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I remember the first time to talk, you beautiful black eyes, twinkle twinkle. At that moment, the whole world is full of light and shadow, and there is that, I have only you. It hurts you, because you like not me, I most afraid of tears, especially your tears because of him. I panic, I dare to face you, until you leave me, I have to face myself, even I finally regret my folly. Dear, can you forgive me, I can't catch you. Rode along the virgin forest of one-way street from here to the cable car station. In my impression, the primeval forest is certainly a impenetrable black forest, trees vie with each other up in the sunlight, and he saw the primeval forest refers to the forest and planted forest distinction, although also be grey is boundless, but still clear gap. Orange huai is definite, here in China is not tall. A few thick tree lying on the ground in peace, the real end, perhaps is bathed with the gold of yulong third country forever. 果冻传媒影视  在做那个梦之前,他遭遇了这样一场艳遇。有了这一次经历后他开始没完没了地做梦了。那件事情发生在两年之前,后来他一想起就懊悔不已。和那女人的诸多细节已记不清楚了。那一晚他们在一起喝了许多酒,在场还有哪些人都忘了。他只记得喝酒的时候,那女人的目光像火一样地灼烧着他,让他心里砰砰直跳。后来同桌喝酒的人都走光了,只剩下他俩,那女人说我们再喝点,他点了点头。于是又叫服务员开了两瓶啤酒,等到酒喝完以后,他们的目光已经紧紧地粘在一起,再也不能分开了。他扶着她走出酒店的门,上了一辆出租车,女人说了一个地点。他就迷迷糊糊地随她到了一条很深的小巷子。下车后,道路很黑什么也看不见,女人摇摇晃晃地在前头带路,他在后面亦步亦趋。他心里知道要发生什么了,可他什么也不顾,他的眼里只有那女人温暖的身体。等女人抖抖索索地打开房门后,他像一只猫一样灵巧地钻了进去。关起门来,他们开始迫不及待地接吻,直到那女人示意他脱去衣服,他们像蛇一样地扭在一起┅┅
