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Updated for TLS username/password and MQTT docs
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rbeiter committed Aug 26, 2019
1 parent 138cb98 commit 4fce10c
Showing 1 changed file with 7 additions and 4 deletions.
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions
Expand Up @@ -128,20 +128,23 @@ The library will now be present for Arduino IDE to use. To update the library:
3. Search for `Paho` then install the `ArduinoMqtt` library, version `1.5.1` or better

## Flash the Developer Board with sample applications

The samples depend on an MQTT broker. If you have one configured already, or are using a service like Microsoft Azure IoT or AWS IoT, you can use the connection information specified by your provider. If you need a test broker to use for the samples, see our [Sample MQTT Broker]( documentation for instructions on how to set one up quickly using Docker.

1. Open Arduino IDE
2. Click File > examples and navigate to the Breakout Arduino Library examples
2. Click File > Examples and navigate to the Breakout Arduino Library examples
3. Select File > Examples > Breakout Massive SDK Arduino Library > AlfaKit > Sample.ino
4. Several tabs should be open now
1.`Sample` is the top-level file, it contains the sketch's [setup()] ( and [loop()]( functions. You can uncomment one of the `#include Sample*` directives, to enable a sample using a specific sensor. If you want to customize your sketch, you can do it directly here, or in the included modules.
1.`Sample` is the top-level file, it contains the sketch's [setup()]( and [loop()]( functions. You can uncomment one of the `#include Sample*` directives, to enable a sample using a specific sensor. If you want to customize your sketch, you can do it directly here, or in the included modules.
2. `SampleButton.h`, `SampleGPS.h`, `SampleTemperatureAndHumidity.h` and `SampleUltrasonic.h` include the actual code for setting up and running samples using a button, GPS receiver, temperature/humidity sensor and ultrasonic proximity sensor respectively.
3. `config.h` is for you to set up your specific application.
* un-comment out `#define USE_TLS_CERTIFICATES` or `#define USE_USERNAME_PASSWORD` to enable either TLS + certificates header (see below) or username/password authentication respectively
* un-comment out `#define USE_TLS_CLIENT_CERTIFICATES`, `#define USE_TLS_USERNAME_PASSWORD` or `#define USE_USERNAME_PASSWORD` to enable either TLS + certificates header (see below), the TLS + username/password, or username/password authentication respectively
* Set `MQTT_BROKER_HOST` and `MQTT_BROKER_PORT` to the location of your MQTT broker
* Change `MQTT_KEEP_ALIVE` to 20 if your broker tends to reset connections on inactivity, you can adjust this keep alive interval to your needs
* Set `MQTT_CLIENT_ID` to whatever you want your client ID to be, please note this must be unique across clients connected to your MQTT broker
* Change `MQTT_PUBLISH_TOPIC` and `MQTT_STATE_TOPIC` to the topics you want your sample to be publishing and listening to. If you want to go deeper, you can always define more topics to publish/subscribe to, no need to add them to the `config.h` if you don't want to.
* If you are using login/password authentication, set the credentials in `MQTT_LOGIN` and `MQTT_PASSWORD`.
4. `tls_credentials.h` is for you to paste your TLS credentials, including device's certificate and private key (`TLS_DEVICE_CERT`, `TLS_DEVICE_PKEY`) and server's certificate authority certificate (`TLS_SERVER_CA`)
4. `tls_credentials.h` is for you to paste your TLS credentials, including device's certificate and private key (`TLS_DEVICE_CERT`, `TLS_DEVICE_PKEY`) and server's certificate authority certificate (`TLS_SERVER_CA`). If you are using TLS + username/password authentication, you may just provide the `TLS_SERVER_CA` certificate.
5. `modem.h` contains service procedures to initialize the modem on the AlfaKit. Refer to it if you're curious about what is happening under the hood.
6. `mqtt.h` contains shims to integrate with Paho MQTT client, and publishing/subscribing code. It is what you will want to hack on if you want to create more topics.
> **Note:** The example ino files are readonly. Save your changes to a new location.
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