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CodeMapExtractor is a simple tool to extract graph from dgml file. dgml is the file extension of CodeMap generated by Visual Studio which is a special kind of XML. CodeMapExtractor is capable of extracting function call graph beyond classes and namespace provided that a correct dgml file is given.

For Further Development

CodeMapExtractor stores the call graph of whole project as a adjacency matrix and a networkx object. You can do any experiment on the adjacency matrix. networkx is rich in graph algorithm, most of the famous graph algorithm like BFS, DFS, Floyd-Warshall, Dijkstra etc algorithm can be invoked with a single line change.

How to Generate dgml file

Step 1: Open a Visual Studio project

Step 2: Right Click on the Project Name on the Solution Explorer

Step 3: Click on '''Show on CodeMap'''

Step 4: After any graphical object with project name is visible, expand all the nodes recursively by clicking on the expand icon of each graphical unit

Step 5: When all the graphical nodes are expanded, Press Ctrl+S or Save using file menu. It will take you to file save dialog where you will see the file to be saved is a dgml file. Save it and feed it to the python script

For Further Experiment

The ADJ_MATRIX variable of CodeMapExtractor class hold the adjacency matrix of the given dgml file

The G variable of CodeMapExtractor class is a graph of all function calls available in the dgml file. G is a networkx.DiGraph object. Most common graph algorithm can be directly called upon it. For example, to get the callee graph I have run depth first search with limit on G.

To extend the work with networkx

Visit networkx documentation :octocat:

Some Graphs generated by CodeMapExtractor on Aletheia Project

Caller Graph

Callee Graph

Call Graph


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