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Guide to SQL

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a commonly language for processing relational databases. Below is a beginner's guide to using SQL.

Opening SQL

One can open SQL from the command line by typing sqlite3 at the prompt.

Exiting out of SQL

SQL commands are prepended with a "." so to exit SQL, type .quit

Executing a SQL script

Supposing one has a file called test.sql, one can execute it by typing .read test.sql at the prompt (inside SQL).

Reading data into SQL

To read data into SQL (e.g. from a CSV or tab-delimited raw file), there are actually two steps:

  1. Create a SQL table which will hold the data
  2. Read the raw data file into SQL's memory

To do step 1, type the following:

  "var1" CHAR,
  "var2" INTEGER,
  "varN" REAL 
where `datname` is whatever you want to call your database in SQL.

To do step 2, type the following:

.mode csv
.import /path/to/file.csv datname

It is also possible to accomplish this interactively in a GUI if you have, e.g. SQLite Studio or similar.

Printing N observations of your database

To print N observations of your database, type


To print N observations of a subset of variables, type

SELECT var1, var2, ..., varK FROM datname LIMIT N;

Deleting observations (and subsetting statements)

One can remove observations under certain conditions as follows:

DELETE FROM datname WHERE condition; 

note that condition is some conditional statement, like var1='value1' or var1=10 or var1<=10, etc.

If you leave off the WHERE condition statement, you will delete all observations from the database.

Delete column from table

SQLite does not allow you to drop a column. The workaround is to make a new table that contains only the columns you want to keep, then rename the new table to the original template's name.

-- Create a table called 'datname_temp' with the columns we don't want to drop
CREATE TABLE datname_temp(var1, var2, var5);

-- Copy the data from the columns we want to keep to the new table
INSERT INTO datname_temp SELECT var1, var2, var5 FROM criminals;

-- Delete the original table
DROP TABLE datname;

-- Rename the new table to the original table's name
ALTER TABLE datname_temp RENAME TO datname;

Add column to table

Adding is easier than removing:

ALTER TABLE datname ADD COLUMN newvarname type DEFAULT value;

where newvarname is the new column name; type is the type of values that column will house (e.g. text, integers, real numbers, etc.), and value is the default value of that column (e.g. 'one' if the type is text, '1' if the type is integer, '3.14159' if the type is real, etc.).

Create a one-way frequency table

Create a one-way frequency table as follows:

SELECT var1, COUNT(*) FROM datname GROUP BY var1;

This will then list the unique categories and counts for each category

Compute summary statistics of a variable or formula of variables


where the following are functions:

  • AVG: average
  • COUNT: count
  • SUM: sum
  • MIN: minimum
  • MAX: maximum

Summary statistics of functions of variables

For example:

SELECT FUNCTION(var1 + var2) FROM datname;
would apply the `AVG` or `SUM` or `MIN` to the sum of `var1` and `var2`. More complex functions (like square root) are not supported in SQLite, so something like
SELECT AVG(SQRT(var1)) FROM datname;

will not work.


SELECT (var1-var2) AS tempvarname FROM datname;

will. AS acts as an alias.

Saving data while using SQL

If one wants to save a database in SQL, the file extension is .sqlite3 (but in principle you can use whatever you want). The way to save data is to issue the .dump command:

.output datname.sqlite3

The result will be a text file with SQL code in it that will recreate the table you dumped.

SQL Examples (from Chris Albon)

Taken from Chris Albon's archived GitHub repository on machine learning and artifical intelligence.

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

View Table

-- Select everything

-- From the table 'criminals'
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0
621 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1
162 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0
411 Bob Iton None M San Francisco 0

Delete Column

-- Edit the table
ALTER TABLE criminals

-- Add a column called 'state' that contains text with the default value being 'CA'

View Table

-- Select everything

-- From the table 'criminals'
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor state
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1 CA
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0 CA
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0 CA
621 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1 CA
162 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0 CA
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0 CA
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0 CA
411 Bob Iton None M San Francisco 0 CA

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);

View Table

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0

Add New Row

-- Add into the table criminals
INSERT INTO criminals 

-- A new row with these values
VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Petaluma', 0);

View Table Again

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Petaluma 0

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

Alias Criminals Table A C, Then Select All Names From C

--  Select all names from the table 'c'

-- From the criminals table, now called c
FROM criminals AS c
James Smith
Bill James
Stacy Miller
Betty Bob
Jaden Ado
Gordon Ado
Bill Byson
Bob Iton

Create Data With 'pid' As An Auto-Generated Primary Key

-- Create a table of criminals with pid being a primary key integer that is auto-incremented

-- Add a single row with a null value for pid
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (NULL, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);

View Table

-- Select everything

-- From the table 'criminals'
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
1 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1

Added More Rows With NULL Values For pid

INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (NULL, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (NULL, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (NULL, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (NULL, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (NULL, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (NULL, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (NULL, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

View Table

-- Select everything

-- From the table 'criminals'
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
1 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
2 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
3 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0
4 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1
5 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0
6 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0
7 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0
8 Bob Iton None M San Francisco 0

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, NULL, 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, NULL, 23, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Petaluma', 0);

Write Some SQL Code With Single And Multiline Comments

--  This is a single line of commenting
SELECT name, age

FROM criminals -- It can also be placed at the end of the line

/* This is multiple 
lines of comments so we can include more
details if we need to. */
name age
James Smith 15
Gordon Ado 32
Bill Byson 21

Create Table

-- Create a table of criminals_1
CREATE TABLE criminals_1 (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals_1 VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals_1 VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals_1 VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals_1 VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals_1 VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals_1 VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals_1 VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals_1 VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

View Table

-- Select all

-- From the table 'criminals_1'
FROM criminals_1
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0
621 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1
162 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0
411 Bob Iton None M San Francisco 0

Create New Empty Table

-- Create a table called criminals_2
CREATE TABLE criminals_2 (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);

Copy Contents Of First Table Into Empty Table

-- Insert into the empty table
INSERT INTO criminals_2

-- Everything

-- From the first table
FROM criminals_1;

View Previously Empty Table

-- Select everything

-- From the previously empty table
FROM criminals_2
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0
621 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1
162 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0
411 Bob Iton None M San Francisco 0

Create A Table

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

Select Everything In That Table

-- Select everything

-- From the table 'criminals'
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0
621 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1
162 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0
411 Bob Iton None M San Francisco 0

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

Create An Index Using The Column 'pid' As The Unique ID

-- Create a index called uid

-- For the table 'criminals' and the column 'pid'
ON criminals (pid)

Note: Use 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX' if you want the index to not contain any duplicates.

Create New Table With Constraints On What Data Can Be Inserted

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals 


-- With a prisoner ID (pid) that is a primary key and cannot be null
-- With a name variable whose default value is John Doe
 name   TEXT                DEFAULT 'John Doe',
-- With an age variable that is an integer and has to be between 0 and 100
 age    INT                 CHECK(0 < age < 100)


Add Data To Table

INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Bill Steve', 23);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL);

View Table


FROM criminals
pid name age
412 James Smith 15
234 Bill James 22
632 Bill Steve 23
621 Betty Bob None
162 Jaden Ado 49
901 Gordon Ado 32
512 Bill Byson 21
411 Bob Iton None

Get Current Date

-- Select the current date
SELECT date('now');

Get Current Date And Time

-- Select the unix time code '1200762133'
SELECT datetime('now', 'unixepoch');
datetime('now', 'unixepoch')
1970-01-29 10:42:53

Compute A UNIX timestamp into a date and time

-- Select the unix time code '1169229733'
SELECT datetime(1169229733, 'unixepoch');
datetime(1169229733, 'unixepoch')
2007-01-19 18:02:13

Compute A UNIX timestamp into a date and time and convert to the local timezone.

-- Select the unix time code '1171904533' and convert to the machine's local timezone
SELECT datetime(1171904533, 'unixepoch', 'localtime');
datetime(1171904533, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')
2007-02-19 10:02:13

Compute The Day Of The Week

-- Select the the day of this week (0 = Sunday, 4 = Thursday)
SELECT strftime('%w','now');

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

Delete A Table

-- Delete the table called 'criminals'
DROP TABLE criminals

View Table

-- Select everything

-- From the table 'criminals'
FROM criminals
(sqlite3.OperationalError) no such table: criminals [SQL: "-- Select everything\nSELECT *\n\n-- From the table 'criminals'\nFROM criminals"]

Note: We get an error because the table doesn't exist anymore.

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

View The Table

-- Select everything

-- From the table 'criminals'
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0
621 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1
162 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0
411 Bob Iton None M San Francisco 0

Delete A Table

-- Delete the contents of the table called 'criminals'
DELETE FROM criminals

View The Table

-- Select everything

-- From the table 'criminals'
FROM criminals

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

View Table

-- Select everything

-- From the table 'criminals'
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0
621 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1
162 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0
411 Bob Iton None M San Francisco 0

Delete Column (Most Common)

-- Alter the table called 'criminals' ALTER TABLE criminals

-- From the table 'criminals' DROP COLUMN age

Delete Column (SQLite)

SQLite (the version of SQL used in this tutorial) does not allow you to drop a column. The workaround is to make a new table that contains only the columns you want to keep, then rename the new table to the original template's name.

-- Create a table called 'criminals_tamps' with the columns we want to not drop
CREATE TABLE criminals_temp(pid, name, sex);

-- Copy the data from the columns we want to keep to the new table
INSERT INTO criminals_temp SELECT pid, name, sex FROM criminals;

-- Delete the original table
DROP TABLE criminals;

-- Rename the new table to the original table's name
ALTER TABLE criminals_temp RENAME TO criminals;

View Table

-- Select everything

-- From the table 'criminals'
FROM criminals
pid name sex
412 James Smith M
234 Bill James M
632 Stacy Miller F
621 Betty Bob F
162 Jaden Ado M
901 Gordon Ado F
512 Bill Byson M
411 Bob Iton M

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

View Table

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0
621 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1
162 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0
411 Bob Iton None M San Francisco 0

Drop Row Based On A Conditional

-- Delete all rows
DELETE FROM criminals

-- if the age is less than 18
WHERE age < 18

View Table Again

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0
621 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1
162 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0
411 Bob Iton None M San Francisco 0

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Petaluma', 0);

View Table

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Petaluma 0

Update One Row

-- Update the criminals table
UPDATE criminals

-- To say city: 'Palo Alto'
SET City='Palo Alto'

-- If the prisoner ID number is 412
WHERE pid=412;

Update Multiple Rows Using A Conditional

-- Update the criminals table
UPDATE criminals

-- To say minor: 'No'
SET minor = 'No'

-- If age is greater than 12
WHERE age > 12;

View Table Again

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Palo Alto No
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco No
512 Bill Byson 21 M Petaluma No

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, NULL, 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, NULL, 23, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Petaluma', 0);

Select Name And Ages Only When The Name Is Known

--  Select name and average age,
SELECT name, age

--  from the table 'criminals',
FROM criminals

-- if age is not a null value
name age
James Smith 15
Gordon Ado 32
Bill Byson 21

Create Two Tables, Criminals And Crimes

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

-- Create a table of crimes
CREATE TABLE crimes (cid, crime, city, pid_arrested, cash_stolen);
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (1, 'fraud', 'Santa Rosa', 412, 40000);
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (2, 'burglary', 'Petaluma', 234, 2000);
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (3, 'burglary', 'Santa Rosa', 632, 2000);
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (4, NULL, NULL, 621, 3500); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (5, 'burglary', 'Santa Rosa', 162, 1000); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (6, NULL, 'Petaluma', 901, 50000); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (7, 'fraud', 'San Francisco', 412, 60000); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (8, 'burglary', 'Santa Rosa', 512, 7000); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (9, 'burglary', 'San Francisco', 411, 3000); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (10, 'robbery', 'Santa Rosa', 632, 2500); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (11, 'robbery', 'Santa Rosa', 512, 3000);

Inner Join

Returns all rows whose merge-on id appears in both tables.

-- Select everything

-- Left table
FROM criminals

-- Right table

-- Merged on `pid` in the criminals table and `pid_arrested` in the crimes table
pid name age sex city minor cid crime city_1 pid_arrested cash_stolen
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1 1 fraud Santa Rosa 412 40000
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1 7 fraud San Francisco 412 60000
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0 2 burglary Petaluma 234 2000
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0 3 burglary Santa Rosa 632 2000
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0 10 robbery Santa Rosa 632 2500
621 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1 4 None None 621 3500
162 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0 5 burglary Santa Rosa 162 1000
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0 6 None Petaluma 901 50000
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0 8 burglary Santa Rosa 512 7000
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0 11 robbery Santa Rosa 512 3000
411 Bob Iton None M San Francisco 0 9 burglary San Francisco 411 3000

Left Join

Returns all rows from the left table but only the rows from the right left that match the left table.

-- Select everything

-- Left table
FROM criminals

-- Right table
LEFT JOIN crimes

-- Merged on `pid` in the criminals table and `pid_arrested` in the crimes table
pid name age sex city minor cid crime city_1 pid_arrested cash_stolen
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1 1 fraud Santa Rosa 412 40000
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1 7 fraud San Francisco 412 60000
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0 2 burglary Petaluma 234 2000
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0 3 burglary Santa Rosa 632 2000
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0 10 robbery Santa Rosa 632 2500
621 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1 4 None None 621 3500
162 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0 5 burglary Santa Rosa 162 1000
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0 6 None Petaluma 901 50000
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0 8 burglary Santa Rosa 512 7000
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0 11 robbery Santa Rosa 512 3000
411 Bob Iton None M San Francisco 0 9 burglary San Francisco 411 3000

Note: FULL OUTER and RIGHT JOIN are not shown here because they are not supported by the version of SQL (SQLite) used in this tutorial.

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Petaluma', 0);

View All Rows

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Petaluma 0

View Rows Where Age Is Greater Than 20 And City Is San Francisco

--  Select all unique
SELECT distinct *

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Where age is greater than 20 and city is San Francisco
WHERE age > 20 AND city == 'San Francisco'
pid name age sex city minor
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0

View Rows Where Age Is Greater Than 20 or City Is San Francisco

--  Select all unique
SELECT distinct *

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Where age is greater than 20 and city is San Francisco
WHERE age > 20 OR city == 'San Francisco'
pid name age sex city minor
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Petaluma 0

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

Select Based On The Result Of A Select

--  Select name and age,
SELECT name, age

--  from the table 'criminals',
FROM criminals

--  where age is greater than,
WHERE age > 
     --  select age,
    (SELECT age
     --  from criminals
     FROM criminals
     --  where the name is 'James Smith'
     WHERE name == 'James Smith')
name age
Bill James 22
Stacy Miller 23
Jaden Ado 49
Gordon Ado 32
Bill Byson 21

    'Connected: None@None'

## Create Data

/* Create A Table Of Criminals */
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

/* Create A Table Of Crimes */
CREATE TABLE crimes (cid, crime, city, pid_arrested, cash_stolen);
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (1, 'fraud', 'Santa Rosa', 412, 40000);
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (1, 'burglary', 'Petaluma', 234, 2000);
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (1, 'burglary', 'Santa Rosa', 632, 2000);
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (1, 'larcony', 'Petaluma', 621, 3500); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (1, 'burglary', 'Santa Rosa', 162, 1000); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (1, 'larcony', 'Petaluma', 901, 50000); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (1, 'fraud', 'San Francisco', 412, 60000); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (1, 'burglary', 'Santa Rosa', 512, 7000); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (1, 'burglary', 'San Francisco', 411, 3000); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (1, 'robbery', 'Santa Rosa', 632, 2500); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (1, 'robbery', 'Santa Rosa', 512, 3000);
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.

View Both Tables

-- Select everything

-- From the table 'criminals'
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0
621 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1
162 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0
411 Bob Iton None M San Francisco 0
-- Select everything

-- From the table 'crimes'
FROM crimes
cid crime city pid_arrested cash_stolen
1 fraud Santa Rosa 412 40000
1 burglary Petaluma 234 2000
1 burglary Santa Rosa 632 2000
1 larcony Petaluma 621 3500
1 burglary Santa Rosa 162 1000
1 larcony Petaluma 901 50000
1 fraud San Francisco 412 60000
1 burglary Santa Rosa 512 7000
1 burglary San Francisco 411 3000
1 robbery Santa Rosa 632 2500
1 robbery Santa Rosa 512 3000

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

View Table

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0
621 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1
162 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0
411 Bob Iton None M San Francisco 0

Drop Row Based On A Conditional

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Only return the first two rows
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0

Create Two Tables, Criminals And Crimes

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

-- Create a table of crimes
CREATE TABLE crimes (cid, crime, city, pid_arrested, cash_stolen);
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (1, 'fraud', 'Santa Rosa', 412, 40000);
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (2, 'burglary', 'Petaluma', 234, 2000);
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (3, 'burglary', 'Santa Rosa', 632, 2000);
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (4, NULL, NULL, 621, 3500); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (5, 'burglary', 'Santa Rosa', 162, 1000); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (6, NULL, 'Petaluma', 901, 50000); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (7, 'fraud', 'San Francisco', 412, 60000); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (8, 'burglary', 'Santa Rosa', 512, 7000); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (9, 'burglary', 'San Francisco', 411, 3000); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (10, 'robbery', 'Santa Rosa', 632, 2500); 
INSERT INTO crimes VALUES (11, 'robbery', 'Santa Rosa', 512, 3000);

View All Unique City Names From Both Tables

-- Select city name
SELECT city 

-- From criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Then combine with

-- Select city names
SELECT city 

-- From crimes table
FROM crimes;
San Francisco
Santa Rosa

View All City Names From Both Tables

-- Select city name
SELECT city 

-- From criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Then combine with

-- Select city names
SELECT city 

-- From crimes table
FROM crimes;
Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa
San Francisco
Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa
San Francisco
Santa Rosa
San Francisco
Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Petaluma', 0);

View All Rows

Notice that 'James Smith' appears three times

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Petaluma 0

View Unique Rows

--  Select all unique
SELECT distinct *

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Petaluma 0

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill Bayes', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Jack Killer', 23, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Petaluma', 0);

View All Rows

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill Bayes 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Jack Killer 23 F San Francisco 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Petaluma 0

View Rows Where Age Is Greater Than 30

--  Select all
SELECT distinct *

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Where age is greater than 30
WHERE age > 30
pid name age sex city minor
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0

View Rows Where Age Is Greater Than Or Equal To 23

--  Select all
SELECT distinct *

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Where age is greater than 23
WHERE age >= 23
pid name age sex city minor
632 Jack Killer 23 F San Francisco 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0

View Rows Where Age Is 23

--  Select all
SELECT distinct *

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Where age is greater than 23
WHERE age = 23
pid name age sex city minor
632 Jack Killer 23 F San Francisco 0

View Rows Where Age Is Not 23

--  Select all
SELECT distinct *

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Where age is greater than 23
WHERE age <> 23
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill Bayes 22 M Santa Rosa 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Petaluma 0

View Rows Where Name Begins With 'J'

--  Select all
SELECT distinct *

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Where name starts with 'J'
WHERE name LIKE 'J%'
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
632 Jack Killer 23 F San Francisco 0

View Rows Where Name Contains The String 'ames'

--  Select all
SELECT distinct *

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Where name contains the string 'ames'
WHERE name LIKE '%ames%'
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

View Table

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0
621 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1
162 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0
411 Bob Iton None M San Francisco 0

Select Rows With Names Starting With G

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- If name starts with G
WHERE name LIKE 'G%'
pid name age sex city minor
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0

Select Rows With Names Ending With o

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- If name starts ends with o
WHERE name LIKE '%o'
pid name age sex city minor
162 Jaden Ado 49 M None 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0

Select Rows With Names Starting With Any Character, Then ordon

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- If name starts with any character then continues with 'ordon'
WHERE name LIKE '_ordon%'
pid name age sex city minor
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

Select Rows That Contain An Item In A List

-- Select everything

-- From the table 'criminals'
FROM criminals

-- Where the city is any of these cities
WHERE city IN ('Santa Rosa', 'Petaluma');
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0
621 Betty Bob None F Petaluma 1
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

Select Every Row Where Age Is Between Two Values

-- Select everything

-- From the table 'criminals'
FROM criminals

-- Where 
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Petaluma', 0);

Sort By Ascending Age And Then Alphabetically By Name

--  Select all unique
SELECT distinct *

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Sort by ascending age
ORDER BY age ASC, name
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
512 Bill Byson 21 M Petaluma 0
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F San Francisco 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Petaluma', 0);

View All Rows

--  Select all

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F San Francisco 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Petaluma 0

Sort By Ascending Age

--  Select all unique
SELECT distinct *

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Sort by ascending age
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
512 Bill Byson 21 M Petaluma 0
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F San Francisco 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0

Sort By Descending Age

--  Select all unique
SELECT distinct *

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Sort by descending age
pid name age sex city minor
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F San Francisco 0
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Petaluma 0
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1

Sort Alphabetically

--  Select all unique
SELECT distinct *

-- From the criminals table
FROM criminals

-- Sort by name
pid name age sex city minor
512 Bill Byson 21 M Petaluma 0
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F San Francisco 0
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
632 Stacy Miller 23 F San Francisco 0

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (621, 'Betty Bob', NULL, 'F', 'Petaluma', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (162, 'Jaden Ado', 49, 'M', NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (411, 'Bob Iton', NULL, 'M', 'San Francisco', 0);

Create A View

-- Create a view called 'Santa Rosa'

-- That contains everything

-- From the table called 'criminals'
FROM criminals

-- If the city is 'Santa Rosa'
WHERE city = 'Santa Rosa'

View The View

(I know, I know, stupid title)

-- Select everything

-- From the view called [Santa Rosa]
FROM [Santa Rosa]
pid name age sex city minor
412 James Smith 15 M Santa Rosa 1
234 Bill James 22 M Santa Rosa 0
632 Stacy Miller 23 F Santa Rosa 0
901 Gordon Ado 32 F Santa Rosa 0
512 Bill Byson 21 M Santa Rosa 0

Create Data

-- Create a table of criminals
CREATE TABLE criminals (pid, name, age, sex, city, minor);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (412, 'James Smith', 15, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 1);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (234, 'Bill James', 22, 'M', 'Santa Rosa', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (632, 'Stacy Miller', 23, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (901, 'Gordon Ado', 32, 'F', 'San Francisco', 0);
INSERT INTO criminals VALUES (512, 'Bill Byson', 21, 'M', 'Petaluma', 0);

View Average Ages By City

--  Select name and average age,
SELECT city, avg(age)

--  from the table 'criminals',
FROM criminals

-- after grouping by city
city avg(age)
Petaluma 21.0
San Francisco 27.5
Santa Rosa 18.5

View Max Age By City

--  Select name and average age,
SELECT city, max(age)

--  from the table 'criminals',
FROM criminals

-- after grouping by city
city max(age)
Petaluma 21
San Francisco 32
Santa Rosa 22

View Count Of Criminals By City

--  Select name and average age,
SELECT city, count(name)

--  from the table 'criminals',
FROM criminals

-- after grouping by city
city count(name)
Petaluma 1
San Francisco 2
Santa Rosa 2

View Total Age By City

--  Select name and average age,
SELECT city, total(age)

--  from the table 'criminals',
FROM criminals

-- after grouping by city
city total(age)
Petaluma 21.0
San Francisco 55.0
Santa Rosa 37.0