when using bind mounts. This is done with the --user $(id -u $(whoami)):staff3d and --group-add users flags.

docker run \
    --rm \
    --user $(id -u $(whoami)):staff3d \   
    --group-add users \                   
    -w /tmp \                             
    -v "$(pwd)":/tmp \
    --network=jupyterhub-network \   
    tudelft3d/geohub:latest \
    papermill /tmp/<input notebook>.ipynb /tmp/<output notebook>.ipynb