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cmake error #49

wenbin-hhhhh opened this issue Dec 19, 2022 · 20 comments

cmake error #49

wenbin-hhhhh opened this issue Dec 19, 2022 · 20 comments


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编译cmake失败,报错找不到CUDA库,是由于cmake的问题吗?使用的是CUDA 11-1和CMAKE 3-16


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pytholic commented Dec 19, 2022

@wenbin-hhhhh you can use docker-image here.

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@wenbin-hhhhh you can use docker-image here.

@pytholic Hi,I installed the sophus in thirdparty folder ,but I met a problem like this picture when I use make -j10 to build the project.Do you know how to solve it ?

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pytholic commented Mar 3, 2023

@w8128835 Hi, sorry for the late reply.
I had to dig into ky old logs to find something. Is this issue similar to yours?

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pytholic commented Mar 3, 2023

Also you can pull image and try from the link below.

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w8128835 commented Mar 3, 2023

@w8128835 Hi, sorry for the late reply. I had to did into ky old logs to find something. Is this issue similar to yours?

Yes,I have already solved it.Thank you very much!

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w8128835 commented Mar 3, 2023

Also you can pull kmage and try from the link below.

@pytholic Thanks for your work and reply, this is a awesome work! By the way, Is this docker you mentioned in ReadMe before?

Can I use this docker enviroment to run all tandem and CVA-MVSNet?

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@w8128835 Sorry for the late reply. I created the docker for my personal use, and then thought it might be useful for other people as well. I created PR but there hasn't been any response.

It's been a while since I worked with it, but if I remember correctly, it contains all the dependencies and should work well for tandem and MVSNet.

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w8128835 commented Mar 14, 2023

@pytholic It's convenient for people to run tandem and MVSNet.Thank you very much!I will try it.

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@w8128835 Hi,I have the same problem like you,how did you solve it?
error: ‘Sophus::SE3’ {aka ‘Sophus::SE3Group’} is not a template

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@pytholic Thank you very much for the docker image. As instructed, I have downloaded the built image using:
docker pull pytholic/tumtandem:tumtandem

But I don't understand what I should use in place of work@xx.xx.xx.xx in the next command ssh -p 3751 work@xx.xx.xx.xx as I am new to Linux (I am using Ubuntu 22).

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@nirmalsnair Hi, can you take a look at instructions here:

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@pytholic Yes, I am following those instructions only. I was referring to this particular section.

Then in a new remote or local terminal, run the following command to connect the remote environment:

ssh -p 3751 work@xx.xx.xx.xx
\# default password: work123

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pytholic commented Jul 16, 2023

@nirmalsnair I think instead of ssh, you can use docker exec with -it flag to attach to the running container.

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@nirmalsnair or you can add -it flag to your docker run command.

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nirmalsnair commented Jul 16, 2023

@pytholic Thanks. I ran sudo docker run -it pytholic/tumtandem:tumtandem and got this error message:

nirmal@Razer:~$ sudo docker run -it pytholic/tumtandem:tumtandem
[sudo] password for nirmal:
* Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd [ OK ]
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
You need to run terminator in an X environment. Make sure $DISPLAY is properly set

Sorry, I am new to Linux.

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pytholic commented Jul 16, 2023

@nirmalsnair try following

docker run -it --rm
--name tandem
--gpus all
-p 3751:22 \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \

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@nirmalsnair you can modify run-docker-container.bash file and add -it flag there.

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nirmalsnair commented Jul 16, 2023

@pytholic Ok, to do that I guess I cannot use your pre-built docker image and have to build it myself.

I tried building the docker image by cloning the repo and then executing:

nirmal@Razer:~/tandem-master/docker$ chmod +x build-docker-image.bash
nirmal@Razer:~/tandem-master/docker$ sudo ./build-docker-image.bash

but I get an error in Step 42/59.

Step 42/59 : RUN conda install -y python=3.7
 ---> Running in ccb0bfd9080f
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): ...working... done
Solving environment: ...working... unsuccessful initial attempt using frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Solving environment: ...working... unsuccessful attempt using repodata from current_repodata.json, retrying with next repodata source.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): ...working... done
Solving environment: ...working... unsuccessful initial attempt using frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Solving environment: ...working... 
Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages.
This can take several minutes.  Press CTRL-C to abort.
Examining conflict for pyopenssl urllib3 conda requests conda-libmamba-solver:   0%|          | 0/74 Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz libedit jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust readline wheel krb5 python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling sqlite ncurses:   1%|▏       Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz libedit jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust readline wheel krb5 python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling sqlite ncurses:   3%|▎       Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser libnghttp2 brotlipy toolz libssh2 libmamba jsonpatch pysocks requests openssl tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust libcurl krb5 wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling liExamining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust tzdata wheel boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling:   4%|▍         | 3/74 [00:02<00:04, 14.67it/s]    Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust tzdata wheel boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certiExamining conflict for pyopenssl yaml-cpp sqlite reproc-cpp conda pycparser libnghttp2 brotlipy toolz fmt libssh2 zlib icu libedit libmamba jsonpatch pysocks requests openssl tqdm cryptography jsonpointer setuptools conda-content-trust readline pcre2 libcurl libev libuuid krb5 wheel python libgcc-ng boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna reproc c-ares charset-normalizer pluggy zstd ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver lz4-c pip zstandard tk xz pycosat libmambapy libxml2 certifi libsolv conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling bzip2 libarchive libffi ncurses:   5%|▌         | 4/74 [00:03<00:51,  Examining conflict for pyopenssl yaml-cpp sqlite reproc-cpp conda pycparser libnghttp2 brotlipy toolz fmt libssh2 zlib icu libedit libmamba jsonpatch pysocks requests openssl tqdm cryptography jsonpointer setuptools conda-content-trust readline pcre2 libcurl libev libuuid krb5 wheel python libgcc-ng boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna reproc c-ares charset-normalizer pluggy zstd ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver lz4-c pip zstandard tk xz pycosat libmambapy libxml2 certifi libsolv conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling bzip2 libarchive libffi ncurses:   7%|▋         | 5/74 [00:03<00:58,  Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling sqlite:   7%|▋         | 5/74 [00:04<00:58,  1.17it/s]                                                                                                                                                                                                       Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling sqlite:   8%|▊         | 6/74 [00:04<01:05,  1.04itExamining conflict for pyopenssl zstandard urllib3 cffi brotlipy conda-content-trust conda-package-streaming cryptography:   8%|▊         | 6/74 [00:06<01:05,  1.04it/s]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Examining conflict for pyopenssl zstandard urllib3 cffi brotlipy conda-content-trust conda-package-stExamining conflict for pyopenssl urllib3 conda-content-trust requests cryptography:   9%|▉         | Examining conflict for pyopenssl urllib3 conda-content-trust requests cryptography:  11%|█         | Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust readline wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling sqlite:  11%|█         | 8/74 [00:06<00:52Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust readline wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling sqlite:  12%|█▏        | 9/74 [00:06<00:40Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling libffi:  12%|█▏        | 9/74 [00:07<00:40,  1.62itExamining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling libffi:  14%|█▎        | 10/74 [00:07<00:49,  1.30iExamining conflict for pyopenssl yaml-cpp sqlite reproc-cpp conda pycparser libnghttp2 brotlipy toolz fmt icu libedit libmamba jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust readline libcurl krb5 wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy zstd libstdcxx-ng ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver lz4-c pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat libxml2 certifi libsolv conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling libarchive libffi ncurses: Examining conflict for pyopenssl yaml-cpp sqlite reproc-cpp conda pycparser libnghttp2 brotlipy toolz fmt icu libedit libmamba jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust readline libcurl krb5 wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy zstd libstdcxx-ng ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver lz4-c pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat libxml2 certifi libsolv conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling libarchive libffi ncurses: Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda urllib3 conda-content-trust requests cryptography:  15%|█▍        | 11/74 [00:10<00:55,  1.13it/s]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda urllib3 conda-content-trust requests cryptography:  16%|█▌    Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz libmamba jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy zstd ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard xz pycosat libmambapy libxml2 certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling libarchive:  16%|█▌       Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz libmamba jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy zstd ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard xz pycosat libmambapy libxml2 certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling libarchive:  18%|█▊       Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling:  18%|█▊        | 13/74 [00:11<00:45,  1.33it/s]   Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certiExamining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard ld_impl_linux-64 libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling:  19%|█▉        | 14/74 [00:12<00:Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard ld_impl_linux-64 libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling:  20%|██        | 15/74 [00:12<00:Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust libuuid wheel boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling:  20%|██        | 15/74 [00:13<00:55,  1.06it/s]  Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust libuuid wheel boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certExamining conflict for pyopenssl packaging conda urllib3 six conda-content-trust conda-package-handling cryptography:  22%|██▏       | 16/74 [00:14<00:57,  1.00it/s]                                                                                                                                          Examining conflict for pyopenssl packaging conda urllib3 six conda-content-trust conda-package-handliExamining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser libnghttp2 brotlipy toolz zlib libmamba jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust pcre2 libcurl krb5 wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy zstd ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard tk libmambapy pycosat libxml2 certifi libsolv conda-package-streaming conda-Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser libnghttp2 brotlipy toolz zlib libmamba jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust pcre2 libcurl krb5 wheel python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy zstd ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard tk libmambapy pycosat libxml2 certifi libsolv conda-package-streaming conda-Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz libmamba jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust pcre2 wheel boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi libsolv conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling bzip2 libarchive:  24%|██▍       | Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz libmamba jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust pcre2 wheel boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi libsolv conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling bzip2 libarchive:  26%|██▌       | Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda urllib3 idna conda-content-trust requests cryptography:  26%|██▌       | 19/74 [00:17<00:49,  1.11it/s]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda urllib3 idna conda-content-trust requests cryptography:  27%|█Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust libcurl wheel krb5 python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard tk libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling:  27%|██▋       | 20/74 [00:17<00:5Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda pycparser brotlipy toolz jsonpatch pysocks requests tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust libcurl wheel krb5 python boltons packaging urllib3 cffi six idna charset-normalizer pluggy ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver pip zstandard tk libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling:  28%|██▊       | 21/74 [00:17<00:4Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda-content-trust urllib3 cryptography:  28%|██▊       | 21/74 [00:18<00:40,  1.31it/s]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Examining conflict for pyopenssl conda-content-trust urllib3 cryptography:  30%|██▉       | 22/74 [00Examining conflict for pyopenssl pycparser libnghttp2 toolz libssh2 libmamba jsonpatch pysocks requests openssl tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust libcurl wheel krb5 python packaging urllib3 cffi six idna pluggy ca-certificates pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-paExamining conflict for pyopenssl pycparser libnghttp2 toolz libssh2 libmamba jsonpatch pysocks requests openssl tqdm jsonpointer cryptography setuptools conda-content-trust libcurl wheel krb5 python packaging urllib3 cffi six idna pluggy ca-certificates pip zstandard libmambapy pycosat certifi conda-paExamining conflict for yaml-cpp libmambapy libmamba conda-libmamba-solver:  31%|███       | 23/74 [00:20<00:37,  1.38it/s]                                                                                                                                                                                     Examining conflict for yaml-cpp libmambapy libmamba conda-libmamba-solver:  32%|███▏      | 24/74 [00Examining conflict for yaml-cpp sqlite reproc-cpp libnghttp2 brotlipy zlib fmt libssh2 icu libedit libmamba openssl cryptography readline pcre2 libcurl libev libuuid krb5 libgcc-ng python cffi reproc c-ares zstd ruamel.yaml lz4-c zstandard tk _openmp_mutex xz pycosat libmambapy libxml2 libsolv conda-paExamining conflict for yaml-cpp sqlite reproc-cpp libnghttp2 brotlipy zlib fmt libssh2 icu __glibc libedit libmamba openssl cryptography readline pcre2 libcurl libev libuuid krb5 libgcc-ng python cffi reproc c-ares zstd libstdcxx-ng ruamel.yaml lz4-c zstandard tk xz pycosat libmambapy libxml2 libsolv conda-package-handling bzip2 libarchive libffi ncurses:  34%|███▍      | 25/74 [00:20<00:39,  1.23it/sExamining conflict for yaml-cpp sqlite reproc-cpp libnghttp2 brotlipy zlib fmt libssh2 icu __glibc libedit libmamba openssl cryptography readline pcre2 libcurl libev libuuid krb5 libgcc-ng python cffi reproc c-ares zstd libstdcxx-ng ruamel.yaml lz4-c zstandard tk xz pycosat libmambapy libxml2 libsolv conda-package-handling bzip2 libarchive libffi ncurses:  35%|███▌      | 26/74 [00:20<00:25,  1.86it/sExamining conflict for yaml-cpp sqlite reproc-cpp libnghttp2 brotlipy zlib fmt libssh2 icu libedit libmamba openssl cryptography readline pcre2 libcurl libev _libgcc_mutex libuuid krb5 libgcc-ng python cffi reproc c-ares zstd libgomp ruamel.yaml lz4-c zstandard tk _openmp_mutex xz pycosat libmambapy libxml2 libsolv conda-package-handling bzip2 libarchive libffi ncurses:  35%|███▌      | 26/74 [00:20<0Examining conflict for yaml-cpp sqlite reproc-cpp libnghttp2 brotlipy zlib fmt libssh2 icu libedit libmamba openssl cryptography readline pcre2 libcurl libev _libgcc_mutex libuuid krb5 libgcc-ng python cffi reproc c-ares zstd libgomp ruamel.yaml lz4-c zstandard tk _openmp_mutex xz pycosat libmambapy libxml2 libsolv conda-package-handling bzip2 libarchive libffi ncurses:  36%|███▋      | 27/74 [00:20<0Examining conflict for libmambapy reproc-cpp libmamba:  36%|███▋      | 27/74 [00:21<00:23,  2.02it/s]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Examining conflict for libmambapy reproc-cpp libmamba:  38%|███▊      | 28/74 [00:21<00:21,  2.15it/sExamining conflict for reproc libmambapy reproc-cpp libmamba:  38%|███▊      | 28/74 [00:21<00:21,  2Examining conflict for conda conda-libmamba-solver:  39%|███▉      | 29/74 [00:21<00:20,  2.15it/s]  Examining conflict for conda-package-handling conda-package-streaming conda:  41%|████      | 30/74 [Examining conflict for conda-package-handling conda-package-streaming conda:  42%|████▏     | 31/74 [Examining conflict for conda-package-handling tqdm conda conda-libmamba-solver:  42%|████▏     | 31/7Examining conflict for conda-package-handling conda:  43%|████▎     | 32/74 [00:21<00:10,  4.08it/s] Examining conflict for setuptools pip urllib3 conda certifi ruamel.yaml requests wheel:  46%|████▌   Examining conflict for setuptools pip urllib3 conda certifi ruamel.yaml requests wheel:  47%|████▋   Examining conflict for charset-normalizer requests conda:  47%|████▋     | 35/74 [00:21<00:05,  6.80iExamining conflict for pycosat conda conda-libmamba-solver:  49%|████▊     | 36/74 [00:22<00:05,  6.8Examining conflict for pycosat conda conda-libmamba-solver:  50%|█████     | 37/74 [00:22<00:05,  6.3Examining conflict for conda conda-libmamba-solver ruamel.yaml:  50%|█████     | 37/74 [00:22<00:05, Examining conflict for packaging conda conda-libmamba-solver:  51%|█████▏    | 38/74 [00:22<00:05,  6Examining conflict for packaging conda conda-libmamba-solver:  53%|█████▎    | 39/74 [00:22<00:04,  7Examining conflict for jsonpatch conda jsonpointer:  53%|█████▎    | 39/74 [00:22<00:04,  7.99it/s]  Examining conflict for python setuptools pip conda ruamel.yaml conda-libmamba-solver wheel:  54%|████Examining conflict for requests conda conda-libmamba-solver:  55%|█████▌    | 41/74 [00:22<00:04,  7.Examining conflict for requests conda conda-libmamba-solver:  57%|█████▋    | 42/74 [00:22<00:03,  9.Examining conflict for conda ruamel.yaml:  57%|█████▋    | 42/74 [00:22<00:03,  9.94it/s]            Examining conflict for conda libmambapy conda-package-handling libarchive libmamba:  58%|█████▊    | Examining conflict for conda libmambapy conda-package-handling libarchive libmamba:  59%|█████▉    | Examining conflict for pluggy conda conda-libmamba-solver:  59%|█████▉    | 44/74 [00:22<00:02, 11.32Examining conflict for conda-package-handling conda conda-libmamba-solver:  61%|██████    | 45/74 [00Examining conflict for conda-package-handling conda conda-libmamba-solver:  62%|██████▏   | 46/74 [00Examining conflict for requests conda:  62%|██████▏   | 46/74 [00:22<00:02, 11.26it/s]               Examining conflict for conda-package-handling tqdm conda:  64%|██████▎   | 47/74 [00:22<00:02, 11.26iExamining conflict for conda-package-handling tqdm conda:  65%|██████▍   | 48/74 [00:22<00:02, 11.46iExamining conflict for jsonpatch conda conda-libmamba-solver:  65%|██████▍   | 48/74 [00:22<00:02, 11Examining conflict for boltons conda conda-libmamba-solver:  66%|██████▌   | 49/74 [00:22<00:02, 11.4Examining conflict for boltons conda conda-libmamba-solver:  68%|██████▊   | 50/74 [00:22<00:01, 12.2Examining conflict for toolz conda conda-libmamba-solver:  68%|██████▊   | 50/74 [00:22<00:01, 12.25iExamining conflict for zstandard cffi pycparser brotlipy cryptography:  69%|██████▉   | 51/74 [00:22<Examining conflict for libnghttp2 libcurl libmamba:  70%|███████   | 52/74 [00:23<00:01, 12.25it/s]  Examining conflict for libmambapy libmamba fmt conda-libmamba-solver:  76%|███████▌  | 56/74 [00:23<0Examining conflict for libmambapy libmamba fmt conda-libmamba-solver:  77%|███████▋  | 57/74 [00:23<0Examining conflict for libcurl libmamba libssh2:  77%|███████▋  | 57/74 [00:23<00:00, 17.40it/s]     Examining conflict for python libcurl libedit sqlite krb5:  80%|███████▉  | 59/74 [00:23<00:00, 16.84Examining conflict for libmambapy libmamba conda-libmamba-solver:  81%|████████  | 60/74 [00:23<00:00Examining conflict for libcurl libmamba krb5:  82%|████████▏ | 61/74 [00:23<00:00, 16.84it/s]        Examining conflict for libarchive conda-package-handling libxml2 libmamba:  84%|████████▍ | 62/74 [00Examining conflict for libmambapy libmamba:  85%|████████▌ | 63/74 [00:23<00:00, 18.01it/s]          Examining conflict for libmambapy zstd conda-package-handling libarchive libmamba:  86%|████████▋ | 6Examining conflict for zstd conda-package-handling libarchive libmamba lz4-c:  88%|████████▊ | 65/74 Examining conflict for zstd conda-package-handling libarchive libmamba lz4-c:  89%|████████▉ | 66/74 Examining conflict for libcurl libmambapy libmamba:  89%|████████▉ | 66/74 [00:23<00:00, 16.96it/s]  Examining conflict for libmambapy libmamba conda-libmamba-solver libsolv:  91%|█████████ | 67/74 [00:Examining conflict for libmambapy libmamba conda-libmamba-solver libsolv:  92%|█████████▏| 68/74 [00:Examining conflict for libmambapy pcre2 libmamba libsolv:  92%|█████████▏| 68/74 [00:23<00:00, 16.71iExamining conflict for requests pysocks urllib3:  93%|█████████▎| 69/74 [00:24<00:00, 16.71it/s]     Examining conflict for pybind11-abi libmambapy conda-libmamba-solver:  95%|█████████▍| 70/74 [00:24<0Examining conflict for python pip wheel:  96%|█████████▌| 71/74 [00:24<00:00, 15.72it/s]             Examining conflict for _openmp_mutex libgomp libgcc-ng:  97%|█████████▋| 72/74 [00:24<00:00, 15.43it/Examining conflict for pluggy conda-libmamba-solver:  99%|█████████▊| 73/74 [00:24<00:00, 15.43it/s] Examining conflict for libmambapy conda-libmamba-solver: 100%|██████████| 74/74 [00:24<00:00, 15.43itExamining conflict for libmambapy conda-libmamba-solver: : 75it [00:24, 12.25it/s]                   Examining conflict for conda-package-streaming conda-package-handling zstandard: : 75it [00:24, 12.25Examining conflict for conda-package-handling libarchive: : 76it [00:24, 12.25it/s]                  failed                                                                             

UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be incompatible with a past
explicit spec that is not an explicit spec in this operation (pip):

  - python=3.7 -> pip -> setuptools
  - python=3.7 -> pip -> wheel

See the full install log

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nirmalsnair commented Jul 17, 2023

@pytholic As I was not able to build the docker image myself, I used your built docker image and ran the following command as seen in run-docker-container.bash:

sudo docker run
--name tandem
-p 3751:22
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw
-v $HOME/.Xauthority:$docker/.Xauthority
-v $HOME/work:/home/work/projects
-v /mnt/Data/Datasets/dm-vio:/mnt/Data/Datasets/dm-vio
-e XAUTHORITY=$home_folder/.Xauthority
-it pytholic/tumtandem:tumtandem

and got the following error:

nirmal@Razer:~/tandem-master/docker$ sudo docker run --name tandem --ipc=host --gpus=all --privileged -p 3751:22 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw -v $HOME/.Xauthority:$docker/.Xauthority -v $HOME/work:/home/work/projects -v /mnt/Data/Datasets/dm-vio:/mnt/Data/Datasets/dm-vio -e XAUTHORITY=$home_folder/.Xauthority -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -e QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 -it pytholic/tumtandem:tumtandem
* Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd                                                [ OK ] 
Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
You need to run terminator in an X environment. Make sure $DISPLAY is properly set

However, after a few hours the docker started (to my surprise) on the same code.
Screenshot from 2023-07-17 12-38-06

But now, after a reboot, it has gone back to the previous error state. Any ideas on what the problem could be?

Update 1: Switching consoles (pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7 and then Ctrl+Alt+F1) solved this issue.
Update 2: Switching consoles is not working now; running startx before docker run seems to work for now.

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@pytholic Could you help me with this? I am getting a segmentation fault error while running the EuRoC dataset.

Screenshot from 2023-07-18 23-58-09
Screenshot from 2023-07-19 00-00-42

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