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The goal of catfacts is to demonstrate an opinionated approach to structuring a shiny app. Primary motivation for catfacts is to avoid mistakes I have made in the past while developing. Key topics are:


├── R
│   ├── ui_dashboard_body.R
│   ├── ui_dashboard_header.R
│   ├── ui_dashboard_sidebar.R
│   ├── ui_tabs.R
│   └── utils.R
├── README.Rmd
├── catfacts.Rproj
├── data
│   ├──
│   └── contact.rds
├── data-raw
│   ├──
│   └── contact.R
├── global.R
├── inst
│   └── extdata
│       ├──
│       └── contact.csv
├── renv
│   ├── activate.R
│   ├── library
│   │   └── R-4.0
│   ├── settings.dcf
│   └── staging
├── renv.lock
├── server.R
├── tests
│   ├── testthat
│   │   ├── test-cat-fact.R
│   │   └── test-contact.R
│   └── testthat.R
├── ui.R
└── www
    ├── custom.css
    └── logo.png
  • R: Contains all R code to be used in the application. Typically contains functions and UI components. When making UI functions, prefix them with ui_.
  • README.Rmd: A readme file generated by RMarkdown. Use this to explain the intent of the app.
  • data: Store all static data here. Use .rds and name everything in all lowercase.
  • data-raw: Store scripts used to generate objects in data here.
  • global.R: Store code to “initilize” your app here. This file will run once before the app starts.
  • inst/extdata: Store all external data here.
  • renv: Controll and document the apps dependencies. See the renv project for more information.
  • server.R: Store all server side code here.
  • tests/testthat: Store all tests here.
  • ui.R: Store user interface stuff here, though try to keep it small if possible by storing ui_ functions in R. Try to think of individual components of the UI and save them as a function.
  • www: Additional assets, mostly custom CSS files.

Note: There are some other notable files missing from the tree diagram, these are:

  • .Rprofile: Code stored here will be available on a fresh R session. I use this for the testing utilities and renv.
  • .github/workflows/build.yml: A workflow for continually testing the shiny app with each push or pull request.

Organizing data

  • Problem: I have a vector of 10 choices and that vector is copied/pasted throughout the app and the apps tests. Any changes to that dropdowns choices will require numerous, redundant changes.

  • Resolution: Consider any static, reusable data and document it’s creation in data-raw, save it in data. If the data comes from an external source, store the original in inst/extdata, document any manipulation in data-raw and save it in data. Reuse that data throughout the app and the apps tests.

Documenting dependencies

  • Problem: I just updated a package to use a development version which in turn broke a different app that depended on the CRAN version.

  • Solution: Use renv to control project specific dependencies.

Note: I have never actually run into the problem I described but the thought of project specific dependencies makes me happy and less nervous about things breaking.

Testing with testthat

  • Problem: My data is dynamic and I want my tests to introduce randomness when possible, the snapshot approach using shinytest will not work.

  • Solution: Use shinytest for automating the app operations and testthat for testing the apps output.

Note: shinytest does have a solution for handling dynamic data which is to use dummy data while in test mode, see here. However, to my knowledge shinytest cannot introduce randomness by design, only control it, see here.

For my particular use case, a user can generate many different outputs by selecting values from numerous dropdowns. My main concern is that regardless of what they pick, the output makes sense. As a result, I prefer a set of tests that randomly pick certain values from dropdowns and compare the actual result to the expected result with expect_ functions from testthat.

If you decide to write tests that introduce randomness, make sure you have a method of retrieving the random inputs that cause a test to fail. I have use assign() to assign random inputs to the global environment.

Testing utilities

Some utility functions for testing are provided in the .Rprofile. Note that these will always available on a fresh R session.

  • test_app() runs all tests found in tests/testthat
  • test_menu() runs only the tests you pick from an interactive menu in the console
  • test_report() writes the test results to a csv in the root directory of the project

Continuous integration

A workflow for running all tests with each push or pull request is provided in .github/workflows/build.yaml. This runs all the tests and triggers a “pass” if all tests pass or a “fail” if any of the tests fail, this is done by running:

testthat::test_dir("tests/testthat", stop_on_failure = TRUE)


📋 Another template for shiny apps







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