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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 9, 2023. It is now read-only.


Repository files navigation


🏗️ How to develop


Quick start

Development without local backend depends on setting API_URL in packages/app/.env to Do not do this if you intend to use local backend.

Only step needed to start frontend after that is yarn && yarn app command.

With backend


  1. Run yarn install.
  2. Run yarn build.
  3. Run docker-compose up.
    It will start Hasura, Core, Admin and Backend service. You can append -d parameter to start in background. Remember to stop it later with docker-compose down
  4. Apply migrations with yarn migrate

Development (🐧 Linux)

  • Admin panel is available on localhost:3000/panel from docker
  • Run yarn app to start work on Expo application (./packages/app)

🪟 Windows or 🍏 Mac setup

Some development servers are not Dockerized.

  • instead of running docker-compose up, run docker-compose -f docker-compose.nonlinux.yml up. If you're already running docker-compose up -d, stop it with docker-compose down.
  • yarn app should start Expo application (see ./packages/app)
  • yarn dev (in separate console) runs all backend packages in parallel (backend, panel and db)

When trying to run on the device with Expo Go, double-check Firewall (network type to private).

If app doesn't open with correct backend attached, copy packages/app/.env.example to packages/app/.env and fill variables:

  • API_URL should be http://localhost:8080/v1/graphql or private IP substituted for localhost.
  • MAPBOX_TOKEN can be left empty for now

📁 File Structure

Built with 3factor app architectural pattern in mind, but deployed as monolith for ease of configuration and local development.

├── ➡️ You are here
├── package.json ➡️ Monorepository root
└── 📦 packages
    ├── 📱 app ➡️ Client application (React Native, Expo)
    ├── 🧑‍🔧 admin ➡️ Admin panel frontend (React Admin)
    ├── 🧰 backend ➡️ Backend logic, proxy to web apps and Hasura (Node.js, Express)
    └── 🗂️ database ➡️ Config, migrations, schema (Hasura)

🧭 App navigation structure

Routing with @react-navigation/native. In this repo screens are all kept in a nested structure with unidirectional imports. It's a better idea than a single routes or linking file (global data coupling). A screen file exports both it's component (as default) and a screens routing object for deep linking. This solution allows for moving entire navigation stack in a simple way - by moving files and only adjusting linking in the same file where component import path changed.

📲 Running native version (eject Expo) (click React Native CLI Quickstart)

  • yarn android (keep running)
  • cd packages/app && npx react-native run-android

Fill both API_URL (Backend IP, for example and MAPBOX_TOKEN in packages/app/.env

📝 Notes