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Administrating Your Jankbot

Michael Barrett edited this page Jan 9, 2015 · 4 revisions

Set Up Admin Privilages

To use the admin commands, you will need to let Jankbot know who is an admin. To do this, you will need to add the Steam ID numbers to the config file. To find out your steam ID number, run Jankbot and message him saying "ping". Jankbot will respond saying "pong" and your Steam ID.

Another way to get your ID is to visit and type in your Steam login. It will come back with something like STEAM_0:0:#########. Take that text and paste it into the search box and search again, then it will give your 17 digit steam ID.

Once you have your Steam ID, add it to the admins property in the config file, either manually, or by running node config.

If your steam ID was 12345654321, your config file would look like this:

  "username": "your_bot_account_username",
  "password": "your_bot_account_password",
  "admins" : ["12345654321"],
  "modules" : [
  "displayName" : "Jankbot",
  "dictionary"  : "english.json"

To add more administrators, simply add their Steam IDs to the list, separating by commas.

Jankbot shows logs in the command line, but also saves logs in a file called output.log.

Admin Commands

admin quit shuts down Jankbot (Note: if you run Jankbot with forever he will simply restart)

admin dump friends dumps the friend data to the console and output.log

admin dump users dumps Jankbot's current user knowledge to the console and output.log.

admin broadcast YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE broadcasts your given message to all of his friends.

admin lookup ID will look up the user with the given ID and dump their info.

admin inactive will list all users who have not interacted with the bot in the past week.

admin kick ID will unfriend the user with the given ID.

admin add ID will friend the user with the given ID.

admin blacklist ID will ban the user with the given ID from this bot.

admin unblacklist ID will unban the user with the given ID.

Note: Currently, admin commands are not set up to be multilingual due to issues with word structure and language structure. This will be changed as soon as a proper solution is found.