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The fastest way to mock API calls for your React / Vue.js / Angular apps for FREE!.


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MockZilla v1.1

What is MockZilla?

MockZilla is an app where you can mock and store your own API calls and use those calls wherever possible while development phase.

MockZilla app url:

View the live MockZilla app

MockZilla architecture:

alt text

How to setup MockZilla locally:

docker-compose (recommended):

Go to /client directory create a new .env.development file and add this code


Then run this in your terminal:

docker-compose up -d --build

Once all containers bootup: You can access client from http://localhost:3001

Manual Steps:

Goto /client directory and run

npm i

npm start

Check if your react server is running properly, then run this command:

npm run build

This will generate build folder outside client directory.

Before starting up server, you will have to install redis.

Steps are as follows:

Install redis server on your local machine and run it on default port Redis Download and follow Mac/Windows installation steps.

Once setup is done, start the redis server with:


Now navigate to /server directory create a new .env file and add this code


and run

npm i


npm run dev

Once it connects to redis server, you can visit port 8080: localhost:8080

Your server with react app is up and running on localhost!

Production deployment of MockZilla:

Run root Dockerfile, it will output image.

Make sure you mention redis production version in /server/index.js Now you can use this image to deploy on production.