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leonardosnt committed Mar 27, 2016
1 parent e9a6bfe commit 0f5bd78
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Showing 3 changed files with 491 additions and 491 deletions.
318 changes: 159 additions & 159 deletions default/lang_en.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Use: <colorName OR hex value>
<hex_value>, Example: <#FFFFFF>
Expand All @@ -18,169 +18,169 @@

The unturned chat only suports ONE color.
The algorithm will check if text contains an determined color,
and will use it, doesn't matter a position in the message.
The unturned chat only suports ONE color.
The algorithm will check if text contains an determined color,
and will use it, doesn't matter a position in the message.

For example:
For example:
"<red>player joined the game"
"player <red>joined the game"
"player join<red>ed the game"

The default color is Green.
The default color is Green.

"UNKNOWN_COMMAND": "<yellow>There is no '/{0}' command.",
"INVALID_NUMBER": "<yellow>Invalid number '{0}'.",
"INVALID_BOOLEAN": "<yellow>Invalid value '{0}'. Expected 'true' or 'false'.",
"SECOND": "second",
"DAY": "day",
"MINUTE": "minute",
"HOUR": "hour",
"DAYS": "days",
"SECONDS": "seconds",
"MINUTES": "minutes",
"HOURS": "hours",
"PLAYER_JOINED": "<blue>{0} has joined the game.",
"PLAYER_EXITED": "<blue>{0} has left the game.",
"PLAYER_CANNOT_EXECUTE": "<yellow>This command can't be executed in game.",
"CONSOLE_CANNOT_EXECUTE": "<yellow>This command can't be executed from the console.",
"COMMAND_ERROR_OCURRED": "<red>An error occurred attempting to execute this command; please contact an admin!",
"COMMAND_NO_PERMISSION": "<yellow>You don't have access to this command.",
"ONLY_NUMBERS": "<yellow>Use only numbers.",
"ONLINE_PLAYERS": "<blue>{0}/{1} players online.",
"WARP_LIST": "<blue>Available warps: {0}",
"WARP_SET": "<cyan>Warp '{0}' has been set.",
"WARP_REMOVED": "<magenta>Warp '{0}' has been removed.",
"WARP_NOT_EXIST": "<yellow>Warp '{0}' does not exist!",
"WARP_TELEPORTED": "Teleported to warp '{0}'.",
"WARP_NONE": "<red>There are no warps defined!",
"WARP_COOLDOWN": "<blue>You will be teleported in {0} seconds.",
"WARP_NO_PERMISSION": "<yellow>You don't have access to this warp.",
"PING": "<blue>Your ping: {0}",
"PING_OTHER": "<blue>Ping of {0}: {1}",
"INVALID_STEAMID": "<yellow>SteamID '{0}' isn't valid!",
"PLAYER_NOT_FOUND": "<yellow>Player '{0}' not found!",
"PLAYER_RESET_KICK": "You have been reset.",
"PLAYER_RESET": "Player has been reset.",
"KILL_PLAYER": "You killed {0}!",
"POSITION": "<blue>Your position: (x: {0:0.00}, y: {1:0.00}, z: {2:0.00})",
"POSITION_OTHER": "<blue>Position of {0}: (x: {1:0.00}, y: {2:0.00}, z: {3:0.00})",
"NOT_FROZEN": "<cyan>This player is not frozen.",
"ALREADY_FROZEN": "<yellow>This player is already frozen.",
"FROZEN_SENDER": "<cyan>Player {0} has been frozen!",
"UNFROZEN_SENDER": "<magenta>Player {0} has been unfrozen!",
"FROZEN_PLAYER": "<cyan>You were frozen by {0}!",
"UNFROZEN_PLAYER": "<magenta>You were unfrozen by {0}!",
"FROZEN_ALL": "<cyan>You froze all players!",
"UNFROZEN_ALL": "<magenta>You unfroze all players!",
"NONE_FOR_REPLY": "<yellow>There is no one to reply to!",
"NOT_DIED_YET": "<yellow>You have not died yet.",
"RETURNED": "You have returned to the location of your death.",
"SUDO_EXECUTED": "{0} ran the command '{1}'.",
"ALL_REPAIRED": "<cyan>All of your items have been repaired.",
"HAND_REPAIRED": "<cyan>Items in your hands have been repaired.",
"MAX_SKILLS": "<cyan>All of your skills were upgraded to the max level.",
"MAX_SKILLS_TARGET": "<cyan>All skills for {0} were upgraded to the max level.",
"EXPERIENCE_GIVEN": "<cyan>You have given {0} levels of experience to {1}.",
"EXPERIENCE_RECEIVED": "<cyan>You have received {0} levels of experience.",
"EXPERIENCE_TAKE": "<magenta>You have taken {0} levels of experience from {1}.",
"EXPERIENCE_LOST": "<magenta>You lost {0} levels of experience.",
"NEGATIVE_OR_LARGE": "<yellow>The value is negative or too large!",
"KILLED_ZOMBIES": "Killed {0} zombies.",
"TELEPORTED_ALL_COORDS": "Teleported all players to (x: {0:0.00}, y: {1:0.00}, z: {2:0.00})!",
"TELEPORTED_ALL_YOU": "Teleported all players to you!",
"TELEPORTED_ALL_PLAYER": "Teleported all players to {0}!",
"NO_PLAYERS_FOR_TELEPORT": "<yellow>There are no players to teleport!",
"NO_PLAYERS_FOR_KICK": "<yellow>There are no players to kick!",
"KICKED_ALL": "Kicked {0} players!",
"INVALID_COORDS": "<yellow>Invalid coordinates ({0}, {1}, {2})!",
"KIT_NOT_EXIST": "<yellow>Kit '{0}' does not exist. Use /kits to see available kits.",
"KIT_GIVEN_SENDER": "<cyan>Kit '{0}' given to {1}!",
"KIT_GIVEN_RECEIVER": "<cyan>You received kit '{0}'!",
"KIT_LIST": "<blue>Available kits: {0}",
"KIT_NO_PERMISSION": "<yellow>You don't have access to this kit.",
"KIT_NONE": "<yellow>There are no kits available.",
"INVENTORY_FULL": "<yellow>Your inventory is full; dropping items on ground.",
"KIT_COOLDOWN": "<yellow>You must wait {0} seconds to use this kit again.",
"NOT_IN_VEHICLE": "<yellow>You aren't in a vehicle.",
"VEHICLE_REFUELED": "<cyan>Your vehicle has been refueled!",
"VEHICLE_REFUELED_ALL": "<cyan>All vehicles were refueled!",
"VEHICLE_REPAIRED": "<cyan>Your vehicle has been repaired!",
"VEHICLE_REPAIRED_ALL": "<cyan>All vehicles were repaired!",
/* {0} is poll's name, {1} is description*/
"POLL_STARTED": "<cyan>A poll has been created, use /vote yes|no to vote: {1}",
/* {0} is poll's name, {1} is description, {2} yes votes, {3} no votes*/
"POLL_STOPPED": "<magenta>The poll '{0}' has ended, votes yes: {2}, votes no: {3}",
/* You can disable or change interval of this message in configuration */
"POLL_RUNNING": "<cyan>The '{0}' poll is running, use /vote yes|no to vote.",
"POLL_NAME_IN_USE": "<yellow>A poll with this name already exists.",
"POLL_LIST": "<blue>Running polls:",
"POLL_INFO": "<blue>Info for the '{0}' poll:",
"POLL_LIST_ENTRY": "<blue> Name: {0}, YES: {2}, NO: {3}",
"POLL_NOT_EXIST": "<yellow>A poll with this name does not exist.",
"POLL_VOTED_YES": "You voted YES in the '{0}' poll.",
"POLL_VOTED_NO": "You voted NO in the '{0}' poll.",
"POLL_ALREADY_VOTED": "<yellow>You have already voted in this poll.",
"POLL_NONE": "<yellow>There are no polls running.",
"SPAWNED_ITEM": "<cyan>You spawned ({0}x) {1}!",
"SPAWNED_ITEM_AT": "<cyan>You spawned ({0}x) {1} at (x: {2:0.00}, y: {3:0.00}, z: {4:0.00})!",
"INVALID_ITEM_ID": "<red>Invalid item id '{0}'.",
"INVALID_ITEM_ID_NAME": "<yellow>Invalid item id/name '{0}'.",
"CHAT_ANTI_SPAM": "<yellow>Antispam is active; wait to chat again.",
"NOBODY_TO_REPLY": "<yellow>There is nobody to reply to.",
"NO_LONGER_ONLINE": "<yellow>This player is no longer online.",
"SPY_MODE_OFF": "<magenta>Spy mode off.",
"SPY_MODE_ON": "<cyan>Spy mode on.",
"RESPAWNED_ZOMBIES": "<cyan>Successfully respawned {0} zombies!",
"RESPAWNED_ANIMALS": "<cyan>Successfully respawned {0} animals!",
"INVENTORY_CLEAN": "<magenta>Your inventory was cleared.",
"SPAWNED_VEHICLE_AT_POSITION": "<cyan>You spawned a vehicle at (x: {0:0.00}, y: {1:0.00}, z: {2:0.00}).",
"SPAWNED_VEHICLE_AT_PLAYER": "<cyan>You spawned a vehicle at {0}'s position.",
"INVALID_VEHICLE_ID" : "<yellow>Invalid vehicle id/name '{0}'.",
"AUTO_RELOAD_ENABLED": "<cyan>Auto-Reload enabled!",
"AUTO_RELOAD_DISABLED": "<magenta>Auto-Reload disabled!",
"AUTO_REPAIR_ENABLED": "<cyan>Auto-Repair enabled!",
"AUTO_REPAIR_DISABLED": "<magenta>Auto-Repair disabled!",
"JUMP_NO_POSITION": "<yellow>No position found, try to increase distance using /jump <distance>.",
"JUMPED": "You jumped to (x: {0:0.00}, y: {1:0.00}, z: {2:0.00}).",
"TELEPORTED": "You were teleported to '{0}'.",
"TELEPORTED_SENDER": "Teleported '{0}' to '{1}'.",
"FAILED_FIND_PLACE_OR_PLAYER": "<yellow>Could not find place or player named '{0}'.",
"EMPTY_HANDS": "<yellow>You are not holding an item.",
"MUST_POSITIVE": "<yellow>The value must be positive.",
"CLEAR_ITEMS": "<magenta>All items were removed!",
"CLEAR_VEHICLES": "<magenta>All vehicles were removed!",
"RECEIVED_ITEM": "<cyan>You received {0}x {1} ({2})",
"GIVEN_ITEM": "<cyan>You gave {0}x {1} ({2}) to '{3}'!",
"GIVEN_ITEM_ALL": "<cyan>You gave {0}x {1} ({2}) to all players!",
"AUTO_REFUEL_ENABLED": "<cyan>Auto-Refuel enabled!",
"AUTO_REFUEL_DISABLED": "<magenta>Auto-Refuel disabled!",
"CREATED_KIT": "<cyan>You created a new kit named '{0}'!",
"ITEM_NOT_FOUND": "<yellow>Item not found: {0}",
"WITHOUT_BED": "<yellow>You do not have a bed to teleport to.",
"TELEPORTED_BED": "You were teleported to your bed.",
"CANNOT_TELEPORT_DRIVING": "<yellow>You cannot teleport while being in a vehicle.",
"TELEPORT_DELAY": "<blue>You will be teleported in {0} seconds.",
"USE_COOLDOWN": "<yellow>Wait {0} seconds to use it again.",
"TELEPORT_CANCELLED_MOVED": "<yellow>Teleport cancelled because you moved.",
"KIT_ALREADY_EXIST": "<yellow>There is already a kit named '{0}'.",
"DELETED_KIT": "<magenta>You deleted the '{0}' kit.",
"RESPAWNED_ITEMS": "<cyan>Successfully respawned all items!",
"RESPAWNED_VEHICLES": "<cyan>Successfully respawned all vehicles!",
"DROPKIT_SENDER": "Dropped kit '{0}' at your position.",
"DROPKIT_PLAYER": "Dropped kit '{0}' at '{1}' position.",
"DROPKIT_LOCATION": "Dropped kit '{0}' at (x: {1:0.00}, y: {2:0.00}, z: {3:0.00})",
"RECEIVED_VEHICLE": "You received a {0} ({1})",
"GIVEN_VEHICLE": "You gave a {0} ({1}) to '{2}'",
"GIVEN_VEHICLE_ALL": "You gave a {0} ({1}) to all players.",
"KILL_ALL": "You killed everyone!",
"WARP_ALREADY_EXISTS": "<yellow>A warp with this name already exists.",
"KIT_NO_MONEY": "You must have at least ({0}$) to use this kit.",
"KIT_PAID": "You have paid ({0}$) for using this kit.",
"COMMAND_NO_MONEY": "You must have at least ({0}$) to use this command.",
"COMMAND_PAID": "You have paid ({0}$) for using this command.",
"UNKNOWN_COMMAND": "<yellow>There is no '/{0}' command.",
"INVALID_NUMBER": "<yellow>Invalid number '{0}'.",
"INVALID_BOOLEAN": "<yellow>Invalid value '{0}'. Expected 'true' or 'false'.",
"SECOND": "second",
"DAY": "day",
"MINUTE": "minute",
"HOUR": "hour",
"DAYS": "days",
"SECONDS": "seconds",
"MINUTES": "minutes",
"HOURS": "hours",
"PLAYER_JOINED": "<blue>{0} has joined the game.",
"PLAYER_EXITED": "<blue>{0} has left the game.",
"PLAYER_CANNOT_EXECUTE": "<yellow>This command can't be executed in game.",
"CONSOLE_CANNOT_EXECUTE": "<yellow>This command can't be executed from the console.",
"COMMAND_ERROR_OCURRED": "<red>An error occurred attempting to execute this command; please contact an admin!",
"COMMAND_NO_PERMISSION": "<yellow>You don't have access to this command.",
"ONLY_NUMBERS": "<yellow>Use only numbers.",
"ONLINE_PLAYERS": "<blue>{0}/{1} players online.",
"WARP_LIST": "<blue>Available warps: {0}",
"WARP_SET": "<cyan>Warp '{0}' has been set.",
"WARP_REMOVED": "<magenta>Warp '{0}' has been removed.",
"WARP_NOT_EXIST": "<yellow>Warp '{0}' does not exist!",
"WARP_TELEPORTED": "Teleported to warp '{0}'.",
"WARP_NONE": "<red>There are no warps defined!",
"WARP_COOLDOWN": "<blue>You will be teleported in {0} seconds.",
"WARP_NO_PERMISSION": "<yellow>You don't have access to this warp.",
"PING": "<blue>Your ping: {0}",
"PING_OTHER": "<blue>Ping of {0}: {1}",
"INVALID_STEAMID": "<yellow>SteamID '{0}' isn't valid!",
"PLAYER_NOT_FOUND": "<yellow>Player '{0}' not found!",
"PLAYER_RESET_KICK": "You have been reset.",
"PLAYER_RESET": "Player has been reset.",
"KILL_PLAYER": "You killed {0}!",
"POSITION": "<blue>Your position: (x: {0:0.00}, y: {1:0.00}, z: {2:0.00})",
"POSITION_OTHER": "<blue>Position of {0}: (x: {1:0.00}, y: {2:0.00}, z: {3:0.00})",
"NOT_FROZEN": "<cyan>This player is not frozen.",
"ALREADY_FROZEN": "<yellow>This player is already frozen.",
"FROZEN_SENDER": "<cyan>Player {0} has been frozen!",
"UNFROZEN_SENDER": "<magenta>Player {0} has been unfrozen!",
"FROZEN_PLAYER": "<cyan>You were frozen by {0}!",
"UNFROZEN_PLAYER": "<magenta>You were unfrozen by {0}!",
"FROZEN_ALL": "<cyan>You froze all players!",
"UNFROZEN_ALL": "<magenta>You unfroze all players!",
"NONE_FOR_REPLY": "<yellow>There is no one to reply to!",
"NOT_DIED_YET": "<yellow>You have not died yet.",
"RETURNED": "You have returned to the location of your death.",
"SUDO_EXECUTED": "{0} ran the command '{1}'.",
"ALL_REPAIRED": "<cyan>All of your items have been repaired.",
"HAND_REPAIRED": "<cyan>Items in your hands have been repaired.",
"MAX_SKILLS": "<cyan>All of your skills were upgraded to the max level.",
"MAX_SKILLS_TARGET": "<cyan>All skills for {0} were upgraded to the max level.",
"EXPERIENCE_GIVEN": "<cyan>You have given {0} levels of experience to {1}.",
"EXPERIENCE_RECEIVED": "<cyan>You have received {0} levels of experience.",
"EXPERIENCE_TAKE": "<magenta>You have taken {0} levels of experience from {1}.",
"EXPERIENCE_LOST": "<magenta>You lost {0} levels of experience.",
"NEGATIVE_OR_LARGE": "<yellow>The value is negative or too large!",
"KILLED_ZOMBIES": "Killed {0} zombies.",
"TELEPORTED_ALL_COORDS": "Teleported all players to (x: {0:0.00}, y: {1:0.00}, z: {2:0.00})!",
"TELEPORTED_ALL_YOU": "Teleported all players to you!",
"TELEPORTED_ALL_PLAYER": "Teleported all players to {0}!",
"NO_PLAYERS_FOR_TELEPORT": "<yellow>There are no players to teleport!",
"NO_PLAYERS_FOR_KICK": "<yellow>There are no players to kick!",
"KICKED_ALL": "Kicked {0} players!",
"INVALID_COORDS": "<yellow>Invalid coordinates ({0}, {1}, {2})!",
"KIT_NOT_EXIST": "<yellow>Kit '{0}' does not exist. Use /kits to see available kits.",
"KIT_GIVEN_SENDER": "<cyan>Kit '{0}' given to {1}!",
"KIT_GIVEN_RECEIVER": "<cyan>You received kit '{0}'!",
"KIT_LIST": "<blue>Available kits: {0}",
"KIT_NO_PERMISSION": "<yellow>You don't have access to this kit.",
"KIT_NONE": "<yellow>There are no kits available.",
"INVENTORY_FULL": "<yellow>Your inventory is full; dropping items on ground.",
"KIT_COOLDOWN": "<yellow>You must wait {0} seconds to use this kit again.",
"NOT_IN_VEHICLE": "<yellow>You aren't in a vehicle.",
"VEHICLE_REFUELED": "<cyan>Your vehicle has been refueled!",
"VEHICLE_REFUELED_ALL": "<cyan>All vehicles were refueled!",
"VEHICLE_REPAIRED": "<cyan>Your vehicle has been repaired!",
"VEHICLE_REPAIRED_ALL": "<cyan>All vehicles were repaired!",
/* {0} is poll's name, {1} is description*/
"POLL_STARTED": "<cyan>A poll has been created, use /vote yes|no to vote: {1}",
/* {0} is poll's name, {1} is description, {2} yes votes, {3} no votes*/
"POLL_STOPPED": "<magenta>The poll '{0}' has ended, votes yes: {2}, votes no: {3}",
/* You can disable or change interval of this message in configuration */
"POLL_RUNNING": "<cyan>The '{0}' poll is running, use /vote yes|no to vote.",
"POLL_NAME_IN_USE": "<yellow>A poll with this name already exists.",
"POLL_LIST": "<blue>Running polls:",
"POLL_INFO": "<blue>Info for the '{0}' poll:",
"POLL_LIST_ENTRY": "<blue> Name: {0}, YES: {2}, NO: {3}",
"POLL_NOT_EXIST": "<yellow>A poll with this name does not exist.",
"POLL_VOTED_YES": "You voted YES in the '{0}' poll.",
"POLL_VOTED_NO": "You voted NO in the '{0}' poll.",
"POLL_ALREADY_VOTED": "<yellow>You have already voted in this poll.",
"POLL_NONE": "<yellow>There are no polls running.",
"SPAWNED_ITEM": "<cyan>You spawned ({0}x) {1}!",
"SPAWNED_ITEM_AT": "<cyan>You spawned ({0}x) {1} at (x: {2:0.00}, y: {3:0.00}, z: {4:0.00})!",
"INVALID_ITEM_ID": "<red>Invalid item id '{0}'.",
"INVALID_ITEM_ID_NAME": "<yellow>Invalid item id/name '{0}'.",
"CHAT_ANTI_SPAM": "<yellow>Antispam is active; wait to chat again.",
"NOBODY_TO_REPLY": "<yellow>There is nobody to reply to.",
"NO_LONGER_ONLINE": "<yellow>This player is no longer online.",
"SPY_MODE_OFF": "<magenta>Spy mode off.",
"SPY_MODE_ON": "<cyan>Spy mode on.",
"RESPAWNED_ZOMBIES": "<cyan>Successfully respawned {0} zombies!",
"RESPAWNED_ANIMALS": "<cyan>Successfully respawned {0} animals!",
"INVENTORY_CLEAN": "<magenta>Your inventory was cleared.",
"SPAWNED_VEHICLE_AT_POSITION": "<cyan>You spawned a vehicle at (x: {0:0.00}, y: {1:0.00}, z: {2:0.00}).",
"SPAWNED_VEHICLE_AT_PLAYER": "<cyan>You spawned a vehicle at {0}'s position.",
"INVALID_VEHICLE_ID" : "<yellow>Invalid vehicle id/name '{0}'.",
"AUTO_RELOAD_ENABLED": "<cyan>Auto-Reload enabled!",
"AUTO_RELOAD_DISABLED": "<magenta>Auto-Reload disabled!",
"AUTO_REPAIR_ENABLED": "<cyan>Auto-Repair enabled!",
"AUTO_REPAIR_DISABLED": "<magenta>Auto-Repair disabled!",
"JUMP_NO_POSITION": "<yellow>No position found, try to increase distance using /jump <distance>.",
"JUMPED": "You jumped to (x: {0:0.00}, y: {1:0.00}, z: {2:0.00}).",
"TELEPORTED": "You were teleported to '{0}'.",
"TELEPORTED_SENDER": "Teleported '{0}' to '{1}'.",
"FAILED_FIND_PLACE_OR_PLAYER": "<yellow>Could not find place or player named '{0}'.",
"EMPTY_HANDS": "<yellow>You are not holding an item.",
"MUST_POSITIVE": "<yellow>The value must be positive.",
"CLEAR_ITEMS": "<magenta>All items were removed!",
"CLEAR_VEHICLES": "<magenta>All vehicles were removed!",
"RECEIVED_ITEM": "<cyan>You received {0}x {1} ({2})",
"GIVEN_ITEM": "<cyan>You gave {0}x {1} ({2}) to '{3}'!",
"GIVEN_ITEM_ALL": "<cyan>You gave {0}x {1} ({2}) to all players!",
"AUTO_REFUEL_ENABLED": "<cyan>Auto-Refuel enabled!",
"AUTO_REFUEL_DISABLED": "<magenta>Auto-Refuel disabled!",
"CREATED_KIT": "<cyan>You created a new kit named '{0}'!",
"ITEM_NOT_FOUND": "<yellow>Item not found: {0}",
"WITHOUT_BED": "<yellow>You do not have a bed to teleport to.",
"TELEPORTED_BED": "You were teleported to your bed.",
"CANNOT_TELEPORT_DRIVING": "<yellow>You cannot teleport while being in a vehicle.",
"TELEPORT_DELAY": "<blue>You will be teleported in {0} seconds.",
"USE_COOLDOWN": "<yellow>Wait {0} seconds to use it again.",
"TELEPORT_CANCELLED_MOVED": "<yellow>Teleport cancelled because you moved.",
"KIT_ALREADY_EXIST": "<yellow>There is already a kit named '{0}'.",
"DELETED_KIT": "<magenta>You deleted the '{0}' kit.",
"RESPAWNED_ITEMS": "<cyan>Successfully respawned all items!",
"RESPAWNED_VEHICLES": "<cyan>Successfully respawned all vehicles!",
"DROPKIT_SENDER": "Dropped kit '{0}' at your position.",
"DROPKIT_PLAYER": "Dropped kit '{0}' at '{1}' position.",
"DROPKIT_LOCATION": "Dropped kit '{0}' at (x: {1:0.00}, y: {2:0.00}, z: {3:0.00})",
"RECEIVED_VEHICLE": "You received a {0} ({1})",
"GIVEN_VEHICLE": "You gave a {0} ({1}) to '{2}'",
"GIVEN_VEHICLE_ALL": "You gave a {0} ({1}) to all players.",
"KILL_ALL": "You killed everyone!",
"WARP_ALREADY_EXISTS": "<yellow>A warp with this name already exists.",
"KIT_NO_MONEY": "You must have at least ({0}$) to use this kit.",
"KIT_PAID": "You have paid ({0}$) for using this kit.",
"COMMAND_NO_MONEY": "You must have at least ({0}$) to use this command.",
"COMMAND_PAID": "You have paid ({0}$) for using this command.",
"NUMBER_BETWEEN": "<yellow>The given number must be between {0} and {1}",
"INVALID_SKILL": "<yellow>Invalid skill: {0}",
"SKILL_SET": "The level of your skill '{0}' was set to {1}",
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