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File metadata and controls

23 lines (18 loc) · 2.16 KB



Name Type Description Notes
AccountSid Pointer to string The SID of the Account that created the Workflow resource.
AssignmentCallbackUrl Pointer to string The URL that we call when a task managed by the Workflow is assigned to a Worker. See Assignment Callback URL for more information.
Configuration Pointer to string A JSON string that contains the Workflow's configuration. See Configuring Workflows for more information.
DateCreated Pointer to time.Time The date and time in GMT when the resource was created specified in RFC 2822 format.
DateUpdated Pointer to time.Time The date and time in GMT when the resource was last updated specified in RFC 2822 format.
DocumentContentType Pointer to string The MIME type of the document.
FallbackAssignmentCallbackUrl Pointer to string The URL that we call when a call to the assignment_callback_url fails.
FriendlyName Pointer to string The string that you assigned to describe the Workflow resource. For example, Customer Support or 2014 Election Campaign.
Sid Pointer to string The unique string that we created to identify the Workflow resource.
TaskReservationTimeout Pointer to int How long TaskRouter will wait for a confirmation response from your application after it assigns a Task to a Worker. Can be up to 86,400 (24 hours) and the default is 120.
WorkspaceSid Pointer to string The SID of the Workspace that contains the Workflow.
Url Pointer to string The absolute URL of the Workflow resource.
Links Pointer to map[string]interface{} The URLs of related resources.

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