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204 lines (145 loc) · 8.07 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

TypeScript nameof [Unreleased]

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TypeScript nameof v0.0.10


  • Woodpecker pipelines and publishing process

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TypeScript nameof v0.0.9


  • An error where expressions such as !function(){}() would cause compilations to fail (#11)
  • Thanks, @Ixonal for reporting!
  • Documentation to address the babel configuration properly
    Thanks, @philsherry for reporting


  • All dependencies
  • Improved performance (#6)
    Thanks, @lahma!
  • The plugin to skip parsing nodes unnecessarily
  • The README file in general

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TypeScript nameof v0.0.7


  • The nameof.typed function for optional properties
  • Non-functional unit tests


  • All dependencies

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TypeScript nameof v0.0.6


  • Language service plugin to improve accuracy of error messages


  • The IndexOutOfBoundError message to show proper bounds
  • Adapter to report errors for malformed, nested nameof calls
  • CI configuration to add .vsix files to future releases
  • All dependencies


  • Unnecessary files from vscode extension

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TypeScript nameof v0.0.5


  • Non-functioning vscode extension


  • All dependencies

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TypeScript nameof v0.0.4


  • A TypeScript Language Service plugin and a corresponding vscode extension to show nameof()-related issues in the IDE


  • The README file to include more reasonable examples

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TypeScript nameof v0.0.3


  • A function nameof.typed to get strictly typed key names
    What, you don't need such a thing!? idc, I do!


    // or
    nameof.typed(() => process).exit;
    // or
    nameof.typed((module: NodeJS.Module) => module.require).resolve;


  • All dependencies
  • Babel components for streamlining node transformation order

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TypeScript nameof v0.0.2


  • Type declaration collision by removing unnecessary dependency
  • Typos in the README files

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TypeScript nameof v0.0.1

This is it! Words cannot describe how happy I am to be finally done rewriting the infamous, great ts-nameof project! Not only does this release bring TypeScript v5 support but there are also tons of more features waiting for you.

Thanks to everyone who is showing interest in this project!

Let's head right into the...


Drop-In Replacement

The type declaration and the API of the TypeScript nameof are completely compatible with ts-nameof.

If you used to transform your nameof calls using the ts-nameof project, all you need to do is replace ts-nameof and @types/ts-nameof with the packages of this project as described in the setup guide in the README.

Self-Contained Type Declarations

Up until now, type declarations for ts-nameof were hosted by the DefinitelyTyped project. However, this meant that the type declarations had to go through DefinitelyTyped's workflow for them to be updated.

For @typescript-nameof, these type declarations are hosted in this very repository and are thus always sure to be up-to-date with their corresponding version.

Less Strict Parsing

Previously, the whole expression passed to nameof was parsed and would cause errors if some part of the expression was unsupported.

The new @typescript-nameof implementations will only throw errors if the part that is necessary to get the (full) name is unsupported.

Following code used to cause errors but is supported now:

console.log(nameof((13 * 37).toFixed)); // Logs `toFixed`

One Package For Everything

The number of packages in this project has been minimized. You can now use a single package @typescript-nameof/babel both for the plugin-integration and macro-integration for Babel.js.

For all other purposes, all you need to install is @typescript-nameof/types and @typescript-nameof/nameof according to the setup guide in the README file.

Error Reporting

In the latest version of ts-nameof TypeScript compilers such as ts-patch and ttypescript would exit while watching files if an error related to nameof calls occurred.

Furthermore, the old implementation would only report the code causing an error without giving a hint on the line- or column number the non-functioning code is located at.

This issue is now fixed for ts-patch. Errors are now reported to ts-patch and thus displayed in your editor during watched compilations.

So far, @typescript-nameof supports error reporting for ts-patch and ts-jest which are the only ecosystems providing an API for reporting errors. Other ecosystems will print error messages and the corresponding file names, line- and column numbers to the console.

Solid Testing

Every tiniest aspect of the @typescript-nameof packages are proven to work by tons of unit tests.

TypeScript v5 Support

As mentioned before, this plugin now uses up-to-date TypeScript API calls and thus does not spam warnings in your console anymore and further is able to run with TypeScript version 5.

Thank You 🎉🎉

At this point, I'd like to say thank you to @dsherret and all the contributors of the former ts-nameof project: @cecilyth, @G-Rath, @parloti, @Kukks

I'm more than happy to throw my 2 cents into the "TypeScript should have nameof support" bucket!

I truly hope this project will be of use for others.

The Future

As you might be able to see, I'd love this project to be open for contributions. However, there are a few things I'm not experienced enough in.

If I invite members to this organization, how do I make sure they do not abuse the access to my Woodpecker instance? How do I enable contributors to trigger the mechanism to publish this project to

Are there organization-scoped access tokens on

Is GitHub actions a better solution than a self-hosted Woodpecker CI for a project with other contributors?

I'll sure have to make up my mind on some of these questions.


  • TypeScript v5 Support
  • Error reporting causing watched compilations to exit


  • @typescript-eslint/types package for providing type declarations
  • Error Reporting Support for
    • ts-patch
    • ts-jest
  • Support for getting the name of keyword types such as:
    • any
    • unknown
    • void
    • never
    • object
    • boolean
    • number
    • bigint
    • string
    • symbol
  • A playground for testing the behaviour of the TypeScript nameof packages
  • Insane amount of unit tests


  • Tests to normalize and format source code for comparing test results
  • Structure to narrow the number of packages
  • Parser to ignore unsupported nodes which are not relevant for the result


  • Initial release

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