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Genesis test environment

This is the test environment for Genesis which allows you to run end-to-end testing of changes without risking accidentally taking down the production setup. It uses two or three virtual machines:

  • a bootbox used to support netbooting
  • a target host which runs genesis

The bootbox and snooper are managed by Vagrant for ease of provisioning while target host is naked machine based on a Virtualbox .ova file.

The target host uses netbooting via a downloaded iPXE image to more accurately reflect the typical production boot ROMs which only support PXE.

You can use the test environment to build the genesis image.


  • VirtualBox (We currently develop with version 4.3.20 and have tested with prior versions up to 4.3.10)
  • Vagrant
  • Network access to fileserver (or having the Vagrant basebox previously installed)


The testenv has configuration options available in vagrant and puppet

You can customize these in

  1. Vagrantfile
  2. bootbox/puppet/manifests/bootbox.pp
  3. bootbox/puppet/modules/genesis/templates/config.yaml.erb
  4. bootbox/puppet/modules/genesis/templates/stage2.erb.

and modify settings as desired. While the current values of the options allow you to proceed in the test environment without updates by executing vagrant up, you MUST provide production settings for

  • a DHCP server,
  • a TFTP server,
  • and a file server (serving static files over HTTP)
  • RPM repository that includes RPMs required by Genesis tasks

in bootbox/puppet/manifests/bootbox.pp


  1. Import the testnode.ova virtual machine image into Virtualbox
  2. Go into the testenv/bootbox folder and run vagrant up
  3. Once the vagrant machine is running, use it to build the gems for the boot image. See also src/README.
[vagrant@genesis-bootbox ~]$ cd /genesis/src/
[vagrant@genesis-bootbox src]$ for gem in framework promptcli retryingfetcher; do cd $gem; gem build "genesis_$gem.gemspec"; cd ..; done
WARNING:  no rubyforge_project specified
  Successfully built RubyGem
  Name: genesis_framework
  Version: 0.5.2
  File: genesis_framework-0.5.2.gem
WARNING:  no rubyforge_project specified
  Successfully built RubyGem
  Name: genesis_promptcli
  Version: 0.2.0
  File: genesis_promptcli-0.2.0.gem
WARNING:  no rubyforge_project specified
  Successfully built RubyGem
  Name: genesis_retryingfetcher
  Version: 0.4.0
  File: genesis_retryingfetcher-0.4.0.gem
  1. Follow the bootcd build instructions to build the images.
  2. Start the imported virtual machine and it will network boot from the vagrant box


  • All packages needed on the bootbox Vagrant VM to simulate the prod env are installed via puppet apply. See the puppet dir inside bootbox/ to see the manifests applied to the VM on startup. The puppet manifests applied to the VM on startup are in bootbox
  • To apply puppet changes to a running bootbox, use vagrant provision
  • Network booting goes across a virtualbox private network named 'genesis'
  • Password for the bootbox follows normal vagrant scheme and can be ssh'd into via vagrant ssh
  • vagrant sets up sharing of this directory tree under /genesis on the genesis-bootbox

Bootbox details:

Vagrant specification:

We only cover some of the important configuration options from the vagrant file. Please see vagrant docs for an exhaustive list. = "sl-base-v4.3.10"

Configures the vm to be brought up with sl-base-v4.3.10 "private_network", ip: "", virtualbox__intnet: "genesis"

Configures the genesis network on the machines

config.vm.synced_folder "bootbox-shared", "/vagrant"

config.vm.synced_folder "../../", "/genesis"

config.vm.synced_folder "web", "/web"

Sync testenv folders on your host machine

The bootbox runs the following services:

  • dhcp
  • tftp
  • a file server (serving static files over HTTP)

Target startup details:

The following details have a line of descriptive text, details on what the bootbox service does, and other files under puppet/ which are involed

  1. VirtualBox iPXE asks dhcp what to do dhcpd says load /tftpboot/undionly.kpxe from @genesis_ipaddress via tftp dhcp server.pp dhcpd.conf.erb
  2. iPXE/undionly.kpxe asks dhcp what to do dhcpd says ipxe load filename http://@genesis_ipaddress/testenv/menu.ipxe genesis.pp menu.erb
  3. iPXE menu boots genesis image
  4. kernel loads and starts
  5. On boot-up, genesis-bootloader in launched via a specification in /root/.bash_profile
  6. genesis-bootloader downloads config.yaml and stage2 using the bootbox file server then starts stage2
  7. Stage2 includes site specific genesis startup. setup yum repos, load framework gem, download tasks, start genesis task
  • How to test or develop

Following is basic information about testing or developing the different parts of genesis and the test environment.

  • Updating a Gem
  • Modify source
  • update version number in .gemspec file
  • gem build ...gemspec
  • cp .gem file to testenv/bootbox/bootbox-shared/
  • vagrant ssh into the genesis bootbox
  • gem install /vagrant/...gem --no-rdoc --no-ri
  • boot the target
  • Modifying Stage2
  • edit testenv/bootbox/puppet/modules/genesis/templates/stage2.erb
  • vagrant up or vagrant provision to install it on bootbox
  • boot the target
  • genesis-bootstrap
  • edit bootcd/rpms/bootloader/bin/genesis-bootloader
  • cp genesis-bootloader testenv/bootbox/bootbox-shared
  • run /vagrant/genesis-bootloader on snooper node