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Radio Call In

In this workshop we'll be designing a radio call in application using Twilio's <Queue> functionality. While we'll be using a radio show as our target, this style of queue managment can be used for any phone number where many people may call at the same time.


The next sections assume a working knowledge of Twilio. You should be familiar with TwiML, configuring Twilio phone numbers, and Twilio application model.

Also, we're assuming you're comfortable writing web applications. For reference, we'll be developing the application along the way using Python and Google App Engine.

Using the Twilio Helper Libraries

Though this workshop will assume use of Python and the twilio-python helper library, Twilio offers helper libraries for a large set of languages. If you aren't using Python, download the helper library for your language of choice. You'll need the library in the next section.

For the twilio-python helper library, you may find the Queue API Reference helpful for this workshop.

Using <Queue>

We'll need two Twilio phone numbers to work with Queue - one for the DJ to dequeue calls from, and one for the listener to call into.

First, we'll enqueue calls via TwiML. In the example below, we enqueue calls into a queue named radio-callin-queue. Note that queues are created on <Enqueue> if they do not already exist.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Say>You are being enqueued now.</Say>

Bind this TwiML to your listener queue number.

We can spice it up by adding some wait music, using the waitUrl parameter.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Enqueue waitUrl="/wait-loop">radio-callin-queue</Enqueue>

Twilio will request the /wait-loop and process the TwiML that plays music. The waitUrl TwiML document only supports a subset of TwiML verbs, which includes <Say> and <Play>.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Say>Please hold.</Say>

For the DJ dequeuing number, we use TwiML that bridges the current call to the queue. Note that <Dial>ing into a queue dequeues the front on the queue, while the only way to get onto a queue is by using the <Enqueue> verb.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Now, the DJ can call the DJ dequeuing number, and will automatically be routed to the first member on the queue.

Dynamic Queue Information

Twilio's Queue exposes dynamic inforrmation about the queue state that you can use to build rich applications. In this section, we'll move past static TwiML applications and start using the data Queue gives you to create dynamic TwiML through a web application.

We'll start by working on our hold music. Wouldn't it be cool if we could tell users where they were in the queue, how long they've been there, or even the average wait time for their queue? Twilio sends these parameters via POST data when invoking your application's waiting logic via HTTP.

Parameter Desc ription
QueuePosition The current queue position for the enqueued call.
QueueSid The SID of the Queue that the caller is in.
QueueTime The time in seconds that the caller has been in the queue.
AverageQueueTime An average of how long time the current enqueued callers has been in the queue.
CurrentQueueSize The current number of enqueued calls in this queue.

Utilizing this information, we can inform our users what position they are in the queue and how long they can expect to wait before an answer.

class WaitLoop(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    def post(self):
        response = twiml.Response()
        response.say("You are number %s in line." % self.request.get('QueuePosition'))
        response.say("You've been in line for %s seconds." % self.request.get('QueueTime'))
        response.say("The average wait time is currently %s seconds." % self.request.get('AverageQueueTime'))"")

You can also take advantage of similar information when a call is dequeued through the action parameter when enqueuing.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Say>You are being enqueued now.</Say>
    <Enqueue action="/dequeue-logic">radio-callin-queue</Enqueue>
class DequeueLogic(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    def post(self):
        res = self.request.get('QueueResult')
        if res == 'bridged':
            # save to db, ping analytics, whatever you want!

Handling Long Queue Times

We can use the action parameter to collect all sorts of useful metrics on the backend, or even issue hasty apologies for long queue wait times.

Let's try to implement some small features on our dequeue action call to let our users know we care. Using the action URL parameters, we can send an SMS apology if the wait time exceeded 30 seconds, or if their call was rejected from a full queue.

Here is some stub code that may help, if you are taking the Python / Google App Engine route.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Say>You are being enqueued now.</Say>
    <Enqueue action="/dequeue-logic">radio-callin-queue</Enqueue>
import webapp2
class DequeueLogic(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    def post(self):

        # ... FILL ME IN ...
        # res = self.request.get('QueueResult')

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/dequeue-logic', DequeueLogic)], debug=True)

Closing Out the Queue

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. It's time for our radio show to close down until next time - but what about the people still on the waiting queue?

We can use Queue and Member REST API resources to programmatically look at all of our account's queues and active members on those queues.

Let's write a quick script that will find our queue, loop through its members, and dequeue each of them with a thank you message.

from import TwilioRestClient
client = TwilioRestClient("ACCOUNT_SID", "AUTH_TOKEN")
my_queue_name = "radio-callin-queue"

First, we need to find our queue.

my_queue = None
for queue in client.queues.list():
    if queue.friendly_name == my_queue_name:
        my_queue = queue

Then, we can iterate over its members and dequeue with some static thank you TwiML. Try it yourself! Hint: issuing an HTTP POST to a Member instance will dequeue that member.

As a bonus, try allowing the callers being dequeued to record a message for the DJs to listen to at the beginning of the next show.

Finally, we can delete the queue using a REST API call.
