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A partial port of cheahjs/palworld-save-tools to C#:

Only supports reading .sav files, no writing. Most of the "custom" parsers (rawdata folder) were left unimplemented.

This is mostly a one-to-one port, with some extra stuff enabling the visitor pattern to minimize memory usage while extracting data and remove the need for excessive casting/unperformant dynamic-type wrappers. Rather than refactor to selectively return specific parts of the data, the general structure was left as-is to accommodate any future updates to palworld-save-tools which may need to be reflected here.

Set ARCHIVE_PRESERVE as a compiler constant to allow FArchiveReader to store in memory all values that are read. Useful for figuring out the right path/visitors for extracting some data.

Each IProperty that is parsed includes a Meta field which contains the full "property path" to that value. When writing new parsers, you should enable ARCHIVE_PRESERVE, set a breakpoint in the PalCalc.SaveReader.CLI program (after a call to var x = ....ParseGvas()), run the program, and inspect the parsed data.

Once you find the relevant data you can expand the entry's Meta, copy the Path, and use that as a parameter for an IVisitor to extract that data. See SaveFile/LevelMetaSaveFile.cs for a simple example.

Most of the Visit*Begin methods on an IVisitor allow you to return a list of IVisitors which will be used until the corresponding Visit*End is called for that scope. "Child" visitors will have their Exit() method called before the parent's Visit*End is called, allowing you to postprocess the data in the child visitor before the parent makes use of its results.

Palworld data notes:

  • It's common for properties to be omitted if they're at their "default" value, e.g. pal level (1), in-game day number, (1), traits (empty list)


  • Generally optimize
  • Remove the need for ARCHIVE_PRESERVE flag, making it a type parameter without significant performance hit / change in logic structure
    • Use of a compiler flag lets us skip a lot of allocations + associated GC
    • Would let us remove code duplication in e.g. CustomReader:GroupReader, which needs to preserve values regardless of ARCHIVE_PRESERVE flag