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Convert Jupyter slides to pdf

A dockerfile and scripts to convert a jupyter notebook to pdf (latex beamer) slides.

It uses the metadata values from the slides view of jupyter notebook (in the sense that a skipped cell is not shown), and (if it is installed) the metadata from the hide_code jupyter notebook plugin to hide the code or output of a cell.

It inserts a new slide after each markdown section or subsection. A markdown section creates a page with only a title (no content) the markdown subsection allows for content.

The first cell in the example notebook shows how to make a titlepage (Note the empty line at the beginning is required)

To assure nice images plot them to svg so use the following in your notebook:

%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'

To convert the notebook run: [-t beamer_template] [-c beamer_color_theme ] [-l logo_image] [-s logo_size] [-g slide_geometry] ipynb_directory ipynb_filename

An optional logo can be provided, place it in the ipynb_directory and use the -l option, the logo is placed at a position given by the beamer theme, the size of the logo can be given by -s for example -s 3cm gives a logo with a width of 3 cm The geometry of the slides can be given with the -g option. The possible option values with the geometries in brackets are:

  • 1610 (16:10)
  • 169 (16:9)
  • 149 (14:9)
  • 54 (5:4)
  • 43 (4:3)
  • 32 (3:2)

To view the available beamer themes and colors see:

If you want to design your own custom theme use this thread as a starting point:


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