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RPI control

This version does work now but may be some bugs in the installer.

433Mhz Sender using Pi hat.

Based on Original work from

Parts List

Raspberry pi

8GB SD Card

Power Adaptor

Remote Power Sockets

433 Transmitter


Dupont cables

Apache Setup

sudo apt-get install apache2 phpmyadmin php5-imagick php5-gd php-xml-parser php5-intl php5 php5-cli mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql php5-curl -y


Please ensure you chmod this to 755 or 777

SMS Setup

Please point the url forward on your sms provider to the url for your provider



Configuring for TextLocal to Post…

you need to tell text local where to POST too. Its a simple setup process:

  1. Login to textlocal dashboard
  2. Select ‘inboxes’
  3. Select the inbox you wish to use and press ‘settings’
  4. Find the heading ‘Forward incoming messages to a URL’
  5. Enter the URL of your /sms/textlocal.php (ensure port forward has been done)
  6. Save!
  7. Edit textlocal.php and where $smskey is put your inbox keyword in and ensure you add a space.


You can now navigate to a admin panel which allows you to alter the devices etc.

just go to /admin/ in the url.

To do

  1. Bug Hunt! - Ensure any issues you let me know

  2. Finish Wake on Lan Section

  3. new ideas - got an idea or want to intergrate a new sms provider email me :)

For Me

Any one kind enough to throw a donation my way towards another raspberry pi would be welcome -

Any errors or need help email me