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REST API Documentation

The Stashboard REST API is split in two portions. The public facing REST API only responds to GET and lives at the /api/v1/ endpoint. This API requires no authentication.

The admin-only REST API lives at the /admin/api/v1/ endpoint and responsds to GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. You'll need to authenticate via OAuth.


The Services resource represents all web services currently tracked via Stashboard.

Property Description
id The unique identifier by which to identify the service
name The name of the service, defined by the user
description The description of the web service
current-event The current event for the service
url The URL of the specific service resource

List Resource



Returns a list of all current services tracked by Stashboard

GET /admin/api/v1/services HTTP/1.1
    "services": [
            "name": "Example Foo",
            "id": "example-foo",
            "description": "An explanation of this service"
            "url": "/api/v1/services/example-foo",
            "current-event": {
                'message': 'What an event!',
                'sid': 'ahJpc215d2Vic2VydmljZWRvd25yCwsSBUV2ZW50GA8M',
                'status': {
                    'description': 'Hey, dude',
                    'id': 'up',
                    'image': '/images/status/tick-circle.png',
                    'level': 'NORMAL',
                    'name': 'Up',
                    'url': '/statuses/up'
                'timestamp': 'Mon, 28 Jun 2010 22:17:06 GMT',
                'url': '/services/twilio/events/ahJpc215d2Vic2VydmljZWRvd25yCwsSBUV2ZW50GA8M'},

            "name": "Example Bar",
            "id": "example-bar",
            "description": "An explanation of this service"
            "url": "/api/v1/services/example-bar",
            "current-event": null,


Creates a new service (or updates an existing service) and returns the new service object.

Param Description
name Name of the service
description Description of service
POST /admin/api/v1/services HTTP/1.1 name=New%20Service&description=A%20great%20service
    "name": "New Service",
    "id": "new-service",
    "description": "A great service"
    "url": "/api/v1/services/new-service",
    "current-event": null,

Instance Resource


The Service Instance resources represents an individual web service tracked by StashBoard


GET /admin/api/v1/services/{service} HTTP/1.1
    "name": "Example Service",
    "id": "example-service",
    "description": "An explanation of what this service represents"
    "url": "/api/v1/services/example-service",
    "current-event": null,


Updates a service's description and returns the updated service object. All the listed parameters are optional.

Param Description
name Name of the service
description Description of service
POST /admin/api/v1/services/{service} description=System%20is%20now%20operational
    "name": "Example Service",
    "id": "example-service",
    "description": "System is now operational",
    "url": "/api/v1/services/example-service",
    "current-event": null,


Deletes a service and returns the deleted service object

DELETE /admin/api/v1/services/{service} HTTP/1.1
    "name": "Example Service",
    "id": "example-service",
    "description": "System is now operational",
    "url": "/api/v1/services/example-service",
    "current-event": null,


The Events List resource represents all event associated with a given service

Property Description
sid The unique identifier by which to identify the event
message The message associated with this event
timestamp The time at which this event occurred, given in RFC 1132 format.
url The URL of the specific event resource
status The status of this event, as described by the Statuses resource

List Resource



Returns all events associated with a given service in reverse chronological order.

GET /admin/api/v1/services/{service}/events HTTP/1.1
    "events": [
            "timestamp": "Mon, 28 Jun 2010 22:17:06 GMT",
            "message": "Problem fixed", 
            "sid": "ahJpc215d2Vic2VydmljZWRvd25yCwsSBUV2ZW50GBAM",
            "url": "/api/v1/services/example-service/events/ahJpc215d2Vic2VydmljZWRvd2",
            "status": {
                "id": "down",
                "name": "Down",
                "description": "An explanation of what this status represents",
                "level": "ERROR",
                "image": "/images/status/cross-circle.png",
                "url": "/api/v1/statuses/down",
            "timestamp": "Mon, 28 Jun 2010 22:18:06 GMT",
            "message": "Might be up", 
            "sid": "ahJpc215d2Vic2VydmljZWRvd25yCwsSBUV2ZW50GA8M",
            "url": "/api/v1/services/example-service/events/ahJpc215d2Vic..."
            "status": {
                "id": "down",
                "name": "Down",
                "description": "An explanation of what this status represents",
                "level": "ERROR",
                "image": "/images/status/cross-circle.png",
                "url": "/api/v1/statuses/down",

The Events List resource also supports filtering events via dates. To filter events, place on of the following options into the query string for a GET request

While the format of these parameters is very flexible, we suggested either the RFC 2822 or RFC 1123 format due to their support for encoding timezone information.

Events List URL Filtering Options

Option Description
start Only show events which started after this date, inclusive.
end Only show events which started before date, inclusive.
GET /admin/api/v1/services/{service}/events?start=2010-06-10 HTTP/1.1

would return all events starting after June 6, 2010.

Similarly, both "start" and "end" can be used to create date ranges

GET /admin/api/v1/services/{service}/events?end=2010-06-17&start=2010-06-01 HTTP/1.1

would return all events between June 6, 2010 and June 17, 2010


Creates a new event for the given service and returns the newly created event object. All arguments are required.

Param Description
status The system status for the event. This must be a valid system status identifier found in the Statuses List resource
message The message for the event
POST /admin/api/v1/services/{service}/events HTTP/1.1 status=AVAILABLE&message=System%20is%20now%20operational
    "timestamp": "Mon, 28 Jun 2010 22:18:06 GMT"
    "message": "Might be up", 
    "sid": "ahJpc215d2Vic2VydmljZWRvd25yCwsSBUV2ZW50GA8M",
    "url": "/api/v1/services/example-service/events/ahJpc215d2Vic2VydmljZWRvd25yCwsSBUV2ZW50GA8M",
    "status": {
        "id": "down",
        "name": "Down",
        "description": "An explanation of what this status represents",
        "level": "ERROR",
        "image": "/images/status/cross-circle.png",
        "url": "/api/v1/statuses/down",

Current Event

The Current Service Event resource simply returns the current event for a given service.



Returns the current event for a given service.

GET /admin/api/v1/services/{service}/events/current HTTP/1.1
    "timestamp": "Mon, 28 Jun 2010 22:17:06 GMT",
    "message": "Might be up", 
    "sid": "ahJpc215d2Vic2VydmljZWRvd25yCwsSBUV2ZW50GA8M",
    "url": "/api/v1/services/example-service/events/ahJpc215d2Vic2VydmljZWRvd25yCwsSBUV2ZW50GA8M",
    "status": {
        "id": "down",
        "name": "Down",
        "description": "An explanation of what this status represents",
        "level": "ERROR",
        "image": "/images/status/cross-circle.png",
        "url": "/api/v1/statuses/down",

Instance Resource

The Event Instance resource represents an individual event for a given service.



Returns a service event with the given event sid. The event's status object is also returned as well.

GET /admin/api/v1/services/{service}/events/{sid} HTTP/1.1
    "timestamp": "Mon, 28 Jun 2010 22:17:06 GMT",
    "message": "Might be up", 
    "sid": "ahJpc215d2Vic2VydmljZWRvd25yCwsSBUV2ZW50GA8M",
    "url": "/api/v1/services/example-service/events/ahJpc215d2Vic2VydmljZWRvd25yCwsSBUV2ZW50GA8M",
    "status": {
        "id": "down",
        "name": "Down",
        "description": "An explanation of what this status represents",
        "level": "ERROR",
        "image": "/images/status/cross-circle.png",
        "url": "/api/v1/statuses/down",


Deletes the given event and returns the deleted event

DELETE /admin/api/v1/services/{service}/events/{sid} HTTP/1.1
    "timestamp": "Mon, 28 Jun 2010 22:17:06 GMT",
    "message": "Might be up", 
    "sid": "ahJpc215d2Vic2VydmljZWRvd25yCwsSBUV2ZW50GA8M",
    "url": "/api/v1/services/example-service/events/ahJpc215d2Vic2VydmljZWRvd25yCwsSBUV2ZW50GA8M",
    "status": {
        "id": "down",
        "name": "Down",
        "description": "An explanation of what this status represents",
        "level": "ERROR",
        "image": "/images/status/cross-circle.png",
        "url": "/statuses/down",


The Status resource represents a possible status for a service.

Property Description
id The unique identifier by which to identify the status
name The name of the status, defined by the user
description The description of the status
url The URL of the specific status resource
level The level of this status. Can be any value listed in the Levels List resource
image The URL of the image for this status

List Resource


The Status List resource represents all possible systems statuses.


Returns all service statuses

GET /admin/api/v1/statuses HTTP/1.1
    "statuses": [
            "name": "Available",
            "id": "available",
            "description": "An explanation of what this status represents",
            "level": "NORMAL",
            "image": "/images/status/tick-circle.png",
            "url": "api/v1/statuses/up",
            "name": "Down",
            "id": "down",
            "description": "An explanation of what this status represents",
            "level": "ERROR",
            "image": "/images/status/cross-circle.png",
            "url": "api/v1/statuses/down",


Creates a new status and returns this newly created status. All parameters are required.

Param Description
name The name of the status
description The description of the status
level The level of the status. lues listed in the rce
image The filename of the image, with no extension. See the status-images resource
POST /admin/api/v1/statuses HTTP/1.1 name=Down&description=A%20new%20status&severity=1000&image=cross-circle.png
    "name": "Down",
    "id": "down"
    "description": "A new status",
    "level": "ERROR",
    "image": "cross-circle",
    "url": "/api/v1/statuses/down",

Instance Resource

The Status Instance resource represents a single service status



Returns a status object

GET /admin/api/v1/services HTTP/1.1
    "name": "Down",
    "id": "down",
    "description": "A new status",
    "level": "ERROR",
    "image": "/images/status/cross-circle.png",
    "url": "/api/v1/statuses/down",


Update the given status. All the following parameters are optional.

Param Description
name The name of the status
description The description of the status
level The level of the status. lues listed in the rce
image The filename of the image, with no extension. See the status-images resource
POST /admin/api/v1/statuses HTTP/1.1 description=A%20new%20status&severity=1010&image=cross-circle.png
    "name": "Down",
    "id": "down",
    "description": "A new status",
    "level": "ERROR",
    "image": "/images/status/cross-circle.png",
    "url": "/api/v1/statuses/down",


Delete the given status and return the deleted status

DELETE /admin/api/v1/statuses/{name}
    "name": "Down",
    "id": "down",
    "description": "A new status",
    "level": "ERROR",
    "image": "/images/status/cross-circle.png",
    "url": "/api/v1/statuses/down",

Status Levels

The Status Levels resource is a read-only resource which lists the possible levels for a status.

List Resource



Returns a list of possible status levels in increasing severity

GET /admin/api/v1/levels
    "levels": [

Status Images

The Status Images resource is a read-only resource which lists the icons available to use for statuses

List Resource



Returns a list of status images.

GET /admin/api/v1/status-images
    "images": [
            "name": "sample-image",
            "url": "/status-images/sample-image.png",
            "name": "sample-image",
            "url": "/status-images/sample-image.png",