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zye edited this page Apr 8, 2013 · 9 revisions



This code has been tested under Linux, but is intended to be cross-platform. Additionally, cmake is used to configure the compilation script. In short, what you need is:

  • Linux (or Linux-like) system
  • cmake (version 2.6 or higher)


To obtain the source code, you can clone the repository or download and unzip the package. After that, you can go to the top directory of the source code (where the README locates) and execute the following command.

First, create a directory, say, a "build" directory, and generate a compilation script within that directory.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If no error is thrown out, there will be a "Makefile" generated within the build directory.

After that, in the build directory (when the Makefile is generated earlier), you can issue the following comamnd to compile the code and the run the tests.

make run

If the tests do not report error, you should be able to find the output within the directory of each kernel. For example, the output of the gaussian filter is

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