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252 lines (173 loc) · 6.97 KB


File metadata and controls

252 lines (173 loc) · 6.97 KB


Code Style

Naming conversions

Still not written in stone but the snake_case seems to dominate the code base. If you are new to the project, take up that one.

Most importantly, use descriptive names and stick to one style and use it consequently.

Regarding functions, variables, class etc. we follow the good advice of PEP8.


Functions: Please use an underscore like _spam_and_helps() for functions which should not be used outside of the sub-package (package). Start function names without an underscore if they are meant to be used outside of the package/sub-package. E. g. flying_circus().

For the rest, it is still to be defined. But we basically follow PEP8, but do not forget how PEP8 itself starts:

"A Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds"

So use it when it makes sense, and do not where it does not. We would even suggest looking for an auto-pep8 plug-in for your favourite IDE or text editor. Or go bare bones and get something like flake8 to check your code. If it is too annoying, you can always add some guidelines to be ignored. But at the and of the day, it will help you and us to read the code.

Look into rivus.main.rivus and reformat code where it makes sense. (Mathematical notation vs. descriptiveness)



Unit tests are criteria for pull-request acceptance.

As several bugs could have been avoided with unit tests, we want to embrace testing in the development workflow.

You can find and extend the tests in rivus-repo/rivus/tests/test_*.py Just add your own and start with the following skeleton:

import unittest
# import what you want to test with an absolute path.
# If I want to test line_length from main.rivus:
from rivus.main.rivus import line_length

# give a nice class name.
class RivusMainTest(unittest.TestCase):

  def test_line_length(self):
    # here comes the test logic
    # self.assertTrue(4/2 == 4//2, msg='What? Is not that always true???')

To run all tests: :

>>> cd /to/rivus/repo/
>>> python -m unittest
Ran 10 tests in 4.572s


To run specific test(s): :

>>> cd /to/rivus/repo/
>>> python -m unittest rivus.tests.test_db
Ran 1 test in 1.213s



Although the whole project is not yet in a performance oriented phase, it can be very helpful in the long run if more and more profiling is involved within the contributions.

For decision between short expression: use timeit.timeit(). E.g. is .at[] or .loc[] indexer slower from a DataFrame? :

>>> import timeit.timeit as tit
>>> dfout = m.r_out.to_frame()  # m is a rivus problem instance
>>> tit("m.r_out.loc['Gas power plant', 'CO2']", number=1000, globals=dict(m=m))
>>> tit("[('Gas power plant', 'CO2'), 'ratio']", number=1000, globals=dict(dfout=dfout))

To detect overall (function-level) hotspots (where the most time is spent) you can use cProfile with pstats. See blog post :

python -m cProfile -o runme.profile  # Execute with profiler
python -m pstats runme.profile  # Interactive analyser
% sort cumulative
% stats 10

To go deeper, you can use the jupyter magic, %lprun (line_profiler). See end of tutorial and other :

%load_ext line_profiler
%lprun -f slow_functions.main slow_functions.main()


Profiling is encouraged before pull-request.


Nobody can explain better what your code does than you. The doc-strings are essential, and I would not suppose anybody would submit code without it ;)

Please take the time and jump into the conventions of RtD (Readthedocs) the following short description should be enough to get you started and ensure the success of your contribution.


We use nepoleon (autodoc) extensions to parse the doc-strings. You can decide whether you choose NumPy or Google style.

Google it, there is a good chance that there is already a plug-in for your favourite IDE or text editor. (Yes, there is even one for vim...)

The whole RtD (Sphinx) workflow builds on rST (reStructuredText). So format your Examples, Notes, References in the doc-strings also with rST syntax.

Doc-string template: :

"""Summary line.

Extended description of function.

arg1 : int
    Description of arg1
arg2 : str
    Description of arg2

    Description of return value


  this_will = 'be formatted as nice code!'

+ This is a bullet list
+ E.g. for limitations...

.. note::

  This will draw attention to the content.

.. warning::

  This is for deprecate warnings and such. 


For autodoc/napoleon to work, readthedocs must be able to build the whole project. It will create a new environment and install the packages from environment.yml. This is told to readthedocs through the readthedocs.yaml config file. See project structure <a_readyaml>

The whole process of the documentation is depicted in the following figure.

How to write docs. Dashed: suggested optional step. After commit, the rest should be done automatically.

How to write docs. Dashed: suggested optional step. After commit, the rest should be done automatically.

How to write (and build) documentation locally:

  • Install Sphinx :

    pip install sphinx sphinx-autodoc
  • Install RtD local theme :

    pip install sphinx_rtd_theme    
  • Build the docs manually into doc/_build/html/ :

    cd /rivus/repo/doc
    make html
  • Or start autobuild, which will detect changes and autobuild the new html. :

    cd /rivus/repo
    sphinx-autobuild doc/ doc/_build/html



Documentation is a criteria for pull-request acceptance.


Summary of the ToDos from the whole documentation.