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anywhere-paint is a library to create painting apps. Sample is here!




npm install --save anywhere-paint

How to use

Create an AnywherePaint obj:

const container = document.getElementById('container'); //The aspect ratio of the container should be equal to the resolution.
const width = 600;  //width resolution
const height = 400; //height resolution
const awPaint = new AnywherePaint(container, width, height);

now you can draw lines.

Create a ColorCircle obj:

const container = document.getElementById('cc-container');  //The aspect ratio of the container should be 1:1

color is automatically picked when you draw lines.


Undo, Redo

awPaint.undo(): void;
awPaint.redo(): void;


This library supports layer. You can only draw on selected layer. Unique number is assigned to each layer.

awPaint.addLayer(layerNum?: undefined | number): number;

If no arguments are specified, a new layer is added at the top. Otherwise, a new layer is added on top of the layerNum. Returns unique number which is assigned to new layer.

awPaint.removeLayer(layerNum: number): number | null;

Remove specified layer. Returns newly selected layer number. If there is not any layers, this function returns null.

awPaint.renameLayer(layerNum: number, layerName: string): void;

You can assign layer name to each layer.

awPaint.getLayerNames(): Map<number, string>;

Returns Map<layerNum, layerName>.

awPaint.selectLayer(layerNum: number): void;

Select layer which you want to draw.

awPaint.getLayerImages(): Map<number, string>;

Returns Map<layerNum, DataURI>.

awPaint.getSortOrder(): number[];

Returns an array of layerNum sorted by layer overlap order.

awPaint.setSortOrder(sortOrder: number[]): boolean;

sortOrder is an array which includes layerNums.

Example ) [0, 2, 1]. At this time, 0 is the top and 1 is the buttom.

If argument is valid, layers are sorted by input.

Returns argument is valid or not.


awPaint.setColor(r: number, g: number, b: number): void;

Set line color by r (0-255), g (0-255), b (0-255).

awPaint.setLineWidth(px: number): void;

Set line width(px).


awPaint.getIntegratedImage(): string;

Returns DataURI with a layer-integrated image. (png)


awPaint.changeMode(style: "Pencil" | "Eraser" | "Fill"): void;

Change drawing mode. style is "Pencil", "Eraser" or "Fill".


awPaint.addEventListener(callback: (history: History) => void);

Add callback that will be called when canvas is edited. The parameter of callback is command object of canvas operation. Returns listenerID.

awPaint.removeEventListener(listener: number): void;

Remove eventListener.

awPaint.drawByHistory(history: History): void;

Operate canvas using history.



layerNum which is selecting.


Write this in tsconfig.json.

    "compilerOptions": {
        "moduleResolution": "node",
        "esModuleInterop": true,
