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390 lines (173 loc) · 8.07 KB

SQL Aggregates

DB schema

Count the number of facilities

select count(*) from cd.facilities;

Count the number of expensive facilities

select count(*) from cd.facilities where guestcost >= 10;

Count the number of recommendations each member makes

select recommendedby, count(*)

from cd.members

where recommendedby is not null

group by recommendedby

order by recommendedby;

List the total slots booked per facility

select facid, sum(slots) as "Total Slots"

from cd.bookings

group by facid

order by facid;

List the total slots booked per facility in a given month

select facid, sum(slots) as "Total Slots"

from cd.bookings


​ starttime >= '2012-09-01'

and starttime < '2012-10-01'

group by facid

order by sum(slots);

List the total slots booked per facility per month

select facid, extract(month from starttime) as month, sum(slots) as "Total Slots"

from cd.bookings


​ starttime >= '2012-01-01'

and starttime < '2013-01-01'

group by facid, month

order by facid, month;

Find the count of members who have made at least one booking

select count(distinct memid) from cd.bookings

List facilities with more than 1000 slots booked

select facid, sum(slots) as "Total Slots"

from cd.bookings

group by facid

having sum(slots) > 1000

order by facid

Find the total revenue of each facility

select, sum(slots * case

when memid = 0 then facs.guestcost

else facs.membercost

end) as revenue

from cd.bookings bks

inner join cd.facilities facs

on bks.facid = facs.facid

group by

order by revenue;

Find facilities with a total revenue less than 1000

select name, revenue from (

select, sum(case

when memid = 0 then slots * facs.guestcost

else slots * membercost

end) as revenue

from cd.bookings bks

inner join cd.facilities facs

on bks.facid = facs.facid

group by

​ ) as agg where revenue < 1000

order by revenue;

Output the facility id that has the highest number of slots booked

select facid, sum(slots) as "Total Slots"

from cd.bookings

group by facid

order by sum(slots) desc


List the total slots booked per facility per month, part 2

select facid, extract(month from starttime) as month, sum(slots) as slots

from cd.bookings


​ starttime >= '2012-01-01'

and starttime < '2013-01-01'

group by rollup(facid, month)

order by facid, month;

List the total hours booked per named facility

select facs.facid,,

​ trim(to_char(sum(bks.slots)/2.0, '9999999999999999D99')) as "Total Hours"

from cd.bookings bks

inner join cd.facilities facs

on facs.facid = bks.facid

group by facs.facid,

order by facs.facid;

List each member's first booking after September 1st 2012

select mems.surname, mems.firstname, mems.memid, min(bks.starttime) as starttime from cd.bookings bks

inner join cd.members mems on

​ mems.memid = bks.memid

where starttime >= '2012-09-01'

group by mems.surname, mems.firstname, mems.memid

order by mems.memid;

Produce a list of member names, with each row containing the total member count

select count(*) over(), firstname, surname

from cd.members

order by joindate

Produce a numbered list of members

select row_number() over(order by joindate), firstname, surname

from cd.members

order by joindate

Output the facility id that has the highest number of slots booked

select facid, total from (

select facid, sum(slots) total, rank() over (order by sum(slots) desc) rank from cd.bookings

group by facid

​ ) as ranked

where rank = 1

Rank members by (rounded) hours used

select firstname, surname,

​ ((sum(bks.slots)+10)/20)*10 as hours, *

​ **rank() over (order by ((sum(bks.slots)+10)/20)*10 desc) as rank

from cd.bookings bks

inner join cd.members mems

on bks.memid = mems.memid

group by mems.memid

order by rank, surname, firstname;

Find the top three revenue generating facilities

select name, rank from (

select as name, rank() over (order by sum(case

when memid = 0 then slots * facs.guestcost else slots * membercost

end) desc) as rank

from cd.bookings bks

inner join cd.facilities facs

on bks.facid = facs.facid

group by

​ ) as subq

where rank <= 3

order by rank;

Classify facilities by value

select name, case when class=1 then 'high'

when class=2 then 'average'

else 'low'

end revenue

from (

select as name, ntile(3) over (order by sum(case when memid = 0 then slots * facs.guestcost else slots * membercost

end) desc) as class

from cd.bookings bks

inner join cd.facilities facs

on bks.facid = facs.facid

group by

​ ) as subq

order by class, name;

Calculate the payback time for each facility

select as name,

​ facs.initialoutlay/((sum(case

when memid = 0 then slots * facs.guestcost

else slots * membercost

end)/3) - facs.monthlymaintenance) as months

from cd.bookings bks

inner join cd.facilities facs

on bks.facid = facs.facid

group by facs.facid

order by name;

Calculate a rolling average of total revenue


​ (

-- correlated subquery that, for each day fed into it,

-- finds the average revenue for the last 15 days

select sum(case

when memid = 0 then slots * facs.guestcost

else slots * membercost

end) as rev

from cd.bookings bks

inner join cd.facilities facs

on bks.facid = facs.facid

where bks.starttime > - interval '14 days'

and bks.starttime < + interval '1 day'

​ )/15 as revenue


​ (

​ -- generates a list of days in august*

select cast(generate_series(timestamp '2012-08-01',

​ '2012-08-31','1 day') as date) as date ) as dategen

order by;