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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 4, 2021. It is now read-only.


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A Go web service which provides a HTTP API and a web UI for building, pushing, and deleting docker images.

Deprecation notice

This repository has been deprecated in favour of Tutum's new Automated Build functionality which uses the open source tutum/builder image for repository building.


With docker and fig installed, and with docker listening in tcp://localhost:4243, simply run:

fig up -d

Run docker ps and check the allocated port for boatyard. Then point your browser to http://localhost:49XXX/ to open the web UI.

Configuration options

You can specify any of the following environment variables in the fig.yml to configure it:

  • DOCKER_HOST (default: tcp://localhost:4243): the endpoint where a Docker server is listening to
  • CACHE_1_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR (default: none): the hostname to connect to a Redis cache
  • CACHE_1_PORT_6379_TCP_PORT (default: 6379): the port to connect to a Redis cache
  • CACHE_PASSWORD (default: none): an optional password to authenticate with the Redis cache


The primary inputs to create an image are:

  • Image name (i.e. user/myimage)
  • Username (to be used when pushing, i.e. user)
  • Password (to be used when pushing, i.e. password)
  • Email (to be used when pushing, i.e.

Any of the following inputs can be passed to boatyard to create the image:

  • A Dockerfile
  • A URL to a tarball containing a Dockerfile on the root folder and any required files
  • A GitHub repository (combination of GitHub username, repo name and tag)
  • A tarball sent as part of the request

API specification



From Dockerfile:

POST /api/v1/build

	"image_name": "user/image",
	"username": "user",
	"password": "password",
	"email": "",
	"dockerfile": "FROM ubuntu:saucy\nCMD echo \"Hello world\""

From a tarball URL:

POST /api/v1/build

	"image_name": "user/image",
	"username": "user",
	"password": "password",
	"email": "",
	"tar_url": ""

From GitHub repository:

POST /api/v1/build

	"image_name": "user/image",
	"username": "user",
	"password": "password",
	"email": "",
	"github_username": "tutumcloud",
	"github_reponame": "docker-hello-world",
	"github_tag": "v1.0"

From a tarball sent with the request:

POST /api/v1/build

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="TarFile"; filename="dockertarexample.tar.gz"
Content-Type: application/x-gzip

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Json"; filename="manifest.json"
Content-Type: application/json


Where manifest.json has the following format.

	"image_name": "user/image",
	"username": "user",
	"password": "password",
	"email": ""

### Response

	"JobIdentifier": "ef0c7a10-31a5-4140-6087-df97c2bebcb2"

The JobIdentifier can be used to check the status and logs with the following GET requests.

Checking job status

### Request

Issue the following request:

GET /api/v1/:jobid/status

where :jobid is the job ID returned in the build request (i.e. ef0c7a10-31a5-4140-6087-df97c2bebcb2)


	"Status": "Pushing"

The status will show errors, and on a successful call the job status has three stages: "Building", "Pushing", and "Finished".

Checking job logs

### Request

Issue the following request:

GET /api/v1/:jobid/logs

where :jobid is the job ID returned in the build request (i.e. ef0c7a10-31a5-4140-6087-df97c2bebcb2)


	"Logs": "Logs are returned as one string."

The logs catch the build logs and any errors returned from the docker host.