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API Reference

This page contains some basic documentation for the Tweepy module.

tweepy.api --- Twitter API wrapper

This class provides a wrapper for the API as provided by Twitter. The functions provided in this class are listed below.

param auth_handler

authentication handler to be used

param host

general API host

param search_host

search API host

param cache

cache backend to use

param api_root

general API path root

param search_root

search API path root

param retry_count

default number of retries to attempt when error occurs

param retry_delay

number of seconds to wait between retries

param retry_errors

which HTTP status codes to retry

param timeout

The maximum amount of time to wait for a response from Twitter

param parser

The object to use for parsing the response from Twitter

param compression

Whether or not to use GZIP compression for requests

param wait_on_rate_limit

Whether or not to automatically wait for rate limits to replenish

param wait_on_rate_limit_notify

Whether or not to print a notification when Tweepy is waiting for rate limits to replenish

param proxy

The full url to an HTTPS proxy to use for connecting to Twitter.

Timeline methods

API.home_timeline([since_id], [max_id], [count], [page])

Returns the 20 most recent statuses, including retweets, posted by the authenticating user and that user's friends. This is the equivalent of /timeline/home on the Web.

param since_id
param max_id
param count
param page

list of Status objects

API.statuses_lookup(id, [include_entities], [trim_user], [map])

Returns full Tweet objects for up to 100 tweets per request, specified by the id parameter.

param id

A list of Tweet IDs to lookup, up to 100

param include_entities

A boolean indicating whether or not to include [entities]( in the returned tweets. Defaults to False.

param trim_user

A boolean indicating if user IDs should be provided, instead of full user information. Defaults to False.

param map

A boolean indicating whether or not to include tweets that cannot be shown, but with a value of None. Defaults to False.


list of Status objects

API.user_timeline([id/user_id/screen_name], [since_id], [max_id], [count], [page])

Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted from the authenticating user or the user specified. It's also possible to request another user's timeline via the id parameter.

param id
param user_id
param screen_name
param since_id
param max_id
param count
param page

list of Status objects

API.retweets_of_me([since_id], [max_id], [count], [page])

Returns the 20 most recent tweets of the authenticated user that have been retweeted by others.

param since_id
param max_id
param count
param page

list of Status objects

Status methods


Returns a single status specified by the ID parameter.

param id

Status object

API.update_status(status, [in_reply_to_status_id], [lat], [long], [source], [place_id])

Update the authenticated user's status. Statuses that are duplicates or too long will be silently ignored.

param status

The text of your status update.

param in_reply_to_status_id

The ID of an existing status that the update is in reply to.

param lat

The location's latitude that this tweet refers to.

param long

The location's longitude that this tweet refers to.

param source

Source of the update. Only supported by Twitter ignores this parameter.

param place_id

Twitter ID of location which is listed in the Tweet if geolocation is enabled for the user.


Status object

API.update_with_media(filename, [status], [in_reply_to_status_id], [lat], [long], [source], [place_id], [file])

Update the authenticated user's status. Statuses that are duplicates or too long will be silently ignored.

param filename

The filename of the image to upload. This will automatically be opened unless file is specified

param status

The text of your status update.

param in_reply_to_status_id

The ID of an existing status that the update is in reply to.

param lat

The location's latitude that this tweet refers to.

param long

The location's longitude that this tweet refers to.

param source

Source of the update. Only supported by Twitter ignores this parameter.

param place_id

Twitter ID of location which is listed in the Tweet if geolocation is enabled for the user.

param file

A file object, which will be used instead of opening filename. filename is still required, for MIME type detection and to use as a form field in the POST data


Status object


Destroy the status specified by the id parameter. The authenticated user must be the author of the status to destroy.

param id

Status object


Retweets a tweet. Requires the id of the tweet you are retweeting.

param id

Status object


Returns up to 100 of the first retweets of the given tweet.

param id
param count

Specifies the number of retweets to retrieve.


list of Status objects

User methods


Returns information about the specified user.

param id
param user_id
param screen_name

User object

Returns the authenticated user's information.


User object

API.friends([id/user_id/screen_name], [cursor])

Returns an user's friends ordered in which they were added 100 at a time. If no user is specified it defaults to the authenticated user.

param id
param user_id
param screen_name
param cursor

list of User objects

API.followers([id/screen_name/user_id], [cursor])

Returns an user's followers ordered in which they were added 100 at a time. If no user is specified by id/screen name, it defaults to the authenticated user.

param id
param user_id
param screen_name
param cursor

list of User objects

API.search_users(q, [per_page], [page])

Run a search for users similar to Find People button on; the same results returned by people search on will be returned by using this API (about being listed in the People Search). It is only possible to retrieve the first 1000 matches from this API.

param q

The query to run against people search.

param per_page

Specifies the number of statuses to retrieve. May not be greater than 20.

param page

list of User objects

Direct Message Methods

API.direct_messages([since_id], [max_id], [count], [page])

Returns direct messages sent to the authenticating user.

param since_id
param max_id
param count
param page

list of DirectMessage objects

API.sent_direct_messages([since_id], [max_id], [count], [page])

Returns direct messages sent by the authenticating user.

param since_id
param max_id
param count
param page

list of DirectMessage objects

API.send_direct_message(user/screen_name/user_id, text)

Sends a new direct message to the specified user from the authenticating user.

param user

The ID or screen name of the recipient user.

param screen_name

screen name of the recipient user

param user_id

user id of the recipient user


DirectMessage object


Destroy a direct message. Authenticating user must be the recipient of the direct message.

param id

The ID of the direct message to destroy.


DirectMessage object

Friendship Methods


Create a new friendship with the specified user (aka follow).

param id
param screen_name
param user_id
param follow

Enable notifications for the target user in addition to becoming friends.


User object


Destroy a friendship with the specified user (aka unfollow).

param id
param screen_name
param user_id

User object

API.exists_friendship(user_a, user_b)

Checks if a friendship exists between two users. Will return True if user_a follows user_b, otherwise False.

param user_a

The ID or screen_name of the subject user.

param user_b

The ID or screen_name of the user to test for following.



API.show_friendship(source_id/source_screen_name, target_id/target_screen_name)

Returns detailed information about the relationship between two users.

param source_id

The user_id of the subject user.

param source_screen_name

The screen_name of the subject user.

param target_id

The user_id of the target user.

param target_screen_name

The screen_name of the target user.


Friendship object


Returns an array containing the IDs of users being followed by the specified user.

param id
param screen_name
param user_id
param cursor

list of Integers


Returns an array containing the IDs of users following the specified user.

param id
param screen_name
param user_id
param cursor

list of Integers

Account Methods


Verify the supplied user credentials are valid.


User object if credentials are valid, otherwise False


Returns the remaining number of API requests available to the requesting user before the API limit is reached for the current hour. Calls to rate_limit_status do not count against the rate limit. If authentication credentials are provided, the rate limit status for the authenticating user is returned. Otherwise, the rate limit status for the requester's IP address is returned.


JSON object


Sets which device Twitter delivers updates to for the authenticating user. Sending "none" as the device parameter will disable SMS updates.

param device

Must be one of: sms, none


User object

API.update_profile_colors([profile_background_color], [profile_text_color], [profile_link_color], [profile_sidebar_fill_color], [profile_sidebar_border_color])

Sets one or more hex values that control the color scheme of the authenticating user's profile page on

param profile_background_color
param profile_text_color
param profile_link_color
param profile_sidebar_fill_color
param profile_sidebar_border_color

User object


Update the authenticating user's profile image. Valid formats: GIF, JPG, or PNG

param filename

local path to image file to upload. Not a remote URL!


User object


Update authenticating user's background image. Valid formats: GIF, JPG, or PNG

param filename

local path to image file to upload. Not a remote URL!


User object

API.update_profile([name], [url], [location], [description])

Sets values that users are able to set under the "Account" tab of their settings page.

param name

Maximum of 20 characters

param url

Maximum of 100 characters. Will be prepended with "http://" if not present

param location

Maximum of 30 characters

param description

Maximum of 160 characters


User object

Favorite Methods

API.favorites([id], [page])

Returns the favorite statuses for the authenticating user or user specified by the ID parameter.

param id

The ID or screen name of the user to request favorites

param page

list of Status objects


Favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.

param id

Status object


Un-favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.

param id

Status object

Block Methods


Blocks the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user. Destroys a friendship to the blocked user if it exists.

param id
param screen_name
param user_id

User object


Un-blocks the user specified in the ID parameter for the authenticating user.

param id
param screen_name
param user_id

User object


Returns an array of user objects that the authenticating user is blocking.

param page

list of User objects


Returns an array of numeric user ids the authenticating user is blocking.


list of Integers

Spam Reporting Methods


The user specified in the id is blocked by the authenticated user and reported as a spammer.

param id
param screen_name
param user_id

User object

Saved Searches Methods


Returns the authenticated user's saved search queries.


list of SavedSearch objects


Retrieve the data for a saved search owned by the authenticating user specified by the given id.

param id

The id of the saved search to be retrieved.


SavedSearch object


Creates a saved search for the authenticated user.

param query

The query of the search the user would like to save.


SavedSearch object


Destroys a saved search for the authenticated user. The search specified by id must be owned by the authenticating user.

param id

The id of the saved search to be deleted.


SavedSearch object

Help Methods[,lang],[locale],[rpp],[page],[since_id],[geocode],[show_user])

Returns tweets that match a specified query.

param q

the search query string

param lang

Restricts tweets to the given language, given by an ISO 639-1 code.

param locale

Specify the language of the query you are sending. This is intended for language-specific clients and the default should work in the majority of cases.

param rpp

The number of tweets to return per page, up to a max of 100.

param page

The page number (starting at 1) to return, up to a max of roughly 1500 results (based on rpp * page.

param since_id
param geocode

Returns tweets by users located within a given radius of the given latitude/longitude. The location is preferentially taking from the Geotagging API, but will fall back to their Twitter profile. The parameter value is specified by "latitide,longitude,radius", where radius units must be specified as either "mi" (miles) or "km" (kilometers). Note that you cannot use the near operator via the API to geocode arbitrary locations; however you can use this geocode parameter to search near geocodes directly.

param show_user

When true, prepends "<user>:" to the beginning of the tweet. This is useful for readers that do not display Atom's author field. The default is false.


list of SearchResult objects

List Methods

API.create_list(name, [mode], [description])

Creates a new list for the authenticated user. Accounts are limited to 20 lists.

param name

The name of the new list.

param mode
param description

The description of the list you are creating.


List object


Deletes the specified list. Must be owned by the authenticated user.

param slug

List object

API.update_list(slug, [name], [mode], [description])

Updates the specified list. Note: this current throws a 500. Twitter is looking into the issue.

param slug
param name

What you'd like to change the lists name to.

param mode
param description

What you'd like to change the list description to.


List object


List the lists of the specified user. Private lists will be included if the authenticated users is the same as the user who's lists are being returned.

param cursor

list of List objects


List the lists the specified user has been added to.

param cursor

list of List objects


List the lists the specified user follows.

param cursor

list of List objects

API.list_timeline(owner, slug, [since_id], [max_id], [per_page], [page])

Show tweet timeline for members of the specified list.

param owner
param slug
param since_id
param max_id
param per_page

Number of results per a page

param page

list of Status objects

API.get_list(owner, slug)

Show the specified list. Private lists will only be shown if the authenticated user owns the specified list.

param owner
param slug

List object

API.add_list_member(slug, id)

Add a member to a list. The authenticated user must own the list to be able to add members to it. Lists are limited to having 500 members.

param slug
param id

the ID of the user to add as a member


List object

API.remove_list_member(slug, id)

Removes the specified member from the list. The authenticated user must be the list's owner to remove members from the list.

param slug
param id

the ID of the user to remove as a member


List object

API.list_members(owner, slug, cursor)

Returns the members of the specified list.

param owner
param slug
param cursor

list of User objects

API.is_list_member(owner, slug, id)

Check if a user is a member of the specified list.

param owner
param slug
param id

the ID of the user to check


User object if user is a member of list, otherwise False.

API.subscribe_list(owner, slug)

Make the authenticated user follow the specified list.

param owner
param slug

List object

API.unsubscribe_list(owner, slug)

Unsubscribes the authenticated user form the specified list.

param owner
param slug

List object

API.list_subscribers(owner, slug, [cursor])

Returns the subscribers of the specified list.

param owner
param slug
param cursor

list of User objects

API.is_subscribed_list(owner, slug, id)

Check if the specified user is a subscriber of the specified list.

param owner
param slug
param id

the ID of the user to check


User object if user is subscribed to the list, otherwise False.


Returns the locations that Twitter has trending topic information for. The response is an array of "locations" that encode the location's WOEID (a Yahoo! Where On Earth ID) and some other human-readable information such as a canonical name and country the location belongs in.


JSON object

API.trends_place(id, [exclude])

Returns the top 10 trending topics for a specific WOEID, if trending information is available for it.

The response is an array of “trend” objects that encode the name of the trending topic, the query parameter that can be used to search for the topic on Twitter Search, and the Twitter Search URL.

This information is cached for 5 minutes. Requesting more frequently than that will not return any more data, and will count against your rate limit usage.

param id

The Yahoo! Where On Earth ID of the location to return trending information for. Global information is available by using 1 as the WOEID.

param exclude

Setting this equal to hashtags will remove all hashtags from the trends list.


JSON object

API.trends_closest(lat, long)

Returns the locations that Twitter has trending topic information for, closest to a specified location.

The response is an array of “locations” that encode the location’s WOEID and some other human-readable information such as a canonical name and country the location belongs in.

A WOEID is a Yahoo! Where On Earth ID.

param lat

If provided with a long parameter the available trend locations will be sorted by distance, nearest to furthest, to the co-ordinate pair. The valid ranges for longitude is -180.0 to +180.0 (West is negative, East is positive) inclusive.

param long

If provided with a lat parameter the available trend locations will be sorted by distance, nearest to furthest, to the co-ordinate pair. The valid ranges for longitude is -180.0 to +180.0 (West is negative, East is positive) inclusive.


JSON object

Geo Methods

API.reverse_geocode([lat], [long], [accuracy], [granularity], [max_results])

Given a latitude and longitude, looks for places (cities and neighbourhoods) whose IDs can be specified in a call to update_status to appear as the name of the location. This call provides a detailed response about the location in question; the nearby_places function should be preferred for getting a list of places nearby without great detail.

param lat

The location's latitude.

param long

The location's longitude.

param accuracy

Specify the "region" in which to search, such as a number (then this is a radius in meters, but it can also take a string that is suffixed with ft to specify feet). If this is not passed in, then it is assumed to be 0m

param granularity

Assumed to be `neighborhood' by default; can also be `city'.

param max_results

A hint as to the maximum number of results to return. This is only a guideline, which may not be adhered to.

API.reverse_geocode([lat], [long], [ip], [accuracy], [granularity], [max_results])

Given a latitude and longitude, looks for nearby places (cities and neighbourhoods) whose IDs can be specified in a call to update_status to appear as the name of the location. This call provides a detailed response about the location in question; the nearby_places function should be preferred for getting a list of places nearby without great detail.

param lat

The location's latitude.

param long

The location's longitude.

param ip

The location's IP address. Twitter will attempt to geolocate using the IP address.

param accuracy

Specify the "region" in which to search, such as a number (then this is a radius in meters, but it can also take a string that is suffixed with ft to specify feet). If this is not passed in, then it is assumed to be 0m

param granularity

Assumed to be `neighborhood' by default; can also be `city'.

param max_results

A hint as to the maximum number of results to return. This is only a guideline, which may not be adhered to.


Given id of a place, provide more details about that place.

param id

Valid Twitter ID of a location.